Real Science Radio: The Search for Noah's Ark


New member
There's no telling you anything; - you're just there to cause trouble and any FOOL can see that; - but No ( FOOL ) will resist you because they are just like you!!!

You leave me nothing to respond to, but more of the same garbage. --- You have nothing to offer for reasonable response, just like your foolish ((( GOD )))!!! -- You Atheists have Nothing of knowledge, and supported by More FOOLS!!!! ---

You've (( Wasted too much of my time )). Go to your ~~god!!!!

Paul -- 072913
There you go then, just think how much of that time you could have saved by simply answering the questions asked 11 days ago.


New member
“You shall know THEM by their Fruit”, -- And you fools don’t EVEN have an Idea what that is Saying in the Spirit. – It’s just a bunch of words that you can ( Vomit ) up on your opponent like ME!!! – All the Fools think the Fruit, - is to get a mouth full, and then spit “IT” back out on your Enemy like ME!!! --- It’s not the Flesh of the Fruit, the Christian spits out, but the ((( “SEED” ))) is planted. – It’s his own fruit that we see if a Fool is a Fool or not!!! – It’s the Seed of the Fruit we shall Know the fool from the Christian!!! – And (( there is none )) today who ( Can ) just eat the “Flesh”, and “Drink the Blood” of the Fruit of the Cross, or TREE, and then (( Plant the SEED ))!! --- Now all, or Any of you Fools, who call yourselfs --“christian”, (( Prove me Wrong with your -“seed” from your father’s fruit of the Tares!!! – Any half wit can then SEE who you are!!! – That’s what the Fruit ( feels like )!!! – “By His ( Stripes ) we are Healed”!!! --- Prove It wrong – Geniuses!!!!

Paul – 072913


New member
I didn't say the light slowed down through natural entropy.

Yes you did, or at least you implied it when you cited it as an example of something slowing down entropically.

Yawn indeed. You're essentially asking me to prove that physics wasn't suspended. Even if I could prove such a thing, there is no reason to believe it was, except to rationalize the points of your flood myth that would indicate it's fictitious nature.

How would physics be suspended?

How would me flying be a suspension of physics? Because it would require molecules to behave in a way not consistent with physics. Diffusion is so universally observed, so constant that it can be expressed mathematically as j = -D(dc/dx) with an incredible level of accuracy.

Who says the flood didn't separate them? Waters did spring forth from the deep. It wasn't just rain. Did you not know that? Have you not read the story?

How would that cause all the world's continents to move at 8,799 miles a year?

I said it was a possibility, not a definite.

That the Chinese Government has grown an evil clone assassin of me, is a possibility, and it merits about as much consideration as the one you present here.

Divine assistance. :dunce::duh:

The more you most posit circumstances that upend known and verifiable observations, the more exponentially implausible and unlikely your story becomes.

See my Logic 101 Thread.

Show it...

Well if that's how you want to do this. Show me divine assistance causing hyper-evolution. Or even better show me hyper-evolution at all. Or perhaps you can show me salt water mixing with fresh water wherein diffusion does not occur.

Why does a higher number of animals on the ark constituting greater implausibility due to space limitations, require illustration? That's rather common sense I would think. However none of the claims you've made above require illustration? How peculiar... :think:
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New member
“You shall know THEM by their Fruit”, -- And you fools don’t EVEN have an Idea what that is Saying in the Spirit. – It’s just a bunch of words that you can ( Vomit ) up on your opponent like ME!!! – All the Fools think the Fruit, - is to get a mouth full, and then spit “IT” back out on your Enemy like ME!!! --- It’s not the Flesh of the Fruit, the Christian spits out, but the ((( “SEED” ))) is planted. – It’s his own fruit that we see if a Fool is a Fool or not!!! – It’s the Seed of the Fruit we shall Know the fool from the Christian!!! – And (( there is none )) today who ( Can ) just eat the “Flesh”, and “Drink the Blood” of the Fruit of the Cross, or TREE, and then (( Plant the SEED ))!! --- Now all, or Any of you Fools, who call yourselfs --“christian”, (( Prove me Wrong with your -“seed” from your father’s fruit of the Tares!!! – Any half wit can then SEE who you are!!! – That’s what the Fruit ( feels like )!!! – “By His ( Stripes ) we are Healed”!!! --- Prove It wrong – Geniuses!!!!

