Sad day, I know, but I may be leaving TOL


New member
yeh, I have a bzillion mundanities (etc) to deal with in my personal life (so called), so I don't have much spare time these days.

I could take the time, but then said personal-life-so-called would fall apart even more

In other words, I have to focus on other things..

no one seems to give a rip what I think anyway, except for a few of the more intelligent and erudite and informed among you...

Maybe I will drop in once a month or whatever

If I weren't so poor, I could... well, you know, the well to do are much freer to do as they choose..



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you can save a lot of time by not creating so many threads

you only need one to let us know what you think
that will save us a lot of time as well


New member
If I weren't so "poor" I could... well, you know, the well to do are much freer to do as they choose..

Believe it or not, it is not my fault (entirely) that I am "poor"

You wouldn't believe how... well, whatever.. Again, maybe nobody cares (much).

This reminds me, though, about John Kasich (I belive John is his 1st name) being the only CANDIDATE, not just the only R candidate, to talk about the poor and actually DO things to help them.

Everyone needs help once in awhile... No one is completely independent.



New member
that can happen when you confront someone
before you go

do you still think I support abortion?

well, I never really thought you did. I just was incapable of understanding that one comment you made, which now escapes my muddled, overwhelmed mind. I think it was in the thread that had only one word to it, which I also cannot recall.

so, to answer your Q: I never REALLY believed you were anti-life. I didn't want to believe it, but also, I figured you just had not worded things very well.

The pro lifers need to be careful about such things b/c we dont want to give ammunition to the pro-death people. They have enough as it is (with all this "choice" nonsense, which sounds American as apple pie and motherhood[OOPS...], but really is a license to commit murder, as we know...)



Well-known member
Hall of Fame

well, I never really thought you did. I just was incapable of understanding that one comment you made, which now escapes my muddled, overwhelmed mind. I think it was in the thread that had only one word to it, which I also cannot recall.

so, to answer your Q: I never REALLY believed you were anti-life. I didn't want to believe it, but also, I figured you just had not worded things very well.

The pro lifers need to be careful about such things b/c we dont want to give ammunition to the pro-death people. They have enough as it is (with all this "choice" nonsense, which sounds American as apple pie and motherhood[OOPS...], but really is a license to commit murder, as we know...)


well I am hoping you are going to be more careful


New member
If I weren't so "poor" I could... well, you know, the well to do are much freer to do as they choose..

Believe it or not, it is not my fault (entirely) that I am "poor"

You wouldn't believe how... well, whatever.. Again, maybe nobody cares (much).

This reminds me, though, about John Kasich (I belive John is his 1st name) being the only CANDIDATE, not just the only R candidate, to talk about the poor and actually DO things to help them.

Everyone needs help once in awhile... No one is completely independent.


If you ever need or want a listening ear and a heart that cares, PM me anytime.

Though, lol, I do have to tell you that politics isn't a subject that I keep up with and wouldn't be interactive on it much. No doubt that there are others who are?