random thoughts RE the upcoming pres election..


New member
wow, the Rick Perry announcement speech was just PERFECT (I mean, you know, as perfect as anything gets in this world)

I had been so uncertain up until now, thought I would have to hear a few debates b4 i decide, but now the uncertainty is GONE..

so strange for an open minded person like me.. very strange

Perry has what some feel is THE most important qualification:


AND he has other necessary attributes, that all presidents should have:


a will to use the military WISELY (meaning as few as possible lives are lost...)

a track record for good economics! 1.5 (or 1.4?) million jobs were created in TX under his leadership.

And what impressed me most of all was how he laid into Pres O with apparently little concern about PC-ness or sounding "nice"

hate Nice...

I mean, you know, there is a place for Nice, but never at the expense of truth.. reality (and a few other things..)


Rick Perry is a theocrat. I think he's more likely to wipe his behind with the first amendment than he is to respect the first amendment.


New member
Calling someone loony tunes in a debate after they've made a very reasonable argument is like calling someone a doody head in a debate. It shows you have no real argument because if you had a reasoned argument you'd use that rather than saying the person is loony tunes.

yeh, I figured what was good for the goose (libs) is good--at least at times--for the... well, you know, the normally more mature among us


now What was I calling Loony tunes? Oh, yeh... that tirade about how Bush is Satan incarnate and he ruined the middle east... now I remember

loony tunes


New member
yeh, I figured what was good for the goose (libs) is good--at least at times--for the... well, you know, the normally more mature among us

The Horn offered a very good argument. Your counter argument was indistinguishable in it's meaning from "doody head". I gotta say, point for The Horn.


New member
more random thoughts:

Rubio is not very specific about what he would do to change things for the better. Perry is more specific and covers a wide range of topics in his entering the campaign speech

Clinton has no shame. After all she did, she has the audacity to run for president. Why anyone would vote for her is beyond me except that those who don't know/don't care about her flaws and choose to remain ignorant... those are the kind of people who vote for people b/c they are a certain race.. always will have those kind (sigh).. (and I thought I used to vote in virtual ignorance... when really young... Geez... At least I can honestly say I never voted for someone 4 THAT shallow a reason (non-reason)



New member
I can't get over how

I was so .. in waiting mode RE the candidates, waiting for the debates, waiting for more background info..

and then Perry makes his entering the campaign speech

and all doubt goes out the window... Now, true, I may yet discover something about him that changes my mind.. but somehow i doubt it.

He has accomplished great things.

And THAT says it all



Sadly I gave you more credit than you deserved and I agree that talking to ill informed hard liners like you would be a waste of my time.
Governor Bobby Jindal doesn't refer to them as "The Stupid Party" without good reason!


New member
I repent of calling bill Clinton "creepy"

4 all we know, he has changed his ways, and now only has eyes for Hellary

(hard to write that w/o laughing, but anything's possible)


more random stuff:

I'm happy Santorum came out totally against pathway to citizenship for illegals. I think I was giving up on that issue, giving up on anyone having that kind of stand, so was beginning to think Bush was right or something.. Well, again, if illegals were treated like criminals like US citizens would be for a similar trespass... maybe I would consider .. But after hearing Santorum... maybe not.



New member
Lindsey Graham is single..

Would he be First single president?


The Rs could have

1st female pres

1st single pres (?)

1st Hispanic pres

And the Dems have...


so much for the Dems appreciating CHOICE, eh?

Libs only seem to like choice when there's a dead child involved.




New member
It seems Carly Fiorina and Kasich are the only ones talking about the disadvantaged

Hmmm... There's something about most Republicans.. they don't seem to want to acknowledge the poor, and ackowledge that they are.. people too (or something)

I wonder how many are against that new plan from the WH (block grants so low-income housing can be built in upper class neighborhoods) b/c they don't want the poor being able to live in their neighborhoods?

Yes, i u/stand, We don't want the fed gov in our (what should be) local business/politics.. but you know, a lot of poor people may see that as an excuse...

Fair or not, that perception on their part is THERE



New member
Clinton will be the next president after the election against Bush. I don't want either of them , but that's how it's going down.


New member
I haven't been watching news latel y (long story why) but i never saw that


don't get where you get this conclusion?


Its all about the money and the special interests. Clinton has sk much money that she's trying to hide it. While the other GOP guys are trying to raise money, Bush has so much he is turning money away so he doesn't look like a big rich guy.

Bush is just as much in the hands of the special interests as Clinton, but I dont think they really believe that people will accept another Bush. Therefore, it will be Clinton.

We don't have elections. We have selections. The special interests select who they want. You think the people who have all the money and power are going to let Rand Paul dismantle the NSA surveillance? Do you think they'll let Bernie Sanders unionize everyone? No. They want a corporatist puppet. Enter Hillary Clinton.


New member
Its all about the money and the special interests. Clinton has sk much money that she's trying to hide it. While the other GOP guys are trying to raise money, Bush has so much he is turning money away so he doesn't look like a big rich guy.

Bush is just as much in the hands of the special interests as Clinton, but I dont think they really believe that people will accept another Bush. Therefore, it will be Clinton.

We don't have elections. We have selections. The special interests select who they want. You think the people who have all the money and power are going to let Rand Paul dismantle the NSA surveillance? Do you think they'll let Bernie Sanders unionize everyone? No. They want a corporatist puppet. Enter Hillary Clinton.
dont get it

If Hellary and Bush are both corporate puppets, why do you assume H will be the one chosen?



New member
Bush calls himself Catholic and is not

(does not adhere to Church teaching about that ultimately important issue of LIFE, which is created by God and humans do not have the right to take)

Well, some of the other candidates might believe the same way. I dont know why Hannity asked Bush this but not the others.. maybe in good time he or someone will ..

Maybe they will all deny Christ and say whatever they have to to get elected...

Reagan didn't do that. He had integrity

Walker is supposed to pray a lot b4 making decisions. Great, but it does no good to pray if you are nt willing to do the DIFFICULT things that God requires... Sometimes what people call Praying is just... talking to yourself and agreeing w/ yourself... agreeing w/ what comes most easily...

("I just know the Dems won't vote for me if I say No to all abortions")

Well, a lot of libs voted for Reagan

49 states!!! (Reagan won)



New member
well, Jeb Bush blew it b/c he doesn't even know what religion he is...

Oh, wait, he probably does know.. but doesn't want anyone else to know.. He probably is Catholic "within" (?) but doesn't want anyone to KNOW

b/c it could hurt his chances of becoming pres.

Do we need someone like this for pres?

haven't we been lied to enough ?

"If you like your plan, you can keep it"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it"

Sorry about the repetition.

But if you think THAT is bad, you ought to see how many times Pres O said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
on the Dem side of the ring we have

  • liars
  • extremists socialists

On the R side

we have

  • people who want to save the USA economy and society's morals (as much as possible)

tough choice..



New member
I like a lot of what Trump has to say... just can't deal with him supporting Pelosi! Wow... what the devil was THAT all about (?).. Miss WeHave2PassIt2KnowWhat'sInIt


When vis a vis world / current events

do u ever hear the Twilight Zone theme music?
