Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


Eclectic Theosophist
the main essential......

the main essential......


"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"



Well-known member
You are telling me your opinion, your twisting of the scriptures.

I can read Exodus 7:1 and John 10:34-35 and understand it without your "help"

Those verses and most versed are simple enough

The word "god" does not point to one particular being. It is a title of distinction, of power and authority, whether godly or not, whether genuine or not.

If "god" always meant "the God" then "god" in "false gods" would have to imply that the God is false

Open up your eyes
Is your doctrine picked, isolated, and chosen by you? (Yes it is) Mine isn't. I don't believe the triune view upon a whim. I wanted others to check my work.

Now, after seminary, I don't do theology at an amature level and would be ashamed to do so. God and His scriptures are no play toy for amatures.

This is essentially the point I'm making 1) that you came to this by yourself instead of with a group of believers as it should be done 2) that such has no way to ensure its true (it is upon your own whim alone) and 3) that it looks very much like you never went to school for it to know the difference.

Put a child's drawing up against that of a professional artist: No comparison. We don't commission amatures to do presidential portraits.

As I said and repeat: It does little good arguing with a man happy with his/her own isolated shabby work.

God's Truth

New member
You're on the wrong side of the cross.
I am not on either side of the cross. I am in Jesus.
Repentance is TOWARD GOD....not FROM SIN. Why? Because Jesus took care of sin on the Cross.
I have given you scriptures that PLAINLY and CLEARY explain that repenting is from sin.

Repentance TOWARD GOD means, quite simply, we TURN TO GOD. Turn from our unbelief to BELIEF. This is not rocket science, GT....any child can tell the difference between "FROM" and "TOWARD". Repentance is a change of mind....we turn toward God and BELIEVE.

Acts 20:21
Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Repentance toward God is repentance to God.

God's Truth

New member
The SCHOOLMASTER is "in" you? I knew something was in you, but you certainly didn't spend enough time learning your lesson if you're going to make a statement like that. :nono:

Galatians 3:24
Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Galatians 3:25
But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.​

That is right, the school master is in me.

John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

God's Truth

New member
You said, I quote:
"Jesus did a miracle through the power of the Holy Spirit..."
Jesus worked thru the power of the Holy Spirit. Yet you also said elsewhere that the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same, too. Now, is Jesus and the Holy Spirit both working? Or did Jesus work thru the power of the Holy Spirit? Which is it? Do they not both have power? Are they not both God? Why would Jesus need to reference the Holy Spirit (God) if it was ultimately Jesus who is God?
Jesus is God come as a Man.
Is Jesus and God all that different?
Jesus is God come as a Son of Man.
So God was testifying to Jesus who is God? Which is it?
Where do you get that God was testifying “to” Jesus?
God testified to all that what Jesus and the apostles said was true.

Hebrews 2:4 God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.

Acts 14:3
So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.
Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is God. So Jesus who is God did the miracles thru the Holy Spirit who is God.
They are all the same. God did the miracles. Jesus did the miracles. The Holy Spirit did the miracles.
But Jesus is able to cast out and do things, too. Right? If someone calls Jesus evil for casting out a devil, how is that any different? I thought Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both God.
Just think about it harder.
Yes, absolutely. The Father, the Word (i.e. the Son), and the Holy Spirit all make up one God. They each can dwell within one another and they all exist in harmony as one God. They are not three separate gods but they exist as one God together. These three that bear record in Heaven all are one God. If they were not three, then they could not bear record in Heaven as three. Do you get it?
There is only One God, and He is the Father.
That is what the scriptures say.

1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father,

Jesus is God come as a Son of Man, a Son of God.
That tells us that Jesus is God, and then must be the Father, because there is only One God, and He is the Father.
There are variations of those who believe in the Trinity or the Godhead. Just because someone had written down an official creed does not mean I have to adhere to it. That person is infallible and was just a man. I go by what the Scriptures say; And the Scriptures clearly teach the Trinity.
The word trinity is not even in the Bible. You use a word men in falseness made up, and they made a doctrine with a definition that is not right. If you do not believe in the trinity doctrine as stated, then you should not say you are a trinitarian.
I believe within the Trinity or the Godhead that all three persons exist in being as one God and they each have the capacity to dwell within each other and yet also remain distinctive within their unity.
What you believe does not make sense. You are saying the three are God but our different. That makes three different Gods. There are not three different Gods. There are three and the three are One and the same God.
In other words, why would Jesus say that the Father dwells within Him if Jesus was the Father? Why would Jesus say He does the will of His Father if He was the Father? Is Jesus schizophrenic? They are all one Spirit and one God who consist in being as three different persons.
God is light. Jesus is light in God, and God is light in Jesus.
We are children of the light. We are light in the Lord.

Ephesians 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
In a manner of speaking because they all dwell within each other, you are seeing all three persons of the Godhead whether the Son makes an appearance, or the Father makes an appearance or whether the Holy Spirit is sent to indwell a believer. For the fulness of the Godhead dwelled within Christ bodily. This means that the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit all indwelled the physical body of Jesus Christ. The word Godhead is not in reference to divinity. It is in reference to how we would use that word today; For example: the board of directors is currently the corporate head of our company, or joe and jenny are the head of the household, etc.