Paul – 072913

The Fool speaks from his bowels; he has not the Mind of Christ from which to speak.

Know you not, that the “Body of Christ” has NO Bowls, and has no blood pump for a heart??? – The “Body of Christ Only has the “Mind” from which the Whole Body is feed the Water of Life, that was ( Shed at the Cross ) Also!! – And the Blind Fool cannot See the Truth that was Resurrected as the Spiritual Body of Flesh and Blood of the “SEED” that becomes the same as the Body of Christ, whose Seed is planted in the Mind or the Good and HONEST MIND / HEART’; - the Good Ground, not the dry dirt of the composition of the foolish man, not the Body of Christ!!!

Now Prove this wrong!! ----- It is the “(( Spirit of the Word ))” - that you all “Read” as the spit you chew up and spit on your enemies like ME!!!

Paul – 072913


New member
The Fool speaks from his bowels; he has not the Mind of Christ from which to speak.

Know you not, that the “Body of Christ” has NO Bowls, and has no blood pump for a heart??? – The “Body of Christ Only has the “Mind” from which the Whole Body is feed the Water of Life, that was ( Shed at the Cross ) Also!! – And the Blind Fool cannot See the Truth that was Resurrected as the Spiritual Body of Flesh and Blood of the “SEED” that becomes the same as the Body of Christ, whose Seed is planted in the Mind or the Good and HONEST MIND / HEART’; - the Good Ground, not the dry dirt of the composition of the foolish man, not the Body of Christ!!!

Now Prove this wrong!! ----- It is the “(( Spirit of the Word ))” - that you all “Read” as the spit you chew up and spit on your enemies like ME!!!

Paul – 072913
Perhaps you should call the waaambulance? Your posts seem to have degenerated into a wail of self-pity, after all.


New member
The Fool delivers nothing new, nothing remarkable, nothing Spiritual from his mouth; just the same slanders smell from his bowels.

Paul – 072913


New member
The Fool delivers nothing new, nothing remarkable, nothing Spiritual from his mouth; just the same slanders smell from his bowels.

Paul – 072913

Did you know that there were no impurities in the Water that Jesus shed while on the Cross?? – Jesus fasted at least 40 days and nights, eating nothing, and drinking much spring water that became the Rivers of Living Waters. ---- “Out of His belly came Rivers of Living Waters”. - It started with one River, ( The Gospel ), and from there IT parted into Four Heads; - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John!! – Does any Fool see things like that at the Cross??? --- ( Geneses 2:10 KJV ) ---//--- The foolish Carnal Minded, - NO!!

Paul – 072913


New member
Did you know that there were no impurities in the Water that Jesus shed while on the Cross?? – Jesus fasted at least 40 days and nights, eating nothing, and drinking much spring water that became the Rivers of Living Waters. ---- “Out of His belly came Rivers of Living Waters”. - It started with one River, ( The Gospel ), and from there IT parted into Four Heads; - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John!! – Does any Fool see things like that at the Cross??? --- ( Geneses 2:10 KJV ) ---//--- The foolish Carnal Minded, - NO!!

Paul – 072913
You seem to profess to be wise rather more than most imo. :think:


New member
You seem to profess to be wise rather more than most imo. :think:

Isn’t Light bright because there is darkness, and darkness dark because there is Light?? - So it is with Wisdom, Wisdom can only exist because there are fools. – In Heaven there is just the normal God, and never a dull moment observing and performing the Creation.

