Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I would go one step further and tell them to go post their garbage elsewhere. There are young people, new Christians, and people thinking about becoming Christians who are reading here. Why would anyone want the cult and false religion folks competing for their hearts and minds?

Good point! However, I really don't think that will be enforced! TOL
allows posters freedoms that other forums do not! Some forums
are way too strict, and won't let you speak your mind, without
banning you! TOL is the best forum, I've been on!


Eclectic Theosophist
Wake up......

Wake up......

I would go one step further and tell them to go post their garbage elsewhere. There are young people, new Christians, and people thinking about becoming Christians who are reading here. Why would anyone want the cult and false religion folks competing for their hearts and minds?

Those who are liberal free thinkers and individualists of a theistic or non-theistic perspective make this thread more engaging, interesting and pro-active, as far as 'creative dialogue' goes. It also gives a chance for 'apologists' to give their best shot to us liberals, to fine tune their debating skills, and provides an opportunity for an education for all on a variety of 'theological' topics. That's what this forum is about. We are all free to speak our hearts and minds in those sections appropriate, as long as we follow TOL guidelines.

There is an Exclusive Christian Theology section here if that makes you feel more comfortable.

I think you under-estimate prospectful God gave them a mind of their own, to make their own decisions about what kind of 'theology' or 'philosophy' they will adapt at any point along the journey. One isn't born into a 'bubble' or a 'vacuum', but is introduced to the entire world and its cultures, - they are thrust into an matrix of various schools and branches of knowledge. This is an information Age. If you want to empower people you have to allow them to research and discover truth for themselves, to use their own intellectual powers and faculties of spiritual discernment, giving them the tools necessary to unfold their true potential and purpose.



New member
Those who are liberal free thinkers and individualists of a theistic or non-theistic perspective make this thread more engaging, interesting and pro-active, as far as 'creative dialogue' goes. It also gives a chance for 'apologists' to give their best shot to us liberals, to fine tune their debating skills, and provides an opportunity for an education for all on a variety of 'theological' topics. That's what this forum is about. We are all free to speak our hearts and minds in those sections appropriate, as long as we follow TOL guidelines.

There is an Exclusive Christian Theology section here if that makes you feel more comfortable.

I think you under-estimate prospectful God gave them a mind of their own, to make their own decisions about what kind of 'theology' or 'philosophy' they will adapt at any point along the journey. One isn't born into a 'bubble' or a 'vacuum', but is introduced to the entire world and its cultures, - they are thrust into an matrix of various schools and branches of knowledge. This is an information Age. If you want to empower people you have to allow them to research and discover truth for themselves, to use their own intellectual powers and faculties of spiritual discernment, giving them the tools necessary to unfold their true potential and purpose.


Translation - this is stuff that really doesn't belong on a Christian forum.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Do you know that the politics don't belong to Christian forum? yet there are tons of political threads in this site.

Hypocrite.....start any threads about other people's business lately?


Eclectic Theosophist


Translation - this is stuff that really doesn't belong on a Christian forum.

Excuse me, this is a 'theology' discussion-board which allows anyone to post in those forums which are appropriate to their subject-heading, as long as they abide by the rules. Knight is cool enough to allow this, making this a truly versatile, global network-forum, providing a 'universal-platform' for sharing everything related to 'Theology', and Politics and so many other subjects. Get over yourself.



Eclectic Theosophist
going beyond......

going beyond......

Insert Rod Serling impression above! For dramatic effect!

If you expanded beyond your 'religious box', you might understand some of the terminology, metaphysically/philosophically speaking. Come on,.....get out a little.




Dear freelight,

Don't let intojoy or journey get to you. They are often way off course. I've been through it. This TOL site is for people to share their beliefs and experiences, which makes it most likely the best theological website available period!! I know that you get plenty of LOVE from GOD!!

God Be With You Intensely!!



Dear choleric,

I believe in the Trinity and I also know that God loves those who don't know yet. I have A LOT of close friends who don't live up to your idea of satisfying, so lighten up some. Once the Holy Ghost visits them, then they will know also. Of course, there is a Trinity. God is greater than His Son, but they are basically equal, for His Father taught His Son Well. But know there is something greater than even Jesus and He tells us about this in Matt. 12:31. That is the Holy Spirit. He says say what you want to about Him (Jesus), but whosoever blasphemes the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven in this world, neither in the world to come. But until then:

Souls Grow At Their Own Pace. God Granted Us That Thank You!



Dear Grosnick,

I know what freelight posts is not exactly what you want to hear, and it is often difficult to understand, but his language is a bit different, just like say Spanish. His beliefs include leaning towards Hindu. I am aware that his writings are hard to understand sometimes, but if you put effort to understand what he is saying, you would find out that he does believe in Jesus as the Messiah, and he believes in God and loves them both. So what? Do you want to be the one to take that from him??

Into The Light!!



New member
Excuse me, this is a 'theology' discussion-board which allows anyone to post in those forums which are appropriate to their subject-heading, as long as they abide by the rules. Knight is cool enough to allow this, making this a truly versatile, global network-forum, providing a 'universal-platform' for sharing everything related to 'Theology', and Politics and so many other subjects. Get over yourself.


I don't need lessons on accepting false religions and cults - mainly because I won't accept them. I assume there's a reason why the Book of Mormon, the New World Translation, Ellen G. White's writings, and other cult materials aren't posted here. We don't even have the Holy Bible posted here, so why the urantia papers? Remember, this is a Christian forum.


New member
I don't need lessons on accepting false religions and cults - mainly because I won't accept them.

No one is asking you to. That some opinion is shared on a public forum is not a requirement or a compulsion that it be accepted, anymore than you sharing your opinion compels us to accept yours.


How are they basically equal if God is the head of Christ? This means Jesus Christ is a man under authority just like the rest of us.

God's Spirit created Jesus' Spirit BEFORE Jesus ever came down to Earth as a man, born to a virgin named Mary. Jesus was up in heaven living long before He was born on Earth. I hope that does the trick for you, without me having to repeat even more of what I've said.






Dear meshak,

I don't know what is so hard to believe for everyone. Once more, I will explain. God and Jesus are like two Identical glasses/vessels Who are filled with almost the same amount of wine. The one with the bit more wine is God. The other glass is Jesus. So they are basically the same, but different. Do you all finally understand. Why would Jesus pray to His Father in the garden before the Romans took Him away, if He was God, He would not pray to Himself. C'mon!!


