random thoughts RE the upcoming pres election..


New member
Chris Christie doesn't believe that Christian business owners should be able to say to a customer No, I don't want to do that because it goes against my religion

Translation: If own a business, you can check yourChrisianfaith @ t he door thereof

also he doesn't seem to think that one should adhere to what the Church teaches (says he has used artif b control against his Catholic beliefs... If he can't be true to his faith... can we believe he would be faithful to ... say, the Constitution?)

Kasich apparently left the catholic church... you know.. He knows better than the Church Christ founded...

(too bad... I like what he's done in Ohio... but I won't vote for someone who doesn't feel a need for Christ's Church... (eve when he is supposed 2 be a member thereof)

EVERYONE needs the Church -- or Christ wouldn't have "invented" it...


I still would like Santorum b/c he is Catholic (not the only reason, by a long shot...)

I like Ben Carson... I don't think he is dedicated to 7th Day Adventist theology... HOPE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like him b/c he is TRULY pro life...

Christie is too, and I like that... but... whatever..



New member
I think Walker should probably be president. He is already "president" (means presides over) of Wisconsin

He has already proven to us that he will not magically change into a rino once he gets to WA.. b/c he held onto his conservative values all through... everything he endured in Wisconsin

still love Cruz and Carson, would be happy if they made it .. Santroum... Fiorina.. Perry, ditto.

But Walker has proven that he doesn't back down. It is unbelievable what he did in a BLUE state.

Chris Christie did similar things and i like him sorta... but again... he hasn't been true to his purported Catholic beliefs... so i wonder if he will be faithful to... the country? God knows... I am just trying to pick the one(s) who can


Trust is what it is all about. If you don't trust the person, don't vote for him/her.. That sounds like a DUH thing, but it really isn't... when u consider people vote for someone based on such dumb criteria as race and gender... yeh, it happens... God knows how often...

Trump is not a conservative... he just holds SOME conservative beliefs and we really don't even know THAT ... AFter all, the air in WA is toxic.. and look how many have succumbed so far... ?
