Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
What is wrong with you? You said repent is NOT from sins, but rather a changing of one's mind towards God.

I have proven that repent means to stop sinning.

Do try to is repent, turn to God...that your sins may be wiped out.

Did you repent? did you turn to Him.....well then your sins should be wiped out.

But you are still fussing with them, you and Jason, so we have to wonder if they have been.

You and Jason are really only advertising that you have a problem still with sin...resolve it.


No. How in the world do you get that?

Just checking what you believe. I do not know the full range or scope of your beliefs.

I explained the distinction. The distinction is that the Holy Spirit is the evidence of God. If someone blasphemies God, or Jesus, they will be forgiven, but not when they blasphemy the Holy Spirit, whom is the evidence of God.

How is the evidence of God and God any different? Is there proof in your mind that the Holy Spirit is a reference to the evidence of God and is not a person with a distinctive mind, will, and purpose within the Godhead?

You do not know your trinity doctrine. The trinity doctrine says the Spirit of God is not the same Spirit as the Spirit of Jesus.

As I said before. I do not play with the doctrine's of men and I do not care what some official doctrine states. The truth of the Trinity exists in Scripture. So no. I do not agree that the Spirit of God is different than the spirit of Jesus. There is only one Spirit (Who is made up of three distinct persons who can all dwell within each other). For the Father cannot dwell in the Son unless the Son was distinctive for the Father to dwell in the Son (and vise versa). Also, the Son cannot see the Father do anything for the Son to do what He sees His Father doing, either (unless they were distinctive).

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You teach we do not have to repent. I have proven with scripture that you are wrong.

Sins are gone, don't you understand? He bare them in His own body on the tree, He died, He was buried...when He raised He was not still bearing my sins...stop believing the devil that they are still there, stop believing your own flesh to make you obey the lusts thereof...walk in newness of life.

You see if you were doing that then you would be talking about that. That's what I said when I said you do not really believe.

God's Truth

New member
Just checking what you believe. I do not know the full range or scope of your beliefs.
You still have not answered how you could get what you said from what I said.
How is the evidence of God and God any different?
God was TESTIFYING to what Jesus said by miracles. Jesus did these miracles by the Holy Spirit. If someone saw a believer in Christ casting out demons by the Holy Spirit, yet they call it evil---then they just blasphemed the Holy Spirit.
Is there proof in your mind that the Holy Spirit is a reference to the evidence of God and is not a person with a distinctive mind, will, and purpose within the Godhead?
Don’t you believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God?
As I said before. I do not play with the doctrine's of men and I do not care what some official doctrine states. The truth of the Trinity exists in Scripture. So no. I do not agree that the Spirit of God is different than the spirit of Jesus. There is only one Spirit (Who is made up of three distinct persons who can all dwell within each other). For the Father cannot dwell in the Son unless the Son was distinctive for the Father to dwell in the Son (and vise versa). Also, the Son cannot see the Father do anything for the Son to do what He sees His Father doing, either (unless they were distinctive).
The trinity doctrine says the Holy Spirit is not the same Spirit as the Spirit of Christ. If you do not believe that, then you should not call yourself a trinitarian. No one has to claim to be a trinitarian to believe that there are three.

God's Truth

New member
Sins are gone, don't you understand?

He bare them in His own body on the tree, He died, He was buried...when He raised He was not still bearing my sins...stop believing the devil that they are still there, stop believing your own flesh to make you obey the lusts thereof...walk in newness of life.
Sins are not gone if you are still doing them!
You see if you were doing that then you would be talking about that. That's what I said when I said you do not really believe.
You are majorly confused. You speak against God and those saved and do not realize it.

I gave you scripture what repent means. Why don't you believe what the scriptures say?

God's Truth

New member
Do try to is repent, turn to God...that your sins may be wiped out.

Did you repent? did you turn to Him.....well then your sins should be wiped out.

But you are still fussing with them, you and Jason, so we have to wonder if they have been.

You and Jason are really only advertising that you have a problem still with sin...resolve it.

You refuse to believe the truth.

You are ensnared.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Sins are not gone if you are still doing them!

You are majorly confused. You speak against God and those saved and do not realize it.

I gave you scripture what repent means. Why don't you believe what the scriptures say?

We'll keep chipping away at you, something will get through.

Till then we'll have to put up with your struggle with sin I suppose...all mine are gone.


It is what the Bible says.

Romans 2:3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?

Your bitterness inside is showing.

You make yourself, as if you are God. You bring Jesus to your level.

You call yourself I am. I can hardly believe that you think you do right.

You did not die for the sins of the world. Believers are not in you, and you are not in me.

Jesus died for the sins of the world. I am in him and he is in me.

Amen weirdo

God's Truth

New member
We'll keep chipping away at you, something will get through.
You will not ever get me to say the lie that we do not have to obey Jesus.

Jesus' words are life.

If I am not doing what Jesus says then I am not living through him.

