Originally Posted by MichaelCadry View Post
God is greater than His Son, but they are basically equal,
Greater and equal are not the same, friend.
Originally Posted by MichaelCadry View Post
God is greater than His Son, but they are basically equal,
Greater and equal are not the same, friend.
does this matter?
Meshak , Do you confess with your mouth and Heart that The Lord Jesus Christ lived, died and was raised the third Day By the Almighty Creator?
Yes it does, since trins use it to make their doctrine is correct, and have been persecuting their enemy.
Of course I do. No non-trins do not do it, friend. None trins are more faithful and loyal to Jesus than trins, I can assure you. Most non-trins I know are not lip servers.
Only God knows your heart..if you speak true Jesus promises you are saved.
if you make it there first tell Him I love Him.
Yes it does, since trins use it to make their doctrine is correct, and have been persecuting their enemy.
Of course I do. No non-trins do not do it, friend. None trins are more faithful and loyal to Jesus than trins, I can assure you. Most non-trins I know are not lip servers.
This is the only one that you seem to learn about Christianity since you have joined in this site. that is still big change. I hope you keep learning and strive to be loyal and faithful to your Lord Jesus, brother. Reading His word is the only way to do, not from anyone else.
there is a lot more to it than just believe. Jesus says if you love Me keep my commands.
Jesus does not approve of lip servers. You need to keep reading His word, brother. You still missing a whole lot. What I have been saying is all in His word.
there is a lot more to it than just believe. Jesus says if you love Me keep my commands.
Jesus does not approve of lip servers. You need to keep reading His word, brother. You still missing a whole lot. What I have been saying is all in His word.
I don't need lessons on accepting false religions and cults
- mainly because I won't accept them.
I assume there's a reason why the Book of Mormon, the New World Translation, Ellen G. White's writings, and other cult materials aren't posted here.
We don't even have the Holy Bible posted here, so why the urantia papers?
Remember, this is a Christian forum.
I don't see anyone offering you such lessons. - 'get over yourself'. (that's the hurdle).
Surprise :noid:
These have been discussed here and can freely be discussed by anyone (in creating threads on the subjects) since they ARE 'religious' subjects. Remember this is a 'Theology' forum. There is a special 'Exclusive Christian Theology' section for you, if you want pamper yourself with 'exclusivity'.
I don't follow,....there are tons more threads about the Bible, various aspects of Christian theology, etc. than merely one lone ranger thread on the Urantia Book. The UB is hardly a threat to those oblivious to its epochal significance or revelatory value, since the more open minded religionist can value/accept many of its principles and greater cosmological vision while keeping to their own respective denomination or traditionial Christian overly, while others fight, demean and attempt to derail it as a work of satan or religious fiction, while their own 'religion' could equally be challenged as mere 'mythology', human invention invested with so much 'faith', however 'blind' or 'misguided'.
This is a Theology forum FIRST, - it goes without saying that its 'christian' based and motivated in its underlying intention and ultimatum. This BIAS is clearly stated by Knight, yet he has managed to intelligently and respectfully allow all persons (regardless of religion, class, gender-identity, race, non-belief or whatever) to participate on the network, in the appropriate forums, for inspiring 'discussion'.
You might want to re-member that
I give you kudos for your 'pen-name', and encourage that you 'journey' more often outside the box. 'God' is INFINITE.
This is a Theology forum FIRST, -
Right, the study of God. And the Lord Jesus Christ is God.
Originally Posted by Nick M View Post
Right, the study of God. And the Lord Jesus Christ is God.
Right, the study of God.
And the Lord Jesus Christ is God.
Freelight, never wrestle with a pig, you will both get dirty but the pig will enjoy it. You are in a class far above these swine.
If this were the year 25 and Jesus joined TOL, these same people would cower behind the letter of OT scripture, or the churches man made Law, in an attempt to withstand the spirit of the Gospel.
Jesus was, in effect, a heretic as that artificial crime is defined by the institution that hijacked the gospel.
there is a lot more to it than just believe. Jesus says if you love Me keep my commands.
Jesus does not approve of lip servers. You need to keep reading His word, brother. You still missing a whole lot. What I have been saying is all in His word.