Sad News John McCain has brain cancer

The Barbarian

Clearly, we aren't required to walk according to your convictions....especially what you consider to be "out of line" or despicable. I found it to be a point well taken.

It was grotesque and unChristian. But then, it's Nick. He seems to actually believe, but can't quite manage to act on it.

Yeah, thank God you are not like him and those other sinners.

Speak for yourself. All I see is that McCain is a better imitation of Christ than you have shown us. :chuckle:

It's such hard work being "holier than thou", don't you find?

I don't think he worries about it. Instead of telling us, try to live as He calls on you to do.


Well-known member
It was grotesque and unChristian. But then, it's Nick. He seems to actually believe, but can't quite manage to act on it.

Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that people like you can see how others live their lives.

Speak for yourself. All I see is that McCain is a better imitation of Christ than you have shown us. :chuckle:

Yeah, you know all about how McCain lives his life, don't you?

I don't think he worries about it. Instead of telling us, try to live as He calls on you to do.

You don't think....period. You spend all your time imagining how others live their lives. :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You do realize, i hope, that barbie is:

1. Not a Christian
2. Widely regarded on the site as the most dishonest poster
3. A troll

If by 'widely regarded', you mean by you and the 'other voices' then sure. Otherwise, you're the troll who's been banned on here more times than anyone else, and more often than not for stalking posters. Barbarian was your first port of call before TH shook you into yet more absurd and frenzied meanderings...

It's funny though. Barbarian is one of the calmest and unflappable posters on the site, which is probably what grates all the more.

Well, never mind eh?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that people like you can see how others live their lives.

Yeah, you know all about how McCain lives his life, don't you?

You don't think....period. You spend all your time imagining how others live their lives. :chuckle:

Eh, Nick's been the same bile filled, angry little kid for years on here. It's nothing new but it's nothing to be applauded either...


Well-known member
Eh, Nick's been the same bile filled, angry little kid for years on here. It's nothing new but it's nothing to be applauded either...

And Smarty Artie has been the same angry little bleeding heart for years....but I know how it's easier to find fault with those who see you for who you are, than it is to admit your own faults, so we understand, Artie. Go ahead and tell me how "bile filled" I am, too. It's known as venting. :)


Well-known member
If by 'widely regarded', you mean by you and the 'other voices' then sure. Otherwise, you're the troll who's been banned on here more times than anyone else, and more often than not for stalking posters. Barbarian was your first port of call before TH shook you into yet more absurd and frenzied meanderings...

It's funny though. Barbarian is one of the calmest and unflappable posters on the site, which is probably what grates all the more.

Well, never mind eh?

Doser just doesn't namby pamby around on the border of the rules. He boldly goes where you liberals fear to tread. :chuckle:

Take the Clown, for instance. He plays the 'holier than thou' card while dealing the dirtiest hands of them all. You're even braver than that little coward is. Which is probably why you've had your share of bans, too.....but we'll pretend like that's not the case.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And Smarty Artie has been the same angry little bleeding heart for years....but I know how it's easier to find fault with those who see you for who you are, than it is to admit your own faults, so we understand, Artie. Go ahead and tell me how "bile filled" I am, too. It's known as venting. :)

Eh, I've got plenty of faults GD, ya won't ever find me claiming to be some paragon of virtue or some such. What I do detest, however is the deliberate wishing of harm or suffering to others, or the sick anticipatory glee over such, and little Nick is one of those people who reflects that bile on here in spades, or diamonds or clubs but anything but 'hearts'. His comments alone speak for themselves. He's wished such on me plenty of times on here. I don't wish the same back.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Doser just doesn't namby pamby around on the border of the rules. He boldly goes where you liberals fear to tread. :chuckle:

Take the Clown, for instance. He plays the 'holier than thou' card while dealing the dirtiest hands of them all. You're even braver than that little coward is. Which is probably why you've had your share of bans, too.....but we'll pretend like that's not the case.

I've had plenty of bans on here. Do you see me whinging over them? Most of them were fair enough, I was pushing the envelope and going over the line. Ya see me whining to the woodshed at all and reporting stuff all over the place? Ya see me get banned for stalking other posters or making up lurid innuendo about anybody or their families?



Well-known member
Eh, I've got plenty of faults GD, ya won't ever find me claiming to be some paragon of virtue or some such. What I do detest, however is the deliberate wishing of harm or suffering to others, or the sick anticipatory glee over such, and little Nick is one of those people who reflects that bile on here in spades, or diamonds or clubs but anything but 'hearts'. His comments alone speak for themselves. He's wished such on me plenty of times on here. I don't wish the same back.

So, basically, you're claiming to be a better person than Nick is? Because he "wished" something on you, and you didn't "wish" it back? You can read his heart? Is that what you're claiming?

Luke 18:11 The Pharisee (Artie) stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.​

I've heard Nick, and I've heard you, Artie. Need I say more? Really? :chew:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Doser just doesn't namby pamby around on the border of the rules. He boldly goes where you liberals fear to tread. :chuckle:

Take the Clown, for instance. He plays the 'holier than thou' card while dealing the dirtiest hands of them all. You're even braver than that little coward is. Which is probably why you've had your share of bans, too.....but we'll pretend like that's not the case.

In addition to my last, your obsession with Town is pretty much neck and neck with SOD's now. Get a grip.



Well-known member
I've had plenty of bans on here. Do you see me whinging over them? Most of them were fair enough, I was pushing the envelope and going over the line. Ya see me whining to the woodshed at all and reporting stuff all over the place? Ya see me get banned for stalking other posters or making up lurid innuendo about anybody or their families?


Oh're whining right now. One man's whine is another's holler.


Well-known member
In addition to my last, your obsession with Town is pretty much neck and neck with SOD's now. Get a grip.


My obsession with Town? If you paid attention, you'd see that I complained about his unfair portrayal of me in his stupid little Gazette. That put me in Town's crosshairs. I won't be put in his crosshairs so he can strut around like a little peacock with ruffled feathers. He is merely getting his just deserts.

Poor little Clown. He needs you to take his side? :rotfl:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So, basically, you're claiming to be a better person than Nick is? Because he "wished" something on you, and you didn't "wish" it back? You can read his heart? Is that what you're claiming?

Luke 18:11 The Pharisee (Artie) stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.​

I've heard Nick, and I've heard you, Artie. Need I say more? Really? :chew:

Well, no. I've been witness to Nick's bloodthirsty and malicious bile for years on here. It's hardly unexpected that he'd say the things he has on this thread, far from it. He's also wished suffering on many posters here or at least takes glee in the prospect of it on many threads on many different occasions. He's not exactly subtle about it. Am I a better person? Well, I'm certainly a more compassionate one although that ain't saying much as most probably are...

Need you say more? Preferably not but it's up to you. :D

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My obsession with Town? If you paid attention, you'd see that I complained about his unfair portrayal of me in his stupid little Gazette. That put me in Town's crosshairs. I won't be put in his crosshairs so he can strut around like a little peacock with ruffled feathers. He is merely getting his just deserts.

Poor little Clown. He needs you to take his side? :rotfl:

What 'just deserts' are they? You getting in a tizz over the guy?

Okay then. :idunno:

Of course he doesn't need me to defend him...


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
John McCain, while being a homo lover (which is why aCW sticks up for him), committed adultery against his disabled wife. Rusha doesn't care. McCain is a member of the Keating 5. That of course pales in comparison to the corruption of Mrs Bill Clinton, but still worth mentioning how liberal he is.