Paul – 072913


New member
Wisdom needs not speak of itself, only in the judgment of Error.
A “Lying Fool” - WILL claim lies of Wisdom, just to make his foolishness seem wiser to others.

Paul – 073013


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Wrong. The Bible mentions such unrecorded miracles. That is not license for you to invent your own, to cover flaws in your beliefs.
It is logically consistent to believe that in order for God to accomplish what He wanted wit the flood He must have necessarily performed other miracles in accordance with His desire. I am merely offering possibilities for what those may have been in order to preserve what was necessary to preserve and to perform that which we know was performed.

You misspelled "integrity." But then it's not a word with which you're very familiar.
I was being sarcastic, dimwit.

Yes you did, or at least you implied it when you cited it as an example of something slowing down entropically.
I didn't cite it as an example of something happening through natural entropy. You misread me. I cited it as an example of something that even man could slow down, or "freeze," thus allowing for the logical proof that God could slow down that which does not even move at the speed of light, for if man could do it then God surely can. Or do you disagree with that?

Yawn indeed. You're essentially asking me to prove that physics wasn't suspended. Even if I could prove such a thing, there is no reason to believe it was, except to rationalize the points of your flood myth that would indicate it's fictitious nature.
So an omnipotent God can't suspend the physics of His creation?

How would me flying be a suspension of physics? Because it would require molecules to behave in a way not consistent with physics. Diffusion is so universally observed, so constant that it can be expressed mathematically as j = -D(dc/dx) with an incredible level of accuracy.
That doesn't answer the question. We aren't discussing human flight.

How would that cause all the world's continents to move at 8,799 miles a year?
Who says it did cause that?

I, for one, would expect that such a force of pressure would separate them greatly and that they would have slowed down after the pressure dissipated.

That the Chinese Government has grown an evil clone assassin of me, is a possibility, and it merits about as much consideration as the one you present here.

The more you most posit circumstances that upend known and verifiable observations, the more exponentially implausible and unlikely your story becomes.
Implausible does not equate to impossible, and unlikely does not equate to non-extant.:nono:

I trust the doctors who say my mind is wired to think primarily logically.

Well if that's how you want to do this. Show me divine assistance causing hyper-evolution. Or even better show me hyper-evolution at all. Or perhaps you can show me salt water mixing with fresh water wherein diffusion does not occur.
Who said anything about hyper-evolution being caused by divine assistance?

I mean, animals breed with what's available as far as that which is available is able to breed with them. The bats on the ark bred with the other bats on the ark.

Could an omnipotent being keep diffusion from taking place? Yes or no?

Why does a higher number of animals on the ark constituting greater implausibility due to space limitations, require illustration? That's rather common sense I would think. However none of the claims you've made above require illustration? How peculiar... :think:
Nice cop out.

I'm presenting possibilities as such, you are claiming definitiveness.


New member
It is logically consistent to believe that in order for God to accomplish what He wanted wit the flood He must have necessarily performed other miracles in accordance with His desire. I am merely offering possibilities for what those may have been in order to preserve what was necessary to preserve and to perform that which we know was performed.

I was being sarcastic, dimwit.

I didn't cite it as an example of something happening through natural entropy. You misread me. I cited it as an example of something that even man could slow down, or "freeze," thus allowing for the logical proof that God could slow down that which does not even move at the speed of light, for if man could do it then God surely can. Or do you disagree with that?

So an omnipotent God can't suspend the physics of His creation?

That doesn't answer the question. We aren't discussing human flight.

Who says it did cause that?

I, for one, would expect that such a force of pressure would separate them greatly and that they would have slowed down after the pressure dissipated.


Implausible does not equate to impossible, and unlikely does not equate to non-extant.:nono:

I trust the doctors who say my mind is wired to think primarily logically.

Who said anything about hyper-evolution being caused by divine assistance?

I mean, animals breed with what's available as far as that which is available is able to breed with them. The bats on the ark bred with the other bats on the ark.

