Real Science Radio: The Search for Noah's Ark


New member
(( YES ))!! -- God could have done what he said, ( In Any way ) He wanted to, without saying HOW He did it!!! - God Just did it the way that is given!!!

Paul -- 072813

Geniuses!!!; - How long did it take God to divide the one Specie of MAN?? – God could do the same with the Creatures of the ARK, - not Just the men from the Garden, to the Tower of BABEL!!!! --- ( Genesis 11:8 KJV ) ---//--- Smart man; -- that was before the Flood, can’t you (( Remember )) anything??? --- Start with: -- ( Genesis 11:1 KJV ) ---//--- Were they Hebrew, or “Gardeners”, or were they kinda like you all; a bunch of God hating, - “Know-it-all” breed???

Paul – 072813


New member
Geniuses!!!; - How long did it take God to divide the one Specie of MAN?? – God could do the same with the Creatures of the ARK, - not Just the men from the Garden, to the Tower of BABEL!!!! --- ( Genesis 11:8 KJV ) ---//--- Smart man; -- that was before the Flood, can’t you (( Remember )) anything??? --- Start with: -- ( Genesis 11:1 KJV ) ---//--- Were they Hebrew, or “Gardeners”, or were they kinda like you all; a bunch of God hating, - “Know-it-all” breed???

Paul – 072813
Um, Homo sapiens is a single species of which modern humans - Homo sapiens sapiens - are a single subspecies. Genius, indeed.


New member
Um, Homo sapiens is a single species of which modern humans - Homo sapiens sapiens - are a single subspecies. Genius, indeed.

(( Sorry ))!! - But I'm not you comon carnal minded Fool that surches everything except the Word of God. I go by the Truth, and that's the things (( God Said in the Book )), that's God's "WAY", not your science garbage untruths!!!

Teach garbage, and Spit on Christ with the rest of the Fools!!!!

Paul -- 072813


New member
(( Sorry ))!! - But I'm not you comon carnal minded Fool that surches everything except the Word of God. I go by the Truth, and that's the things (( God Said in the Book )), that's God's "WAY", not your science garbage untruths!!!

Teach garbage, and Spit on Christ with the rest of the Fools!!!!

Paul -- 072813
Spit on Christ? Nope, just crazy ideas presented as irrefutable fact.


New member
Spit on Christ? Nope, just crazy ideas presented as irrefutable fact.

If you're a (( Carnal Minded Fool ))!! - The "Truth" / the Word of God is "Truth", and has Nothing to do with Whether or not it's - "true" or not; "TRUTH" is what God said, and that is Faith. So have faith in anything you want, I couldn't care LESS!!! --- Things that are Just "True" according to everything except God, can't be of Faith in the ((( TRUTH ))), -- the things God Said!!!

Paul -- 072813


New member
If you're a (( Carnal Minded Fool ))!! - The "Truth" / the Word of God is "Truth", and has Nothing to do with Whether or not it's - "true" or not; "TRUTH" is what God said, and that is Faith. So have faith in anything you want, I couldn't care LESS!!! --- Things that are Just "True" according to everything except God, can't be of Faith in the ((( TRUTH ))), -- the things God Said!!!

Paul -- 072813
It's more the things you say supposedly on God's behalf that I have trouble with, starting with the food requirements of the Ark menagerie and its juvenile status.


New member
It's more the things you say supposedly on God's behalf that I have trouble with, starting with the food requirements of the Ark menagerie and its juvenile status.

SO?? -- I don’t care what a foolish Atheist thinks!!

I didn’t say that there were any “food requirements”. - Quit changing (( Everything ))!!! – I said what I said!!!

Paul – 072813


New member
Can you, then, prove it?

To about the same extent that I can prove toys won't spring to life when I look away, yes.

Absence of a barrier doesn't necessarily lead to homogenization or diffusion.

Based on what exactly? A puerile desire for physics to be suspended merely so that a cherished story of yours may be true?

Ever heard of entropy? Things slow down. Apparently even light.

So what exactly is your argument here? That you believe that the continents moved 1,410,747,444 times faster than has ever been observed or we have any reason to believe they moved, because? What? Your obviously fictional story requires it.

