Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


New member
It is because they don't honor Jesus' teachings. Mainstreamers ostracize everyone who strive to be faithful and obedient to Jesus by saying your works cannot save you..

Jesus commands His followers to be faithful to His teachings.

If by that you mean to treat others the way I want to be treated; i.e. be decent to other folk and try to live as honestly and generously as I can, then I'm with you.


If by that you mean to treat others the way I want to be treated; i.e. be decent to other folk and try to live as honestly and generously as I can, then I'm with you.

There are many things Jesus teach. You need to read His word. Most people are offended by His standards. That's why His teachings are watered down by most churches.

Jesus commands us to love your enemy too. Do you think you can follow this standard?

Jesus has super high sexual standards too. do you think you like it?

Jesus commands us to be holy and perfect. do you like that?


New member
There are many things Jesus teach. You need to read His word. Most people are offended by His standards. That's why His teachings are watered down by most churches.

Jesus commands us to love your enemy too. Do you think you can follow this standard?

I love most people. I get angry with people who hurt me or act stupid, but I rarely, if ever, hold a grudge.

Jesus has super high sexual standards too. do you think you like it?

I'm pretty asexual, actually. But technically, a lesbian. I suppose Jesus has a problem with that.

Jesus commands us to be holy and perfect. do you like that?

No clue what is meant by holy, but no one's perfect. Expectations of perfection are wholly unrealistic.


I love most people. I get angry with people who hurt me or act stupid, but I rarely, if ever, hold a grudge.

Good for you. How about not so friendly people? Jesus commands us to love them too.

I'm pretty asexual, actually. But technically, a lesbian. I suppose Jesus has a problem with that.

Yes, He does. Gay practice is not Jesus' standard.

No clue what is meant by holy, but no one's perfect. Expectations of perfection are wholly unrealistic.

Jesus says with God, nothing is impossible. Jesus gives us power to be perfect if we are willing. Holiness is pureness. Jesus says if we look at woman lustfully, we are committing adultery.

You see, you already don't like Jesus' standards. Most churchgoers agree with you. that's why they are no different from the secular people.

If we don't like Jesus' standards, we should not claim to be His followers or Christians.


Well, I don't claim to be his follower, so I guess we're good. I do however, like Jesus better than most of his followers.


Why do you complain about them since you don't care what Jesus teaches?

My alcoholic brother says he likes Jesus but he does not like to follow.


Please welcome jamie to the list:

I was able to find some cached pages online of the list. Not sure when I last updated it, but I found this one from 7/16/12. Again, let me know if I am missing someone.

Here is the list as of 10/15/13:

The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)

1) Keypurr

2) Pierac

3) csuguy

4) adopted son 77

5) Paul McNabb (Mormon)

6) Seydlitz77 (Mormon)

7) Martin.Harris (Mormon)

8) Elected4ever

9) Squeaky

10) Aner

11) Lazy Afternoon

12) truebeliever7

13) jerzy

14) krystyna

15) Krsto

16) Oatmeal

17) meshak

18) jamie

Religious Zealots (saved by works crowd):

1) Rightglory

2) Spitfire

3) Evoken

4) chrysostom

5) rbdeli

6) RC_Eagle

7) The Reverent One

8) annabenedetti

9) The Barbarian

10) patricius79

11) Yahushuan

12) IXOYE - makes salvation and born again two separate events

13) graceandpeace - makes salvation and born again two separate events

14) Cruciform

15) Truthsetsfree

16) genuineoriginal "Salvation is given only to those who merit it by pleasing God"

The 'Paul is a godless liar' crowd (Ebionites) (**this crowd also believes works are necessary for salvation)

1) Glenda (Glenda also denies the deity of Christ, she is trying to get to the bottom of the Lake of Fire)

2) jeremysdemo


1) Freelight (spiritualist/universalist)

If you are on this list and you repent of your heresy, or if you find my categorization of your beliefs is in error, just post and let us know.

If you feel someone needs to be added to the list, either post or PM me. In order to speed things along, if you can post a link to one of the offending party's posts reflecting their heresy, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, a person must have a decent amount of posts and have been around for a few months at least to be considered for the list. I don't want to throw every one post wonder who wanders through here onto the list. After all, this is TOL's list and if the person isn't a regular visitor, they don't make the cut.

Thanks for any help or feedback.




Hall of Fame
I love most people. I get angry with people who hurt me or act stupid, but I rarely, if ever, hold a grudge.

Good for you. It's much harder to turn the other cheek.

I'm pretty asexual, actually. But technically, a lesbian. I suppose Jesus has a problem with that.

Uh oh. You just said the "L" word. Good luck.

No clue what is meant by holy, but no one's perfect. Expectations of perfection are wholly unrealistic.

Uh oh. You just suggested that Meshak is not perfect. Prepare for an eyeful (as in tons of raging responses) prior to her putting you on her ignore list.


Originally Posted by Angel4Truth View Post
Why do you denigrate your own family all the time and air their dirty laundry? Its shameful. Love protects, you lack love.

I have been protecting my family. I love my family the same way Jesus wants me to.

If you understand Jesus' love, you understating He commands you to love your enemy. You don't just love your own country or your own family and friends.

You see your kind of love is no different from the world.


Hall of Fame
I have been protecting my family. I love my family the same way Jesus wants me to.

No. You really don't. Do you realize that if your son or daughter were to ever join TOL, we already know personal info about them that they may not wish to discuss.

As a mother, I simply cannot understand why you consistently badmouth your children to a bunch of strangers. Shame on you.


New member
I'm pretty asexual, actually. But technically, a lesbian. I suppose Jesus has a problem with that.

Jesus is not judging unbelievers and he has no problem with you being a lesbian. Jesus is judging those in his church so don't become a believer and be involved in fornication. Then he would have to judge you and the assembly would be required to judge you.


Jesus is not judging unbelievers and he has no problem with you being a lesbian. Jesus is judging those in his church so don't become a believer and be involved in fornication. Then he would have to judge you and the assembly would be required to judge you.

good advice, sister:)


New member
Jesus is not judging unbelievers and he has no problem with you being a lesbian. Jesus is judging those in his church so don't become a believer and be involved in fornication. Then he would have to judge you and the assembly would be required to judge you.

Um.... OK. I'll be sure to steer clear of belief then :)


Um.... OK. I'll be sure to steer clear of belief then :)

If you do not like Jesus' high standards, Christianity is not for you, friend.

I have been saying to my people in Okinawa, Jesus teaches us to be godly. I don't even talk about salvation.

We will have salvation if we strive to be like Jesus.

Jesus does not approve of ungodly practice.


New member
Hall of Fame
No. You really don't. Do you realize that if your son or daughter were to ever join TOL, we already know personal info about them that they may not wish to discuss.

As a mother, I simply cannot understand why you consistently badmouth your children to a bunch of strangers. Shame on you.



New member
Hall of Fame
I have been protecting my family. I love my family the same way Jesus wants me to.

If you understand Jesus' love, you understating He commands you to love your enemy. You don't just love your own country or your own family and friends.

You see your kind of love is no different from the world.

What you call love is not what Jesus would have you do.


New member
So it is ok for you to judge me as judgmental just because I don't serve Jesus the way you do?

If you read judgment in my post I offer you the sincerest of apologies and ask God's forgiveness because only Yeshua has the right to judgment. If, however, you feel conviction from my post, that is not my doing and I can not apologize for it...nor will I.