Real Science Friday: A Leading Telescope Designer in Studio

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Answer me first. Before I will let you use Jesus as a Standard, I want you to tell me He is your Sandard.


What do you mean before you will "let me"? Jesus' standard was to help the needy Tom, demonstrated by feeding the hungry etc, so if you refuse to answer it's on your own head as to why you condemn those who are on the streets out of hand and thereby Lazarus in turn.


The Barbarian

Remember, Tom thinks God is going to fire Jesus and let Tom judge us. So he doesn't feel any remorse about denying what Jesus says about salvation.

The Barbarian

Remember, that was where someone did some editing to make it appear so.

But that someone belongs to a religion that teaches dishonesty is acceptable if it's useful. So it's not unexpected from him.

The Barbarian

Everyone saw what happened.

And some people's religions say that dishonesty is permissible when it's advantageous. This is one of those cases when someone thought it might be a good idea to cut and past and fake a quote.

It's not surprising he ducked a challenge from someone else to show that he didn't lie about it.

His religion teaches that it's O.K. to lie when it's advantageous.

some other dude

New member
Everyone saw what happened.

Indeed they did. They saw you once again make a claim you couldn't support or defend, much like your apocryphal Texas legislator. Is there any reason we shouldn't think you were talking about yourself?

And some people's religions say that dishonesty is permissible when it's advantageous.


Are you referring to your church's practice of enabling pedophila by dishonestly hiding abusive priests and lying to the authorities?

This is one of those cases when someone thought it might be a good idea to cut and past and fake a quote.

Nope. No fake. Your post is right here.

In it, you say "...there's something wrong with black people as a race"

You've been asked to clarify who you're talking about here. Until you do, I'll assume you were talking about yourself, regardless of how many tantrums you throw.

It's not surprising he ducked a challenge from someone else to show that he didn't lie about it.

Another "someone"? Would that be the same "someone" you were referring to before?

His religion teaches that it's O.K. to lie when it's advantageous.

Oh barbie, now that is a lie. :nono:

Not surprising though. Seeing as you're willing to support pedophila and racism, why would we expect you to have any ethical issues with lying?

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
It's not, as someone suggested, that there's something wrong with black people as a race.

And because his religion says it's permissible to lie if there's an advantage in doing so, we see a quick alteration to read:
In it, you say "...there's something wrong with black people as a race"

And then:
Remember, barbie thinks there's something wrong with black people as a race.

But that's to be expected:
What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church?
Martin Luther

He's just being what he is.

He's more to be pitied than censured. Pray for him.

some other dude

New member
a furious barbie angrily responds in a maelstrom of name-calling and tantrums:
barbie said:
Barbarian observes:
It's not, as someone suggested, that there's something wrong with black people as a race.

Encouraged to explain who that "someone" is, barbie falls silent.

and why does barbie fall silent?
barbie said:
...because his religion says it's permissible to lie if there's an advantage in doing so...

Precisely barbie!

For instance, your religion has said by its actions that it is permissable to conceal the crimes of pedophile priests, relocate them to new venues with fresh innocent child victims and then lie to law enforcement until its behavior is discovered.

barbie said:
But that's to be expected:

It doesn't have to be barbie. :nono:

Most non-Catholic Christian denominations have a pretty good record of bringing child sexual molestation to the attention of the proper authorities. Those church leaders in non-Catholic Christian denominations who follow the Catholic practice of trying to hide child molestation and lying to the authorities are usually dealt with severely.

barbie said:
What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church?
Martin Luther

He's just being what he is.

Indeed he was barbie, indeed he was.

The Reformation's leaders were Martin Luther and John Calvin, both educated as priests for the Catholic Church.

The Barbarian

Sorry, no bunny trails.

Barbarian said:
It's not, as someone suggested, that there's something wrong with black people as a race.

And so, someone decided a little adjustment would be a good idea. First:
In it, you say "...there's something wrong with black people as a race"

And then:
Remember, barbie thinks there's something wrong with black people as a race.

But of course, his religion says it's O.K. to lie, if there's a good cause.
He really doesn't see what's wrong with that behavior.
Pray for him.

some other dude

New member
some other dude reminds barbie of his lie:
barbie said:
Tom thinks God is going to fire Jesus and let Tom judge us.

some other dude reminds barbie of his religious ethic:
barbie said:
And some people's religions say that dishonesty is permissible when it's advantageous

a confused barbie angrily squeals "no fair!" when reminded of his lie:
barbie said:
Sorry, no bunny trails.

