ECT Rightly Dividing


New member
They were all upper case letters, not a mix of upper and lower case as in your example.

Its continually amazing how you so easily fail to see a point without it's having been pointed out to you in advance.

That is exactly why you think all who hold to Mid-Acts "got it from Darby."

Your overreliance on books having rendered you unable to see those who have not followed your similar books based path.

Your paradigm projected by you onto others as being their same path, as you deny it is actually your own..

You guys are all the same in this. Its very same projection symptom ever present in your one size fits all Darby labelings.

You might read what I posted to Chrysostum in Clete's Paradigms thread. Better yet, apply it and free yourself...

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

Christ Jesus made the covenant with His shed blood.

Darby's protege Sir Robert Anderson is the one who invented the theory that an antichrist makes a covenant with Israel in the yet future.

Your Dispensationalism is a mess.

Daniel refers to the prince of the covenant, a vile person, which is certainly not the Lord Jesus Christ.


Daniel refers to the prince of the covenant, a vile person, which is certainly not the Lord Jesus Christ.

Everything in Daniel 11 was over and done with before Jesus was born.

If you ever took the time and actually read secular history instead of listening to preachers who parrot Darby, you would know this.

Ask any Jew alive today if Daniel 11 is describing future events. Go to any Jewish website and see if Daniel 11 describes future events.

Your Dispensationalism is a mess.


That is exactly why you think all who hold to Mid-Acts "got it from Darby."

There would be no such thing as Mid-Acts Dispensationalism if it weren't for John Nelson Darby. Just like there wouldn't be the numerous Jehovah's Witnesses spin off groups if it weren't for Charles Taze Russell.

MAD is simply a "spin off" group from traditional A2D, and without Darby, there wouldn't be MAD.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Everything in Daniel 11 was over and done with before Jesus was born.

If you ever took the time and actually read secular history instead of listening to preachers who parrot Darby, you would know this.

Ask any Jew alive today if Daniel 11 is describing future events. Go to any Jewish website and see if Daniel 11 describes future events.

Your Dispensationalism is a mess.

Daniel refers to the prince of the covenant, a vile person, which is certainly not the Lord Jesus Christ.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Ask any Jew alive today if Daniel 11 is describing future events. Go to any Jewish website and see if Daniel 11 describes future events.

I don't have to.
I can see that it corresponds with Daniel 9.

You could too, if you didn't hate dispensationalism.


I don't have to.

Because you are afraid of anything that might contradict your Dispensationalism.

I can see that it corresponds with Daniel 9.

You're wrong.

It's all ancient history.

You could too, if you didn't hate dispensationalism.

It has nothing to do with hating Dispensationalism. It has everything to do with knowing that Dan chp 11 describes perfectly the historical events of Alexander the Great, The Seleucid Empire, Antiochus, Ptolemaic dynasty, Cleopatras, etc.

As I said, every Jew alive today will tell you so.

Also, read the Apocrypha, the events of Daniel 11 are described in it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Another thing which I taught is that a Christian can indeed have no doubt about his beliefs. Can you not say that there is no doubt that the Lord Jesus died on the cross and then He was resurrected from the dead?

I can also say that there is no doubt that those who believe will not perish but have everlasting life:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (Jn.3:16).​

Since there is no doubt about that I cannot understand why those in the Neo-MAD community say that the Jews who lived under the law were not saved by "faith" alone since they say that those Jews could not be saved apart from works.

Of course you are under no obligation to answer why those in the Neo-MAD community would say that but since you are one of the brightest among them perhaps you could share your wisdom with us as to why we should not believe that "faith" alone was sufficeient for their salvation?

There can be no doubt whatsoever that Heir is correct, and Jerry is wrong.

See how that works?


New member
I don't have to.
I can see that it corresponds with Daniel 9.

You could too, if you didn't hate dispensationalism.

I don't think we hate it that much... its the fruits of dispensatialism that we hate more than anything else.

We hate what the dispensationalists are trying to do in Israel right now... how they are motivated to try and force God's hand into returning as they see it so they can say 'I told you so'. Dispensationalist have raised enough funds to rebuild the temple for the jews.. and have bred cattle so they can produce the red heffer on demand when they see their timing of their prophesies are correct.

The thing is... God doesn't need you, nor is he beholding to your interpretation of prophesy.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I hate to agree with this clown on anything; as he will just use it to toot is own horn louder.

But in the above, well, hip, hip, hooray - though he was just baiting John W, the clown was nevertheless right; hands down, John W does appear to be one of the brightest among those in Mid-Acts.

Frankly, its too bad we don't see far more of your many excellent posts, John W.

In this, that aid of the Adversary against The Mystery of Christ, Teltelestai; has far too often succeeded in distracting you John W, from posting more of your many great insights, brother.

To everyone's loss, dear brother.
Ouch. Good thing, being a stock trader, that I thrive on rejection.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You should ask little Johnny W why he once self-banned himself.

"Little," you quip, fat man, wimp, who is losing his hair?

Make you feel more like a man, does it Craigie, as you attempt to prop up that wimp rep/image, that you have on TOL?

You should ask yourself why you banned herself from the "real hair" crowd, and those that have spines, you creme puff.

So there.

And get rid of that wimpy, loser, name "Craigie," noodle "man."
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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Daniel 11:45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

Daniel 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book

Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Tet, the great gap theorist, proposes a large gap here.

Even though verse one "at that time" refers back to chapter 11.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes they did, no one really cared though.

King James Onlyism began because the Seventh Day Adventists were scared of the RV Bible.

The RV Bible presented a problem for the SDA's number one proof text (Acts 13:42).

When Seventh Day Adventist Ben Wilkinson wrote "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" in 1930, the King James Onlyism cult was born.

Your satanic "Originals Only-ism" began with your flaky, shaky Pentecostalism of the late 1800's, bible rejector.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes they did, no one really cared though.

King James Onlyism began because the Seventh Day Adventists were scared of the RV Bible.

The RV Bible presented a problem for the SDA's number one proof text (Acts 13:42).

When Seventh Day Adventist Ben Wilkinson wrote "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" in 1930, the King James Onlyism cult was born.

No they didn't. Show one person, that corrected the KJB, until the late 1800's, sweetie.

You won't, satanic one.