ECT Romans 9:21 the clay


New member
Hey, Ope-no comment on Tellalie calling you a "Cain?" Are you 2 breaking up?

Can't remember too much from that long ago. We're talking about 7 years?
I was chasing you guys down the road with my repentance machine gun at the time if I remember.


New member
Little Johnny W isn't mid-life. He's almost 60.

Little Johnny is Exhibit A for what Dispensationalism can do to a person in his or her old age.

That old, really?

No wonder he talks about chicks digging him. Soon be digging him in a hole.


Can't remember too much from that long ago. We're talking about 7 years?
I was chasing you guys down the road with my repentance machine gun at the time if I remember.

That's back when I was a Dispy.

I thank God everyday for rescuing me from the false teachings of John Nelson Darby.


New member
That's back when I was a Dispy.

I thank God everyday for rescuing me from the false teachings of John Nelson Darby.


I must admit I like the sound of a pre-trib eschatology, but conscience tells you straight, it just isn't there.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Romans 9 KJV​
(21) Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?​

When Paul makes this statement, does he intend "clay" to refer to Israel or all mankind?

I was reading today 2. Tim. 2

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth. And some to honour and some to dishonour

If a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for the Master's use and prepared unto every good work.

So in this instance both the honourable and the dishonourable belong to the house. If we want to be a vessel unto honour we must separate from the vessels unto dishonour.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Little Johnny W isn't mid-life. He's almost 60.

Little Johnny is Exhibit A for what Dispensationalism can do to a person in his or her old age.

Of course, Craigie would know that, as he has an intense interest in other men, jotting things down.

Sending e"male"'s to other TOL members, like you did me, to find out about them, are you, Craigie? Have a TOL "black book," do you, sweetie?.

Little armed Craigie is in his 50's, but if you saw his "pics," you'd think he is in his 60's-no chin, twitty looking arms, Clay Aiken pasted,effeminate face. I look 20 years younger than this wimpy looking punk.

And week looking Craigie stumps us again, with his "cute" little "Exhibit A," that he thinks is so original. How did you become such a loser, sweetie?

Ever consider working out, sweetie, instead of sponging off your wife, spending 10 hours/day on TOl, as a slug/vegetable? No wonder you are ashamed to post your mug as an avatar-embarrassed.

Poor little arms, no chin Craigie.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Romans 9 KJV​
(21) Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?​

When Paul makes this statement, does he intend "clay" to refer to Israel or all mankind?

If you say mankind, and I think so, yet it can only be mankind after the fall for before the fall man was wholly made for honour


New member
Little armed Craigie is in his 50's, but if you saw his "pics," you'd think he is in his 60's-no chin, twitty looking arms, Clay Aiken effeminate face. I look 20 years younger than this wimpy looking punk.

And week looking Craigie stumps us again, with his "cute" little "Exhibit A," that he thinks is so original. How did you become such a loser, sweetie?

Ever consider working out, sweetie, instead of sponging off your wife, spending 10 hours/day on TOl, as a slug/vegetable? No wonder you are ashamed to post your mug as an avatar-embarrassed.

Poor little arms, no chin Craigie.

Come on pops. Afternoon nap time.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Can't remember too much from that long ago. We're talking about 7 years?
I was chasing you guys down the road with my repentance machine gun at the time if I remember.

He called you a "Cain," Ope. Any comments, carrot top?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Come on pops. Afternoon nap time.

Put up your pic, carrot top.

I thought so. Embarrassed. We know the lack confidence/loser type.Next to the word "ugly," "vile," is your picture, in the dictionary,eh, Ope? You had it on TOL, as your avatar, for perhaps a few days, and took it down, as it was being laughed at.


Well-known member
That's back when I was a Dispy.

I thank God everyday for rescuing me from the false teachings of John Nelson Darby.

huuuhh! tet tried to lighten his hair with peroxide and He's,,,quick get me some brown hair dye and lets see if we can revive him!

,,,,,"test to see if I can use the quote function,,,"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't think so.

However, your haircut looks like it is from 40 years ago.

View attachment 24135

Chicks seem to dig it, sweetie. Yours looks effeminate, so soddy looking.

And see how this sodomite is obsessed with me? He posts my pic. That is weird, sweetie. No wonder you are going through a divorce.

Of course, you "follow the crowd," and do what everyone else does, and conform, Wimpy. Impressive. You are like everyone else....Wait.....Why do you care, about hair? You are unemployed, and a "blue collar" job needs no "short hair." Here is a picture of Craigie's James 2:3 KJV "gay cut"-Craigie digs the "cropped" look:


And, of course, since Craigie looks like Clay Aiken, this is a clone of his "look:"


Do you crop your beard, Wimpy?


Oh my goodness JohnW he tries to deny the p.m.s you accuse him of,,,,but he has pictures of you saved on his computer,,,,,oops.

In addition to you going to the Little Johnny W school of how to use quote tags, it also appears you went to the Little Johnny W school of social media.

The pics are from Little Johnny W's facebook page.