I saw both debates, although I missed the very last part of the 2nd one (last few minutes)
Fiorina was interesting. I like the way she speaks the truth and doesn't mind if that involves "attacking" someone (Hellary). If you can't (in a civilized way) "attack" people who are clearly wrong ("liars"), might as well hang it up... whether we are speaking of the presidency or whatever. I particularly like the way she often speaks of INCLUSIVENESS... about how ALL humans have talents and abilities.. This hits me b/c I have always.. yes, always, been ignored, persecuted, etc... b/c of my socioeconomic status in society, even though I have... well, a unique perspective. I have knowledge and etc.. that others do not have. Everyone can say that... and yet a lot of people are just totally IGNORED just b/c they are "poor"... The poor, in fact, are abused and mistreated, looked down on, thought of as having nothing to say or contribute.. How wrong you are if you think that... and frankly, most people do think exactly that..
Mt 25:31-46
Mt 25:40-46
Anyway, Santorum was the one who really stood out for me, at least equally w/ Fiorina, but maybe more so.. (as always: need more info... or certainly desire it a/way..)
He stood out b/c.. for one reason he has the same views RE immigration that I (and many others ) have... that we shouldn't even let people immigrate LEGALLY at this particular time due to... well, it's obvious why (for all those who are following world events)
more later..