Sad day, I know, but I may be leaving TOL


Well-known member
yeh, I have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with in my personal life (so called), so I don't have much spare time these days.

I could take the time, but then said personal-life-so-called would fall apart even more

In other words, I have to focus on other things..

no one seems to give a rip what I think anyway, except for a few of the more intelligent and erudite and informed among you...

Maybe I will drop in once a month or whatever

If I weren't so poor, I could... well, you know, the well to do are much freer to do as they choose..


I'm sorry that you have to leave and that you have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with.

But I know that if you leave you'll be back. :)

Please take care of yourself while you're away. Be healthy. Enjoy life.


New member
If you ever need or want a listening ear and a heart that cares, PM me anytime.


Thanks, that is thoughtful of you.

Concerning you not keeping up w/ politics (news?), well, I would venture to guess something like 90% of Americans could say the same thing. Often when I watch the news in a public place, I don't see anyone watching it, save me. Or someone is watching but only for a minute, etc.

This is not always because people are not interested. It is often because they are BUSY. And I just got more busy myself. Again, if I were wealthy...

Anyway, maybe this is one thing the libs had a little "right"?

the work week being reduced?

I don't know. But after today, I won't be here much



New member
I'm sorry that you have to leave and that you have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with.

But I know that if you leave you'll be back. :)

Please take care of yourself while you're away. Be healthy. Enjoy life.

thank you for your kindness. You are undoubtedly being kind because you are happy I am leaving.

But (sigh) I will accept it just the same

U take care of yourself also and enjoy life (but not so much you miss Heaven... I mean, you know, Jesus said to pick up the cross, not the... uh... flowers and whiskey and romance and etc...)




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
not more than I care about them Voting Republican

in other words: have any reason you choose, just vote R

Does that answer the Q?


yes and that is the answer I was looking for

there are some here that will call you a whore for voting republican just because of abortion

they are right winger christians

two of them in the hall of fame


New member
yes and that is the answer I was looking for

there are some here that will call you a whore for voting republican just because of abortion

they are right winger christians

two of them in the hall of fame

huh? a whore b/c I vote R over abortion?

well, it's like all this talk about the cost of improving things on planes so another suicide/murder crash doesn't happen. I don't like regulations but LIFE trumps.. avoiding more regulations..

Life trumps all. Without life... (you'd think this would go w/o saying)

you can't have any other rights..

human life is sacred, as the Church teaches.. Life trumps "choice" [which is just a handy excuse for those who don't care about anything but debauchery and moral lawlessness..]



New member
abortion is killing your neighbor

love your neighbor

it all hangs on that


And I am so thankful I was raised Catholic so that I would, when older, be open to the truth the Church teaches, which is not just subjective truth, but absolute moral truth, GODs truth.

If I had been born to lib parents who never went to church, much less the Catholic Church.. well, I shudder to think what I would believe

so we have to have a little compassion on the libs..

not let them run things:doh:, just have some compassion...



Well-known member


Well-known member
Aloha means "Goodbye."

And you can preach about loving your neighbor the minute you repudiate your church's many anathemas.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

And I am so thankful I was raised Catholic so that I would, when older, be open to the truth the Church teaches, which is not just subjective truth, but absolute moral truth, GODs truth.

If I had been born to lib parents who never went to church, much less the Catholic Church.. well, I shudder to think what I would believe

so we have to have a little compassion on the libs..

not let them run things:doh:, just have some compassion...


I was born to lib parents
my mother, the saint, knew loving your neighbor was more important than going to church

she did both


Hall of Fame
yes and that is the answer I was looking for

there are some here that will call you a whore for voting republican just because of abortion

they are right winger christians

two of them in the hall of fame

That was not the context it was used in ... you know this.


New member
I was born to lib parents
my mother, the saint, knew loving your neighbor was more important than going to church

she did both

wow, I am shocked u were born lib, as it were

what changed your mind?

don't tell me your parents were lib AND catholic?

NOOO... say it aint so