Could an omnipotent being keep diffusion from taking place? Yes or no?

Nice cop out.

I'm presenting possibilities as such, you are claiming definitiveness.

Just a comment on the ( first of "this" Post ).

The Flood was only the first half of the Harvest. – Noah’s Flood was the ( First Rain ), And the out pouring of the Holy Ghost is the (( “Latter Rain” )). ---- ( Genesis 9:11 KJV ) ---&--- ( Revelation 16:20 KJV ) ---&--- ((( Psalms 7:11-12 KJV ))) – God ( Bent ) His Own “Bow” to accomplish all Truth.

Paul – 073013


New member
I didn't cite it as an example of something happening through natural entropy. You misread me. I cited it as an example of something that even man could slow down, or "freeze," thus allowing for the logical proof that God could slow down that which does not even move at the speed of light, for if man could do it then God surely can. Or do you disagree with that?

You said and I quote: "Ever heard of entropy? Things slow down. Apparently even light."

This strongly implies that light was slowed down because of entropy. If that wasn't what you were implying then why mention entropy at all?

It would be just as silly as if I stated: "Ever hear of combustion? Things are fired. Even employees."

The last sentence has nothing to do with the first sentence, but a connection is implied.

So an omnipotent God can't suspend the physics of His creation?

Rather we have no reason to believe that he did. The President could have ordered the creation of an agency of bikini-clad assassins, but we have no reason to believe he did. Simply because something could have happened, does not mean it is rational to believe that it did.

That doesn't answer the question. We aren't discussing human flight.

I did answer you question. You asked how something would be a suspension of physics and I answered: "Because it would require molecules to behave in a way not consistent with physics."

Who says it did cause that?

You apparently, else why suggest it at all?

I, for one, would expect that such a force of pressure would separate them greatly and that they would have slowed down after the pressure dissipated.

And you think flooding did this?


Implausible does not equate to impossible, and unlikely does not equate to non-extant.:nono:

No, you are right. However it is not rational to believe in something merely because it is "possible". The universe is filled with many possibilities and only a few a actualities. It is possible that Abraham Lincoln was a shape-shifting alien, however it is not rational to believe that he was, just as it is not rational to believe that Yahweh suspended aqueous salt diffusion, sped-up speciation, or moved the continents from Pangaea to their current locations via a flood.

I trust the doctors who say my mind is wired to think primarily logically.

Lots of sane people think illogically. I'm sure we all know people that fit this category.

Anything that we believe for any reason other than how probably true it is, is an expression of illogical thinking.

Who said anything about hyper-evolution being caused by divine assistance?

You did:

DS: And how does 35 sub-species (breeds) of a single species arising in 200 years with human assistance, in any way prove that 2,000 actual species can arise in 4,000 without any human assistance, at a rate of 1 species every 2 years for 4,000 consecutive years without a single extinction?

LH: Divine assistance.

I mean, animals breed with what's available as far as that which is available is able to breed with them. The bats on the ark bred with the other bats on the ark.

Breeding alone does not cause speciation. You need genetic variation, selection, and time for those genetic variances to accumulate.

Could an omnipotent being keep diffusion from taking place? Yes or no?

Sure, but there is no reason to believe that is how it happened. As I stated earlier simply because something could have happened, does not mean it is rational to believe that it did.

Nice cop out.

How is that a cop out? I'm explaining why having more animals on the ark is more implausible.

I'm presenting possibilities as such, you are claiming definitiveness.

Anyone can present possibilities, I'm not concerned about possibilities, I'm concerned about probabilities. You might as well be telling me that you're going to win the lottery seven times in a row. Sure it's possible, but it's illogical to believe that you will, and no one will take you seriously by claiming such a thing.

Debate is about showing which of two positions is probably true. And so far that would be mine.


New member
You said and I quote: "Ever heard of entropy? Things slow down. Apparently even light."