That you think this is indicative not of the narrative's verisimilitude, but of the actual speed of continents I think is quite telling of the extent to which you are willing to deceive yourself to believe in a story. It's truly astonishing.

When I said, "see above," I meant in that very same post; e.g. the response directly above it.

And how does 35 sub-species (breeds) of a single species arising in 200 years with human assistance, in any way prove that 2,000 actual species can arise in 4,000 without any human assistance, at a rate of 1 species every 2 years for 4,000 consecutive years without a single extinction?

How does it exacerbate them?

Because the rate of speciation you must posit requires that the speciation rate barely outpaces standard population growth. Speciation requires large populations, lots of time, and lots of extinction which are precisely the factors that your narrative lacks. That's not even mentioning the problems introduced by massive inter-breeding.

So the smaller the number on the ark, the more implausible the speciation would have been post-deluge to explain modern biodiversity. Conversely the larger the number on the ark, the more implausible the ability of the ark to contain them all (and have them all survive) becomes.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
This paper demonstrates light slowing down entropically? Really? Can you explain how they did that? Or have you not read the paper yet?
I didn't say the light slowed down through natural entropy.

To about the same extent that I can prove toys won't spring to life when I look away, yes.

Based on what exactly? A puerile desire for physics to be suspended merely so that a cherished story of yours may be true?
How would physics be suspended?

So what exactly is your argument here? That you believe that the continents moved 1,410,747,444 times faster than has ever been observed or we have any reason to believe they moved, because? What? Your obviously fictional story requires it.
Who says the flood didn't separate them? Waters did spring forth from the deep. It wasn't just rain. Did you not know that? Have you not read the story?

That you think this is indicative not of the narrative's verisimilitude, but of the actual speed of continents I think is quite telling of the extent to which you are willing to deceive yourself to believe in a story. It's truly astonishing.
I said it was a possibility, not a definite.

And how does 35 sub-species (breeds) of a single species arising in 200 years with human assistance, in any way prove that 2,000 actual species can arise in 4,000 without any human assistance, at a rate of 1 species every 2 years for 4,000 consecutive years without a single extinction?
Divine assistance.:dunce::duh:

Because the rate of speciation you must posit requires that the speciation rate barely outpaces standard population growth. Speciation requires large populations, lots of time, and lots of extinction which are precisely the factors that your narrative lacks. That's not even mentioning the problems introduced by massive inter-breeding.
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So the smaller the number on the ark, the more implausible the speciation would have been post-deluge to explain modern biodiversity. Conversely the larger the number on the ark, the more implausible the ability of the ark to contain them all (and have them all survive) becomes.
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The Barbarian

Originally Posted by Daedalean's_Sun
And how does 35 sub-species (breeds) of a single species arising in 200 years with human assistance, in any way prove that 2,000 actual species can arise in 4,000 without any human assistance, at a rate of 1 species every 2 years for 4,000 consecutive years without a single extinction?

Divine assistance.:dunce::duh:

If you have to invent non-scriptural miracles to make your "science" work, then it's probably not a very good idea in the first place.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If you have to invent non-scriptural miracles to make your "science" work, then it's probably not a very good idea in the first place.
Because every miracle God ever performed is recorded in the Bible; God demands such minutiae.:rolleyes:

The Barbarian

Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
If you have to invent non-scriptural miracles to make your "science" work, then it's probably not a very good idea in the first place.

Because every miracle God ever performed is recorded in the Bible;

Wrong. The Bible mentions such unrecorded miracles. That is not license for you to invent your own, to cover flaws in your beliefs.

God demands such minutiae.

You misspelled "integrity." But then it's not a word with which you're very familiar.


New member
SO?? -- I don’t care what a foolish Atheist thinks!!

I didn’t say that there were any “food requirements”. - Quit changing (( Everything ))!!! – I said what I said!!!

Paul – 072813
Here you go, post 114, 19 July:

'With no need of but very little food, and the animals may have been very, very young; what’s their problem?? --- ( Mark 8:6-8 KJV ) ---///---

Paul – 071913'


New member
(( Here you go, post 114, 19 July: ))

'With no need of but very little food, and the animals may have been very, very young; what’s their problem?? --- ( Mark 8:6-8 KJV ) ---///---

Paul – 071913'

You are "somekind" of "genius" if you can get any ( "Unusual" ) ((( "REQUIREMENT" ))) out of that!!!! -- Just Look at how (( Totally Desperate )) you are to be smart, and know "Anything"!! -- You're a foolish "Athiest"; -- you nothing but a hater of Truth and God!!! -----You're foaming at the mouth; -- pull your pants up, it's sickening!!

