September at TOL.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thank you so much, cattyfan! I now forgive you for using that "Catwoman" avatar, a few months back.


Active member
I just thank God he did not use one with Margot Kidder in it! I hear the girl they are using for Lois this season in Smallville is an improvement over past Lois incarnations. Not that I watch that, or own the first two seasons on DVD, or anything...


Thank you so much, cattyfan! I now forgive you for using that "Catwoman" avatar, a few months back.

I've been redeemed! :D (and you're very welcome.)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I agree about Margot Kidder. She wasn't the best looking Lois, ever. But the things they're doing to the Superman mythos with Smallville can make a grown man cry. Of course, we can talk about that in another thread.


I agree about Margot Kidder. She wasn't the best looking Lois, ever

it was never so much her looks that bothered me. There is just something about her that screams "low class." That's not a trait I associate with Lois Lane.

I had a one-on-one interview with Christopher Reeve a few years ago. He is class personified, even in his wheelchair.


Active member
Originally posted by cattyfan

it was never so much her looks that bothered me. There is just something about her that screams "low class." That's not a trait I associate with Lois Lane.

I had a one-on-one interview with Christopher Reeve a few years ago. He is class personified, even in his wheelchair.

YOU WHAT!?!!? Frankly, that makes you the coolest person here, hands down. WOW! :thumb:


Originally posted by lighthouse

I agree about Margot Kidder. She wasn't the best looking Lois, ever. But the things they're doing to the Superman mythos with Smallville can make a grown man cry. Of course, we can talk about that in another thread.

Nice avatar, Lighthouse.

You look good in a dress!:freak:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by cattyfan
I had a one-on-one interview with Christopher Reeve a few years ago. He is class personified, even in his wheelchair.
Hmmmm... :think: isn't he the guy fighting to use murdered baby parts for scientific research?


Well-known member
Originally posted by Knight

Hmmmm... :think: isn't he the guy fighting to use murdered baby parts for scientific research?
According to this article, he is quite vocal in his support. :down:


Active member
Yes, he has some really bad ideas about that. Still, he was the greatest of the Supermen. Perhaps if he were to get saved...


Well-known member
Originally posted by Lovejoy

Yes, he has some really bad ideas about that. Still, he was the greatest of the Supermen. Perhaps if he were to get saved...
Just a thought...If he ends up at the resurrection of the wicked, I'm sure none of us could bear to imagine him as Superman ever again.

This is one of the advantages to comic books, not having a temporal mortal actor attached to timeless art.


Originally posted by Knight

Hmmmm... isn't he the guy fighting to use murdered baby parts for scientific research?


Yes, unfortunately. I didn't know that when I interviewed him, and at the time it, sad to say, would not have affected me the same way it does now.

We had a lengthy conversation about how his accident has changed his career, his move to directing (he had just directed a remake of "Rear Window" for T.V.,) and the proposed changes to make horse jumping safer. ( he didn't support them...he said the problem isn't in the equipment, which was what the proposal was in regard to. The problem, he said, was in the training. he also chuckled and said he doesn't blame the horse.) It was a fascinating interview...easily one of the most interesting I've ever gotten to do.

He visited Rockford (where I was living and working) for a fundraiser and he granted two interviews: one T.V. and one radio. I was blessed to get the radio interview.