This strongly implies that light was slowed down because of entropy. If that wasn't what you were implying then why mention entropy at all?
I thought you'd pick up on that, in fact from that link light speeds up again afterwards which is hardly entropy either.


New member
You said and I quote: "Ever heard of entropy? Things slow down. Apparently even light."

This strongly implies that light was slowed down because of entropy. If that wasn't what you were implying then why mention entropy at all?

It would be just as silly as if I stated: "Ever hear of combustion? Things are fired. Even employees."

The last sentence has nothing to do with the first sentence, but a connection is implied.

Rather we have no reason to believe that he did. The President could have ordered the creation of an agency of bikini-clad assassins, but we have no reason to believe he did. Simply because something could have happened, does not mean it is rational to believe that it did.

I did answer you question. You asked how something would be a suspension of physics and I answered: "Because it would require molecules to behave in a way not consistent with physics."

You apparently, else why suggest it at all?

And you think flooding did this?

No, you are right. However it is not rational to believe in something merely because it is "possible". The universe is filled with many possibilities and only a few a actualities. It is possible that Abraham Lincoln was a shape-shifting alien, however it is not rational to believe that he was, just as it is not rational to believe that Yahweh suspended aqueous salt diffusion, sped-up speciation, or moved the continents from Pangaea to their current locations via a flood.

Lots of sane people think illogically. I'm sure we all know people that fit this category.

Anything that we believe for any reason other than how probably true it is, is an expression of illogical thinking.

You did:

DS: And how does 35 sub-species (breeds) of a single species arising in 200 years with human assistance, in any way prove that 2,000 actual species can arise in 4,000 without any human assistance, at a rate of 1 species every 2 years for 4,000 consecutive years without a single extinction?

LH: Divine assistance.

Breeding alone does not cause speciation. You need genetic variation, selection, and time for those genetic variances to accumulate.

Sure, but there is no reason to believe that is how it happened. As I stated earlier simply because something could have happened, does not mean it is rational to believe that it did.

How is that a cop out? I'm explaining why having more animals on the ark is more implausible.

Anyone can present possibilities, I'm not concerned about possibilities, I'm concerned about probabilities. You might as well be telling me that you're going to win the lottery seven times in a row. Sure it's possible, but it's illogical to believe that you will, and no one will take you seriously by claiming such a thing.

Debate is about showing which of two positions is probably true. And so far that would be mine.

What are you all getting at?? – Light slows down in water: - So what?? - Light slows down in air; - Light speed up between Galaxies; SO What??? – What’s that got to do with Noah’s Flood??

It’s amazing; ---- I showed you that at the Flood of Noah, God prepared New Ground, and ( Watered it with the “Former Rain” ), then (( Planted )) New Seed, and they Grew, but Satan planted Tares among the Wheat, and God said, “Let both grow together”, then God brought the ((( Latter Rain ))); and God said, “Divide the Tares from the Wheat, and burn them, but gather the Wheat into the Fourth Heaven, my Barn!!!!

If you so called “?Christians” can’t SEE that, (( You are Blind ))!!!

Just what are you all doing calling yourselves Christian anyhow????

Paul – 073013


New member
HUH??? --- You heard me!!! – Now do something with it if you all are so smart!! – Get some help from the geniuses there, Maybe Bob can help you, for you helping him!!

Paul – 073013

I read what you wrote, but attempting to decipher your semi-coherent arrangement of words and punctuation is a different matter entirely.


New member
I read what you wrote, but attempting to decipher your semi-coherent arrangement of words and punctuation is a different matter entirely.

You cheating child of the wrong god!! - What’s wrong with the “Punctuation” there that time?? – I deliberately left most of it out, just to see if some Fool would (( STILL )) use that for an ( Excuse ), -- ((( And You did ))), - what a brave coward some of you Fools ARE!!!!

Go crawl back into your “Catacomb” and hide with the rest of your family of cheating fools!!!

Paul – 073013