Sad day, I know, but I may be leaving TOL


New member
You're ignoring my point.

Your church, allegedly on Christ's authority, has damned me for what I believe, which it considers a false gospel. Unless I repent and convert to Rome. Which I will never, ever do.

Do you agree that I am damned for that reason?

if you reject what Christ teaches and practice your own religion as opposed to his, yes, you are damned



New member
So what would be the most loving thing you can do for me?

guide you into the Truth. The reason so many people end up in Hell (as per what JESUS said) is that we humans are far more lost and messed up (etc) than we think we are. Our pride tell us we don't need to change much. Christians especially think, it seems, that God is going to accept them As is... as long as they don't.. like murder someone or commit adultery. Well, there is far more to Christianity than just that.

I have seen many so called Christians do absolutely horrible things to others and think nothing of it. Well, Jesus said that whatever you do or don't do for the least of his people, you do/don't do for HIM.

and in that same passage, Jesus says those who neglect Him (by neglecting his people) end up in Hell.

they don't go to hell because Jesus is mean and unforgiving, they go because they reject GOD, who is love... and so they go to that place where they will not have to be with God... They won't like it when they get there, but that is where they belong, that is what THEY have chosen, not God (Jesus)



Well-known member
guide you into the Truth. The reason so many people end up in Hell (as per what JESUS said) is that we humans are far more lost and messed up (etc) than we think we are. Our pride tell us we don't need to change much. Christians especially think, it seems, that God is going to accept them As is... as long as they don't.. like murder someone or commit adultery. Well, there is far more to Christianity than just that.

I have seen many so called Christians do absolutely horrible things to others and think nothing of it. Well, Jesus said that whatever you do or don't do for the least of his people, you do/don't do for HIM.

and in that same passage, Jesus says those who neglect Him (by neglecting his people) end up in Hell.

they don't go to hell because Jesus is mean and unforgiving, they go because they reject GOD, who is love... and so they go to that place where they will not have to be with God... They won't like it when they get there, but that is where they belong, that is what THEY have chosen, not God (Jesus)


Can I be forgiven, receive the righteousness of Christ and be saved by God apart from becoming a Roman Catholic?


New member
Can I be forgiven, receive the righteousness of Christ and be saved by God apart from becoming a Roman Catholic?

not really.

Please note that even Catholics will be condemned

It is not easy to get into Heaven.

As St Paul said "It is necessary that we undergo many hardships in order to enter the kingdom of God"

Why is that?

b/c (again) humans are loath to change. They think they are hunky dory just the way they are, thank you..

but.. from what I see in the world (and within)

not hardly



New member
The apostle Paul says I'm already seated there in Christ. I believe that, based on the Gospel that he was given by God to preach.

Am I wrong?

If you abstain from mortal sin and work on your venial sins, there is a chance you can be saved. But I feel that the only thing saving me sometimes (and many will claim I can only speak for myself, so..) is the Eucharist

not found in Protestant churches

I know it is hard to believe but when the Lord working through the priest consecrates the host, it realy becomes JESUS

I don't have a hard time believing that anymore b/c of all i have been through that proves it. Nothing like experience to teach you something.. how real something is



New member
Don't come back real soon.

I won't

remember when Dorothy said to the Scarecrow: "I will miss you most of all"?

i will miss you least of all

guess that doesn't surprise you much

anti-Catholics bore the crud out of me

none of them does the research on what the Church truly teaches, but they bash it just the same.. Facts don't matter, only subjective feelings




New member
Well, I was very surprised by the response here. Most did not say the vile stuff I was expecting

no one said Good riddance (though now someone probably will-and some implied that)

Anyway, you all have a great life

But not so great you end up in Hell... (can't party your way to Heaven anymore than you can work your way there...)

Vote for Ted Cruz

(or Kasich... or Rubio [haven't made up my mind yet. So many good candidates.. so little time to learn about them)


(some of my favorite smileys)


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I won't

remember when Dorothy said to the Scarecrow: "I will miss you most of all"?

i will miss you least of all

guess that doesn't surprise you much

anti-Catholics bore the crud out of me

none of them does the research on what the Church truly teaches, but they bash it just the same.. Facts don't matter, only subjective feelings



Ah...the old "wounded soul...victim...we are just misunderstood" routine... Summer rerun....Cricket...

Then mount that religious prostitute/horse known as the Roman Catholic Organization, as you burn, Scarecrow, in hell, with other Romans, who pervert the gospel of Christ.....No need to turn off the lights, where you are headed.

Simon Baker

guide you into the Truth. The reason so many people end up in Hell (as per what JESUS said) is that we humans are far more lost and messed up (etc) than we think we are. Our pride tell us we don't need to change much. Christians especially think, it seems, that God is going to accept them As is... as long as they don't.. like murder someone or commit adultery. Well, there is far more to Christianity than just that.

I have seen many so called Christians do absolutely horrible things to others and think nothing of it. Well, Jesus said that whatever you do or don't do for the least of his people, you do/don't do for HIM.

and in that same passage, Jesus says those who neglect Him (by neglecting his people) end up in Hell.

they don't go to hell because Jesus is mean and unforgiving, they go because they reject GOD, who is love... and so they go to that place where they will not have to be with God... They won't like it when they get there, but that is where they belong, that is what THEY have chosen, not God (Jesus)


I Have Suggested To You, To Pay Attention To Deeper Christian Threads I.E. MAD - Anti-MAD, Trinity - Anti-Trinity, E.C.T. Threads, Etc. That Discuss And Post Scripture And Truth. You Can Benefit From "Reading" More And "Starting" Fewer Threads. No More Advice From Me. :carryon:


New member

I Have Suggested To You, To Pay Attention To Deeper Christian Threads I.E. MAD - Anti-MAD, Trinity -:

I know this sounds "un-Catholic" but I try to let the Holy Spirit lead me as to where to post this or that

I'm not saying it is ALWAYs the Holy Spirit guiding me (as some of my posts will attest) but tht is what I attempt to do b/c I realize I do not know, without said HS, what is best...



New member
Ah...the old "wounded soul...victim...we are just misunderstood" routine... Summer rerun....Cricket...

Then mount that religious prostitute/horse known as the Roman Catholic Organization, as you burn, Scarecrow, in hell, with other Romans, who pervert the gospel of Christ.....No need to turn off the lights, where you are headed.

oh wahh... you're mean to me

but anyway

Whatever you do [say] to the least of His brethren, you do [say] to Jesus (Mt 25:31)

Uh... you do know who he is, don't you?

But not to worry, there are a lot of people who don't believe in that psg, don't adhere to it
