Sad day, I know, but I may be leaving TOL

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
oh wahh... you're mean to me

but anyway

Whatever you do [say] to the least of His brethren, you do [say] to Jesus (Mt 25:31)

Uh... you do know who he is, don't you?

But not to worry, there are a lot of people who don't believe in that psg, don't adhere to it


I'm always mean to wolf-ette's.

"to Jesus (Mt 25:31)"-Roman

That passage is not written to members of the boc.

But, then again, you're not a member of the boc, so thanks for checkin' in.


New member
Since republicanchick is leaving, I wonder if truthsetsfree or Coulter4pres will come back. Those people never seem to be here at the same time.... :think:

Word based mystic

New member
someone here could make a program that would consider the subject and go back to your comments and do an auto response.

we will miss your political enthusiasm

much prayers

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

but when u make up stuff RE beliefs and such [ie: "I can ignore Mt 25:31 & Jesus won't care]

that's fine?




You: I can ignore Luke 18:22 KJV, and the Lord Jesus Christ won't care.

Luke 18:22Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Fun! Run, Spot, run!!!

And show some respect, Roman-it's the Lord Jesus Christ, not "Jesus."

Saint John W


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yeh, I have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with in my personal life (so called), so I don't have much spare time these days.

I could take the time, but then said personal-life-so-called would fall apart even more

In other words, I have to focus on other things..

no one seems to give a rip what I think anyway, except for a few of the more intelligent and erudite and informed among you...

Maybe I will drop in once a month or whatever

If I weren't so poor, I could... well, you know, the well to do are much freer to do as they choose..


so what changed?


Well-known member
everyone has a religion

the word simply means a set of beliefs about God

so get beyond words for crying out loud
Whether you leave or don't, I have the sense that you have learned and grown a lot, here, in the last few months. "Good on ya", as the Aussies say. And 'God speed' if you have to go.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Whether you leave or don't, I have the sense that you have learned and grown a lot, here, in the last few months. "Good on ya", as the Aussies say. And 'God speed' if you have to go.

do you think she is helping your cause?