For there are many references of the Father and the Holy Spirit and the Son of God and the Word, etc. Why the distinctions? Yes, I believe they are all one God. But each of the persons in the Godhead has their distinction within the unity of our Lord, too.
There are no distinctions. Distinctions mean differences. They are the same. If they are different, then there are three different Gods. If they are different, then God did not come in the flesh. Jesus is God in the flesh.
I mean, we are made in God's image. So if God is triune, then it would make sense that we would be triune, too. In fact, the Scriptures say we have a physical body, a spirit body, and a soul.
We are only triune when the Holy Spirit lives in us.
These three all function and breath together as one person and yet there are distinctions of three that make up our being, though. In other words, the physical body, spirit body, and soul are not smashed beyond recognition so that there is no more distinction anymore. When the physical body dies, there is then the spirit body. Do you see where I am coming from?
We are our spirit. Our spirit lives on after the death of our physical body. When our spirit lives on, it looks like we look, only as a spirit. It feels (as in emotions), and thinks and sounds like us, except without a physical body.
I see where you are coming from; however, I think that you should not write off what I am saying. Think about it longer.


Well-known member
Is your doctrine picked, isolated, and chosen by you? (Yes it is) Mine isn't. I don't believe the triune view upon a whim. I wanted others to check my work.

Now, after seminary, I don't do theology at an amature level and would be ashamed to do so. God and His scriptures are no play toy for amatures.

This is essentially the point I'm making 1) that you came to this by yourself instead of with a group of believers as it should be done 2) that such has no way to ensure its true (it is upon your own whim alone) and 3) that it looks very much like you never went to school for it to know the difference.

Put a child's drawing up against that of a professional artist: No comparison. We don't commission amatures to do presidential portraits.

As I said and repeat: It does little good arguing with a man happy with his/her own isolated shabby work.

I know what it is to rightly divide the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15

Exodus 7:1 is God's word.

John 10:34-35 is what God had Jesus say and what God had John write down

When you start believing scripture is God's word, then you will start to learn something.


Oatmeal you need to dump some honey in your bowl to sweeten up.

I knew a guy once couldn't spell, he wrote to a girl at school he liked and addressed her as sweatheart.


Well-known member
Oatmeal you need to dump some honey in your bowl to sweeten up.

I knew a guy once couldn't spell, he wrote to a girl at school he liked and addressed her as sweatheart.

Thanks for your advice

oatmeal / fiber for the constipated mind


Please welcome jamie to the list:

I was able to find some cached pages online of the list. Not sure when I last updated it, but I found this one from 7/16/12. Again, let me know if I am missing someone.

Here is the list as of 10/15/13:

The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)

1) Keypurr

2) Pierac

3) csuguy

4) adopted son 77

5) Paul McNabb (Mormon)

6) Seydlitz77 (Mormon)

7) Martin.Harris (Mormon)

8) Elected4ever

9) Squeaky

10) Aner

11) Lazy Afternoon

12) truebeliever7

13) jerzy

14) krystyna

15) Krsto

16) Oatmeal

17) meshak

18) jamie

Religious Zealots (saved by works crowd):

1) Rightglory

2) Spitfire

3) Evoken

4) chrysostom

5) rbdeli

6) RC_Eagle

7) The Reverent One

8) annabenedetti

9) The Barbarian

10) patricius79

11) Yahushuan

12) IXOYE - makes salvation and born again two separate events

13) graceandpeace - makes salvation and born again two separate events

14) Cruciform

15) Truthsetsfree

16) genuineoriginal "Salvation is given only to those who merit it by pleasing God"

The 'Paul is a godless liar' crowd (Ebionites) (**this crowd also believes works are necessary for salvation)

1) Glenda (Glenda also denies the deity of Christ, she is trying to get to the bottom of the Lake of Fire)

2) jeremysdemo


1) Freelight (spiritualist/universalist)

If you are on this list and you repent of your heresy, or if you find my categorization of your beliefs is in error, just post and let us know.

If you feel someone needs to be added to the list, either post or PM me. In order to speed things along, if you can post a link to one of the offending party's posts reflecting their heresy, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, a person must have a decent amount of posts and have been around for a few months at least to be considered for the list. I don't want to throw every one post wonder who wanders through here onto the list. After all, this is TOL's list and if the person isn't a regular visitor, they don't make the cut.

Thanks for any help or feedback.



Pray for the peace of Jerusalem



I did not choose to grow a beard.

Growing a beard is genetic.

When and how often and how close to shave is not genetic, it is choice.

Have you used a straight razor? I like the Japanese feather brand. It makes shaving fun

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem


New member
Wow... I'm still only # 2 after how many years? How depressing! :doh:

So... :think:
Why should you think this would bother me... a fellow Christian? You don't get what Jesus was teaching you.... do you... :doh:

If they reject me... they will reject you...

sux's to be you! At least I'm the rejected #2 !!! :chuckle:


Lazy afternoon

Is your doctrine picked, isolated, and chosen by you? (Yes it is) Mine isn't. I don't believe the triune view upon a whim. I wanted others to check my work.

Now, after seminary, I don't do theology at an amature level and would be ashamed to do so. God and His scriptures are no play toy for amatures.

This is essentially the point I'm making 1) that you came to this by yourself instead of with a group of believers as it should be done 2) that such has no way to ensure its true (it is upon your own whim alone) and 3) that it looks very much like you never went to school for it to know the difference.

Put a child's drawing up against that of a professional artist: No comparison. We don't commission amatures to do presidential portraits.

As I said and repeat: It does little good arguing with a man happy with his/her own isolated shabby work.

You should try living with Jesus for a change..