Till then we'll have to put up with your struggle with sin I suppose

You suppose wrong. I do not struggle with sin.

...all mine are gone.

If you did sin then you are to repent of it.

You need to repent for going against the truth.

You need to stop telling people repent is not from sins, and that we do not have to repent after being saved.


Well-known member
You will not ever get me to say the lie that we do not have to obey Jesus.

Jesus' words are life.

If I am not doing what Jesus says then I am not living through him.

You suppose wrong. I do not struggle with sin.

If you did sin then you are to repent of it.

You need to repent for going against the truth.

You need to stop telling people repent is not from sins, and that we do not have to repent after being saved.

Clearly, GT is still under the schoolmaster. :nono:

God's Truth

New member
Clearly, GT is still under the schoolmaster. :nono:

I am not UNDER it. It is IN me.

Jeremiah 31:33 "This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Romans 11:27 And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."


Well-known member
You do not like what I say because you do not want to repent, and you will have to face all those you taught they did not have to repent.

You're on the wrong side of the cross. Repentance is TOWARD GOD....not FROM SIN. Why? Because Jesus took care of sin on the Cross. :duh:

Repentance TOWARD GOD means, quite simply, we TURN TO GOD. Turn from our unbelief to BELIEF. This is not rocket science, GT....any child can tell the difference between "FROM" and "TOWARD". Repentance is a change of mind....we turn toward God and BELIEVE.

Acts 20:21
Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.​



Well-known member
I am not UNDER it. It is IN me.

Jeremiah 31:33 "This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Romans 11:27 And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."

The SCHOOLMASTER is "in" you? I knew something was in you, but you certainly didn't spend enough time learning your lesson if you're going to make a statement like that. :nono:

Galatians 3:24
Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Galatians 3:25
But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.​


You still have not answered how you could get what you said from what I said.

You said, I quote:

"Jesus did a miracle through the power of the Holy Spirit..."

Jesus worked thru the power of the Holy Spirit. Yet you also said elsewhere that the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same, too. Now, is Jesus and the Holy Spirit both working? Or did Jesus work thru the power of the Holy Spirit? Which is it? Do they not both have power? Are they not both God? Why would Jesus need to reference the Holy Spirit (God) if it was ultimately Jesus who is God?

God was TESTIFYING to what Jesus said by miracles.

Is Jesus and God all that different? So God was testifying to Jesus who is God? Which is it?

Jesus did these miracles by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is God. So Jesus who is God did the miracles thru the Holy Spirit who is God.

If someone saw a believer in Christ casting out demons by the Holy Spirit, yet they call it evil---then they just blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

But Jesus is able to cast out and do things, too. Right? If someone calls Jesus evil for casting out a devil, how is that any different? I thought Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both God.

Don’t you believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God?

Yes, absolutely. The Father, the Word (i.e. the Son), and the Holy Spirit all make up one God. They each can dwell within one another and they all exist in harmony as one God. They are not three separate gods but they exist as one God together. These three that bear record in Heaven all are one God. If they were not three, then they could not bear record in Heaven as three. Do you get it?

The trinity doctrine says the Holy Spirit is not the same Spirit as the Spirit of Christ. If you do not believe that, then you should not call yourself a trinitarian. No one has to claim to be a trinitarian to believe that there are three.

There are variations of those who believe in the Trinity or the Godhead. Just because someone had written down an official creed does not mean I have to adhere to it. That person is infallible and was just a man. I go by what the Scriptures say; And the Scriptures clearly teach the Trinity.

I believe within the Trinity or the Godhead that all three persons exist in being as one God and they each have the capacity to dwell within each other and yet also remain distinctive within their unity. In other words, why would Jesus say that the Father dwells within Him if Jesus was the Father? Why would Jesus say He does the will of His Father if He was the Father? Is Jesus schizophrenic? They are all one Spirit and one God who consist in being as three different persons.

In a manner of speaking because they all dwell within each other, you are seeing all three persons of the Godhead whether the Son makes an appearance, or the Father makes an appearance or whether the Holy Spirit is sent to indwell a believer. For the fulness of the Godhead dwelled within Christ bodily. This means that the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit all indwelled the physical body of Jesus Christ. The word Godhead is not in reference to divinity. It is in reference to how we would use that word today; For example: the board of directors is currently the corporate head of our company, or joe and jenny are the head of the household, etc.

For there are many references of the Father and the Holy Spirit and the Son of God and the Word, etc. Why the distinctions? Yes, I believe they are all one God. But each of the persons in the Godhead has their distinction within the unity of our Lord, too.

I mean, we are made in God's image. So if God is triune, then it would make sense that we would be triune, too. In fact, the Scriptures say we have a physical body, a spirit body, and a soul. These three all function and breath together as one person and yet there are distinctions of three that make up our being, though. In other words, the physical body, spirit body, and soul are not smashed beyond recognition so that there is no more distinction anymore. When the physical body dies, there is then the spirit body. Do you see where I am coming from?
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