No really barbie. You were lying about what Tom thinks.

But that's OK because you're a Catholic.

A pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic.

And that's OK! :thumb:

Nobody expects you to be any different!

For ten years on this site you've been a sterling example of a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic.

If newbies come on this site and ask for a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic, everybody knows you're the guy!

You do an outstanding job! :first:

barbie said:
It's not, as someone suggested, that there's something wrong with black people as a race.

You should really stop making that suggestion barbie, if you're uncomfortable being identified as a racist.

You could embrace it. Many racists do. They are unashamed racists.

You could wear your hood and robes in public. I believe they encourage that in Texas.

barbie said:
.... a little adjustment would be a good idea.

Well, if you are all that uncomfortable being a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic, then maybe a little adjustment would be a good idea, um?

But you resist that adjustment, don't you?

You think you are OK just the way you are!

And why does barbie think that it is ok to be a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic?

barbie said:
... his religion says it's O.K. to lie, if there's a good cause.
He really doesn't see what's wrong with that behavior.

We know you don't barbie, we know you don't.

Barbie doesn't see anything at all wrong with being a pedophile supporting, lying racist.

It's the way he was raised.

It's the culture in which he is living in texas.

It's the example his Church sets.

What should we do for barbie, the pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic?

Pray for him.

Last edited:

The Barbarian

"A hit dog always howls."

And apparently throws everything but the kitchen sink, hoping something will hit.

Time to put someone back to sleep. (ignore activated)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
some other dude reminds barbie of his lie:

some other dude reminds barbie of his religious ethic:

a confused barbie angrily squeals "no fair!" when reminded of his lie:

No really barbie. You were lying about what Tom thinks.

But that's OK because you're a Catholic.

A pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic.

And that's OK! :thumb:

Nobody expects you to be any different!

For ten years on this site you've been a sterling example of a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic.

If newbies come on this site and ask for a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic, everybody knows you're the guy!

You do an outstanding job! :first:

You should really stop making that suggestion barbie, if you're uncomfortable being identified as a racist.

You could embrace it. Many racists do. They are unashamed racists.

You could wear your hood and robes in public. I believe they encourage that in Texas.

Well, if you are all that uncomfortable being a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic, then maybe a little adjustment would be a good idea, um?

But you resist that adjustment, don't you?

You think you are OK just the way you are!

And why does barbie think that it is ok to be a pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic?

We know you don't barbie, we know you don't.

Barbie doesn't see anything at all wrong with being a pedophile supporting, lying racist.

It's the way he was raised.

It's the culture in which he is living in texas.

It's the example his Church sets.

What should we do for barbie, the pedophile supporting, racist, lying Catholic?


You really are one ranting idiot dude. Give it a rest for everyone's sake....


The Barbarian

I though perhaps gradually engaging him, and encouraging his better side might break the cycle.

But it seems nothing will do that; even a oblique approach merely incites increasingly shrill and angry accusations. Perhaps only time will bring healing.


New member
=The Barbarian;2776692]Remember, Tom thinks God is going to fire Jesus and let Tom judge us. So he doesn't feel any remorse about denying what Jesus says about salvation.


When I was a Catholic over a half century ago, our priest would not allow us to read the Bible. I gather from reading your posts, reading the Bible is still verboten.

Would you like Scriptural proof that judgment of the wicked will be delegated by Jesus to us saints?



New member
=Arthur Brain;2776667]What do you mean before you will "let me"? Jesus' standard was to help the needy Tom, demonstrated by feeding the hungry etc, so if you refuse to answer it's on your own head as to why you condemn those who are on the streets out of hand and thereby Lazarus in turn.



Jesus warned me to be careful as to whom I "cast my pearls before" (Mat. 7:6).



New member
=The Barbarian;2776740]Everyone saw what happened.

And some people's religions say that dishonesty is permissible when it's advantageous. This is one of those cases when someone thought it might be a good idea to cut and past and fake a quote.

It's not surprising he ducked a challenge from someone else to show that he didn't lie about it.

His religion teaches that it's O.K. to lie when it's advantageous.


The Catholic Church has been lying for centuries because it has been "advantageous" for them. And as intelligent as you are in book learning, you have bought in to it hook, line, and sinker.