Paul -- 072913


New member
You are "somekind" of "genius" if you can get any ( "Unusual" ) ((( "REQUIREMENT" ))) out of that!!!! -- Just Look at how (( Totally Desperate )) you are to be smart, and know "Anything"!! -- You're a foolish "Athiest"; -- you nothing but a hater of Truth and God!!! -----You're foaming at the mouth; -- pull your pants up, it's sickening!!

Paul -- 072913
You seem to be adding words to my comment/question that weren't there: no 'unusual' in my posts, that would be your imagination at work. And, of course, I can't get anything out of your sweeping assertions as you have consistently failed to clarify them for 11 days now. Equating your posts with 'Truth and God' smacks rather of hubris.


New member
You seem to be adding words to my comment/question that weren't there: no 'unusual' in my posts, that would be your imagination at work. And, of course, I can't get anything out of your sweeping assertions as you have consistently failed to clarify them for 11 days now. Equating your posts with 'Truth and God' smacks rather of hubris.

You're the one who (( Added )): "Unusual" without saying it!! - Like the cheating and conniving (( Atheist )) you are!!

What I said was not an "Unusual" thing!!!

Paul -- 072913


New member
You're the one who (( Added )): "Unusual" without saying it!! - Like the cheating and conniving (( Atheist )) you are!!
So I added something without adding it? How do you figure that? How do you reckon that not adding something that you assert I added is 'cheating and conniving'? Is it 'cheating and conniving' to point out that you have made a mistake?
What I said was not an "Unusual" thing!!!

Paul -- 072913
As I never said it was, you are exclaiming about a strawman. What I asked for was clarification of your assertions about the food requirements on board the Ark and the juvenile status of the animals, but for eleven days now you have failed to provide any such clarification, preferring instead to post abusive and derogatory remarks.


New member
So I added something without adding it? How do you figure that? How do you reckon that not adding something that you assert I added is 'cheating and conniving'? Is it 'cheating and conniving' to point out that you have made a mistake?

As I never said it was, you are exclaiming about a strawman. What I asked for was clarification of your assertions about the food requirements on board the Ark and the juvenile status of the animals, but for eleven days now you have failed to provide any such clarification, preferring instead to post abusive and derogatory remarks.

Yes you're an (( "Atheist" )), you look like one, you sound like one, and you're a (( Fool )) like one, and you are Blind like one, so I can't show you anything that is "Truth", because you are too foolish to understand the Truth. -- Now, - wipe your Mouth also Again, it's foaming again, and pull up your pants it's sickening!!!!

Paul -- 072913


New member
Yes you're an (( "Atheist" )), you look like one, you sound like one, and you're a (( Fool )) like one, and you are Blind like one, so I can't show you anything that is "Truth", because you are too foolish to understand the Truth. -- Now, - wipe your Mouth also Again, it's foaming again, and pull up your pants it's sickening!!!!

Paul -- 072913
Ah, more abuse and incoherence proffered in the place of reasoned answers to simple questions. You give no evidence that 'the Truth' is anything more than a stranger to you; certainly continually claiming it as your own makes one wonder how insecure in your position you actually are.


New member
Ah, more abuse and incoherence proffered in the place of reasoned answers to simple questions. You give no evidence that 'the Truth' is anything more than a stranger to you; certainly continually claiming it as your own makes one wonder how insecure in your position you actually are.

There's no telling you anything; - you're just there to cause trouble and any FOOL can see that; - but No ( FOOL ) will resist you because they are just like you!!!

You leave me nothing to respond to, but more of the same garbage. --- You have nothing to offer for reasonable response, just like your foolish ((( GOD )))!!! -- You Atheists have Nothing of knowledge, and supported by More FOOLS!!!! ---

You've (( Wasted too much of my time )). Go to your ~~god!!!!

Paul -- 072913