September at TOL.


New member
thank you. I like that picture because I remember at the time it was like everyone else in the room had just disappeared...


although one person who looked at the photo said it looked more like a head-butt than a romantic first dance.





Eight years of being contentedly married. And 12 years of being contentedly bisexual.

Good on you for bringing up the fact that one does not negate the other. People like us can happily share stories about our straight mate... but there's no need to stop celebrating the hot pants and honesty either. ;)


The Dark Knight
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The talking wiht your mouth full comment: :darwinsm:


New member

Good on you for bringing up the fact that one does not negate the other.

True enough. It's pretty easy for bi people to just blend into the standard social fabric if they're not in a same sex relationship, but it's also rather dishonest unless they want to/are able to disavow the whole thing and choose instead to identify as straight. In which case, fine. However what often happens is that they aren't honest with their partner about their sexuality and they may end up cheating on them.

Honesty is best, whether someone is in an open relationship or not. In my case, I was honest with my wife about my sexuality before we ever dated and I also chose to take my marriage vows seriously. Not simply because I gave my word but also because I love my wife and it's immoral and unkind to selfishly hurt anyone, particularly someone you love.

I was bisexual for more than 12 years, obviously. It's just that it was 12 years ago that I was willing to admit to myself who I was. Before that I was a highly closeted and badly conflicted person. Once I was willing to accept the truth of who I am, it ceased to be such a great big deal and burden, and I was able to get on with my life. Honesty and responsibility is definitely the best policy.

Actually, you and Flip had an entire year. The bicentennial!

Ha! They don't come around often enough though.


New member
Originally posted by elohiym

Actually, you and Flip had an entire year. The bicentennial! :D


Nicely done. :)

I should point out that my area celebrated Australia's bicentennial by building a giant playground, with all the playground equipment scaled up to adult size. Appropriate, no?


New member

True enough. It's pretty easy for bi people to just blend into the standard social fabric if they're not in a same sex relationship, but it's also rather dishonest unless they want to/are able to disavow the whole thing and choose instead to identify as straight. In which case, fine. However what often happens is that they aren't honest with their partner about their sexuality and they may end up cheating on them.

It depends on your interpretation. I'd never lie to a partner about my sexuality. I honestly don't understand how people can. But they obviously do... I guess they're dealing with things I can't understand, although that doesn't excuse their actions.

But I digress.

It depends on how you interpret your sexuality. My partner and I are both happily bisexual, but we consider ourselves to be in a heterosexual relationship. Doesn't change the fact that we ourselves are not heterosexual. *shrug* It's just a label for a specific dynamic.

Honesty is best, whether someone is in an open relationship or not.

Quite. :)

In my case, I was honest with my wife about my sexuality before we ever dated and I also chose to take my marriage vows seriously. Not simply because I gave my word but also because I love my wife and it's immoral and unkind to selfishly hurt anyone, particularly someone you love.

Very true, and all something I can empathise with. I would never breach the boundaries of a monogamous relationship.

I was bisexual for more than 12 years, obviously. It's just that it was 12 years ago that I was willing to admit to myself who I was. Before that I was a highly closeted and badly conflicted person. Once I was willing to accept the truth of who I am, it ceased to be such a great big deal and burden, and I was able to get on with my life. Honesty and responsibility is definitely the best policy.

It's a journey... I remember when you didn't want to come out to TOL. :)

But you're right... honesty is always the best policy.

Now I think we should stop hijacking their "straight pride" thread with all our happy bisexual joy before a vengeful heterosexual moderator makes with the smite button. *grin*

My apologies for the diversion... viva la mois hétérosexuel de fierté!


New member
You could use the image in my avatar.

No offense, lighthouse, but your avatar seems to miss the point. It's "anti-gay", rather than "pro-straight".

See how everyone else has chosen images that make you go "Awww, happy straight people" as opposed to "Yeah! Being gay is wrong!"?


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by lighthouse

We should have a parade.

On my birthday!

There's one going on here. We'll need to march again on your birthday. You need to get a smilie before then so that you can march too! :D

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by Lucky

Lion suggested The Flood. :up:
Lucky, I really like your avatar. I looked and looked for a good pic of the flood but the best I could come up with is the one I have now. But your's is very cool. I especially like the way the boat is in action and the colors are great.

I'm getting jealous... :(