Sad day, I know, but I may be leaving TOL


Hall of Fame
I don't u/stand that dialogue between Chrys and Rush

but oh well... not a big fan of the latter anyway.+

It's at times like these that I wish I could say "the feeling isn't mutual".

Perhaps things will change when you register under your new username.


New member
It's at times like these that I wish I could say "the feeling isn't mutual".

Perhaps things will change when you register under your new username.

this is a boring post

and besides, you CAN say... just about anything (save Fire! in the theater and such like)



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
wow, I am shocked u were born lib, as it were

what changed your mind?

don't tell me your parents were lib AND catholic?

NOOO... say it aint so


all catholics were liberal when I grew up
being a conservative was a mortal sin
I had a conservative uncle who started me thinking
it got so I couldn't talk politics with my dad
what really changed me forever was what they did to clarence thomas
after that I had to vote republican


New member
all catholics were liberal when I grew up
being a conservative was a mortal sin
I had a conservative uncle who started me thinking
it got so I couldn't talk politics with my dad
what really changed me forever was what they did to clarence thomas
after that I had to vote republican

yeh, those libs probably create more Rs than the Rs recruit

was your uncle a member of a lib family? just wondering

it's sad that most people just go along with whatever party their family belonged to. Myself, I have rejected just about everything about my family EXCEPT the R party.


Simon Baker

one thread for 100 topics?

hmmm... not sure that would be acceptable


You Are Entertaining, However, One Thread Is Reasonable, Keep One Thread Going, Adding ALL Your Thoughts And Concerns AS They Happen. ONE THREAD ~ DYNAMIC - You Can Write About Everything You Want In One Active Thread ! We Like You, Not The Clogging Of The Board. My Prayers And Best Wishes For Your Future. (You Won't Be Able To Stay Off TOL, It's In Your System Now):sam:

View attachment 19528


New member
You Are Entertaining, However, One Thread Is Reasonable, Keep One Thread Going, Adding ALL You Thoughts And Concerns AS They Happen. ONE THREAD ~ DYNAMIC - You Can Write About Everything You Want In One Active Thread ! We Like You, Not The Clogging Of The Board. My Prayers And Best Wishes For Your Future. (You Won't Be Able To Stay Off TOL, It's In Your System Now):sam:

View attachment 19528


yeh, TOL is addicting and I am an addict (though never been addicted to drugs/alcohol)

I was addicted to a man once.. WORST addiction you can have...

but I digress...

from what? (I ask myself)

hmmm... I forgot...

Oh, the one thread thing... Well, I prefer to address one topic @ a time. I'm sure others feel the same



Well-known member
nice how you compare apples and... dirt

Your beloved church's anathemas against its allegedly "separated brethren" is the ultimate in hate. Actually, second to the burnings at the stake and whatnot. Repudiate them, then talk about love. Don't repudiate them, and be a party to it.

Simon Baker


yeh, TOL is addicting and I am an addict (though never been addicted to drugs/alcohol)

I was addicted to a man once.. WORST addiction you can have...

but I digress...

from what? (I ask myself)

hmmm... I forgot...

Oh, the one thread thing... Well, I prefer to address one topic @ a time. I'm sure others feel the same


Are You SURE ? Take A Poll, I Believe The One Thread Would Be Supported by ALL Here. It WOULD BE The LONGEST THREAD IN TOL HISTORY !

Mocking You

New member
yeh, I have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with in my personal life (so called), so I don't have much spare time these days.

I could take the time, but then said personal-life-so-called would fall apart even more

In other words, I have to focus on other things..

Translation: Watching Faux News all day while posting on TOL leaves me with no time for a real life.

God bless you in your new endeavors.

Simon Baker

Translation: Watching Faux News all day while posting on TOL leaves me with no time for a real life.

God bless you in your new endeavors.

I Thought That Too, I Put A Positive Spin, I Knew Someone Else Would Mention It, She Has It In Her Head That A NEW Thread Is "Needed" For Each "Topic"(?) She "Thinks" Of. Common Sense And Courtesy Escape Her.


New member
Your beloved church's anathemas against its allegedly "separated brethren" is the ultimate in hate. Actually, second to the burnings at the stake and whatnot. Repudiate them, then talk about love. Don't repudiate them, and be a party to it.

oh, I see. I should've known it was b/c I am Catholic

so, saying that something someone believes is not true (which is what Anathema means, essentially. It means: that belief is wrong and accursed by Christ's Church).. that is "the ultimate in hate"?

well, you have a serious problem.

And I can't help you if you hate truth ... deep problem there..



Well-known member
so, saying that something someone believes is not true (which is what Anathema means, essentially. It means: that belief is wrong and accursed by Christ's Church).. that is "the ultimate in hate"?

Yes, because they say it's on behalf of Christ Himself.

You DID know that, right?


New member
Yes, because they say it's on behalf of Christ Himself.

You DID know that, right?

believe it or not, Christ DID establish a Church that could speak for Him

and would never be wrong

You dont believe that b/c all you have ever known (I suppose) is a "church" that is wrong on this, and wrong on that.. All you have ever known is church division, brought to you by the Arch heretic Luther.

All you have ever known is doctrinal confusion with all those "churches" in the world teaching different things. There are at least 55,000 different Christian (and "Christian" ) churches in the world...

but of course, God is not hte author of confusion. There is really only ONE Church... but you know how humans are..

they always confuse simple things...



New member
yeh, I have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with in my personal life (so called), so I don't have much spare time these days.

I could take the time, but then said personal-life-so-called would fall apart even more

In other words, I have to focus on other things..

no one seems to give a rip what I think anyway, except for a few of the more intelligent and erudite and informed among you...

Maybe I will drop in once a month or whatever

If I weren't so poor, I could... well, you know, the well to do are much freer to do as they choose..


Why is this in the politics section?


Well-known member

believe it or not, Christ DID establish a Church that could speak for Him

and would never be wrong

You dont believe that b/c all you have ever known (I suppose) is a "church" that is wrong on this, and wrong on that.. All you have ever known is church division, brought to you by the Arch heretic Luther.

All you have ever known is doctrinal confusion with all those "churches" in the world teaching different things. There are at least 55,000 different Christian (and "Christian" ) churches in the world...

but of course, God is not hte author of confusion. There is really only ONE Church... but you know how humans are..

they always confuse simple things...


I am under your church's anathema for what I believe.

Did you know that?


New member
I am under your church's anathema for what I believe.

Did you know that?

sure, I knew that

I know one of Christ's tenets that you reject every day on TOL: love your neighbor as yourself

True, a lot of people dont do that; you are far from the only one. I don't love my neibhbor as myself much either. Sometimes I hate the whole human race, in fact.. What is there not to hate? People are selfish and mean and cold and... well, I am sure if you are over 20, you know what I mean.

But I do love my neibhbor as best I can and... well, at least I don't kill them, even when it is legal to do so (abortion... )

at least I do that first law of medicine:

First: Do no harm...

I can honestly say I do not harm people, evne those who hate me and wish to harm me

"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord; I will repay [not you]"



Well-known member
You're ignoring my point.

Your church, allegedly on Christ's authority, has damned me for what I believe, which it considers a false gospel. Unless I repent and convert to Rome. Which I will never, ever do.

Do you agree that I am damned for that reason?