Regarding homosexuality I believe it is prudent to recognize certain facts based on the evidence available:
1. Persons can have UNWANTED sexual desires that deviate from the majority norm. Homosexuality, bestiality and fetishes are all example.
2. Some people erroneously claim that children are sexualized from an early age. Nonetheless, this has been refuted.
3. Those who promote homosexuality as innate IGNORE relevant studies regarding child psychology that show the fragile state of children that can be influenced by social factors.
4. Plethoras of studies funded by the US government has shown for many teenager homosexuality is fluid and over time the subjects of these massive surveys gravitate toward exclusive OSA. (opposite sex attraction) In fact there are more ex homosexuals alive than homosexuals.
Taking these factor into account it is relevant as a Christian to turn to Scripture to fill in the rest of the picture. The Bible clearly tells us the arrogant are prone to SSA (same sex attraction) and in fact is shown in the Sodom narrative. Also, from the studies I mentioned there is a small group of homosexuals (<2% I believe of the total population) that resist change and I think it is only logical they are classified as resisting God.
Regarding the aforementioned group of individuals that have unwanted SSA that change to OSA over time it is clear these are not the same individuals that have issues with arrogance but those that have been influenced in their early formative years and have become confused and ceded to societal pressure. It is relevant to note in Scripture that Jesus tells us to protect children from being misled with very dangerous consequences if we do because He is quite aware of their ability to be misled and confused, after all He understand God's creation. Unfortunately, the US is doing the exact opposite of what Scripture and science tell us to do, and worse millions of Christians support this.