random thoughts RE the upcoming pres election..


Well-known member
People are "tired of the Lindsey Grahams of the world." - says the Donald..

You are definitely right there.


New member
People are "tired of the Lindsey Grahams of the world." - says the Donald..

You are definitely right there.

i thought Graham was OK but then i have heard a few things that dont set well w/ me...

again, anyone who acts like Trump's comments on immigration are just SOOOOOO far out...

that tells me just about all i need to knw about that person... rino, etc...

the relatives of those killed by illegals are thankful for Trump calling a spade a spade.. The problem w/ Trump is that he gave $$ to Pelosi some time ago... and as far as i know, hasn't repented of it.. so he is not on my top 10 list



Well-known member
Neocon Walker Revealed for PT

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

July 22, 2015

Writes Scott:

Walker was on a local Nashville talk show this morning. The host is pretty good at asking serious questions to politicians. Walker was answering from a cue card. Pure neo-con garbage. Nothing clear, sounded like all the chicken hawks from the Bush years.

IRAQ – starve ‘em, kill ‘em, bomb ‘em.. fight them over there so we don’t fight them here… blah, blah, blah….

HISPANICS – secure the border, build the fence, don’t let anybody out.. Umm, I mean in.

ISIS – kill ‘em, bomb ‘em, fight them over there… etc…

TAXES – Reagan, Reagan, Reagan…. really? That’s all you got?

SPENDING – Government is too important to cut.. But he fought a union!!!!

There is a positive: After the interview was over there were a lot of local callers who saw through him, noted the Bushisms and have crossed him off their list. Of course there is no Boeing, Lockheed, General Dynamics or Raytheon in the area….

Good, we can put the nail in his tire this election season.


New member
Good, we can put the nail in his tire this election season.

I'll believe it when I hear it myself.

The only thing I have a problem with in that list of yours is... heck, I can't even remember and it's not in front of me.. must not be very important..

There is nothing wrong with sticking to Reagan's economics...

It's not like there a bzillion different conservative ways to help this country... Some people are always just looking for what is NEW and novel...


As the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun...



New member
Walker defunded Planned Barrenhood

I'm glad he's up there @ the top in the polls



I love the way he is pounding Kerry for that stupid, jihad-favoring Iran "deal"

Rubio and Walker have passed Hellary in the polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Well-known member
The Evil Mitch

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

July 27, 2015

McConnell supports Obamacare, the Ex-Im Bank, and Planned Parenthood. Of course, Obamacare–first dreamed up by Newt Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation–is a Republican-Big Pharma program. Ex-Im, founded by FDR to subsidize trade with Stalin, is now just another crony deal. And while abortion is a useful issue for the Repubs every four years, they are all for funding PP.


New member
The Evil Mitch

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

July 27, 2015

McConnell supports Obamacare, the Ex-Im Bank, and Planned Parenthood. Of course, Obamacare–first dreamed up by Newt Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation–is a Republican-Big Pharma program. Ex-Im, founded by FDR to subsidize trade with Stalin, is now just another crony deal. And while abortion is a useful issue for the Repubs every four years, they are all for funding PP.

some are, we have to admit

not cruz

not Ernst

not Walker

not Carson



New member
for some reason I always start crying when Ben carson speaks on the evil of abortion.

He is in 1st place with Cruz on my top 10 (would like to hear debate) list.

I heard fox is going to have all 16 on the debate stage??!!


(assuming I heard correctly... you know, I do the closed captions..)




New member
I will be glad when the Debates happen b/c I am confused somewhat on how Huckabee views the Fed Budget

I would also like to know if he thinks abortion should ever be available at all?

I heard Jindal became Catholic? I guess I can google that

I know he converted to Christianity but I believe he then went onto Catholicism... one of reasons he is Number One on my list... (he is intelligent and honest enough to investigate Catholicism...)



New member
  1. I heard Huckabee would not touch Social Security. That doesn't set well w/ me... but we will see his rationale (?) at the Debates
  2. I say there is NO gov program that should go un-touched...
  3. there should be a balanced budget Amendment
  4. there should be constraints put in place against presidential "orders" aka executive orders..
  5. there should be constraints on Congress as well, esp RE spending the taxpayer's money.

etc... etc..


New member
I saw both debates, although I missed the very last part of the 2nd one (last few minutes)

Fiorina was interesting. I like the way she speaks the truth and doesn't mind if that involves "attacking" someone (Hellary). If you can't (in a civilized way) "attack" people who are clearly wrong ("liars"), might as well hang it up... whether we are speaking of the presidency or whatever. I particularly like the way she often speaks of INCLUSIVENESS... about how ALL humans have talents and abilities.. This hits me b/c I have always.. yes, always, been ignored, persecuted, etc... b/c of my socioeconomic status in society, even though I have... well, a unique perspective. I have knowledge and etc.. that others do not have. Everyone can say that... and yet a lot of people are just totally IGNORED just b/c they are "poor"... The poor, in fact, are abused and mistreated, looked down on, thought of as having nothing to say or contribute.. How wrong you are if you think that... and frankly, most people do think exactly that..

Mt 25:31-46

Mt 25:40-46

Anyway, Santorum was the one who really stood out for me, at least equally w/ Fiorina, but maybe more so.. (as always: need more info... or certainly desire it a/way..)

He stood out b/c.. for one reason he has the same views RE immigration that I (and many others ) have... that we shouldn't even let people immigrate LEGALLY at this particular time due to... well, it's obvious why (for all those who are following world events)

more later..



New member
Kasich: socially liberal, can't vote for him

Cruz: would make a great pres, sticks to his ideals and principles, appreciates and upholds the Constitution

Walker: ditto

Fiorina: ditto, like the way she speaks of the poor... doesn't blame their poverty on THEM alone... love that, b/c it is just SOOO true that it is not all their fault... In fact, with some, it is only about 5% "their fault"...

Christie: If he thinks the NSA is not spying on us, he is naïve..

Paul: don't entirely trust him on foreign affairs

Santorum: perfect choice for people like me, a practicing Catholic, someone who employs people on welfare... doesn't just look down his nose @ them... someone we can trust to do the right thing rather than what is politically expedient

Trump: mixed feelings... but I try to listen to ALL my feelings and some of those feelings are... uh... well... I just don't like the support he's given to D's... don't like the hand raising @ the debate... nope..


New member
write down a word or 2 for ea candidate

Clinton: liar, security breach

Bush: not pro life

Kasich: great work in Ohio, but don't need his preaching about accepting the unacceptable (perversion... same sex "marriage" so called, can't vote 4 him)

Pataki: not pro life

Rubio: maybe he wasn't ALWAYS "entirely pro life" but it looks like he is now. I like his foreign policy views

Santorum: great candidate, gave welfare recipients jobs (didn't just talk about how they are... what? leeches? ne'r do wells? Please

Some conservatives seem to think that.... that some (the rich, the prestigious, the famous) are more important than others (the homeless, the needy). Santorum however, appears to be a true Christian

Walker: probably most adorable candidate...

(Sorry, couldn't help it...) but anyhow... love the way he stood up to the unions and WON! does not suffer thugs gladly, apparently a true Christian

Cruz: stood up to that beast known as Congress... only one to filibuster Obamacare... stood ALONE so many times... for the Constitution.. for what is right, even when he knew he would "lose"... so called... someone who apparently loves truth and justice and the Constitution more than popularity... a true OUTSIDER who didn't become an insider upon arrival in WA

So... Can we be sure that Trump won't do that (see paragraph just north of this one)? Can we be sure T won't become a rino (I mean: more of a rino[?]) when he gets to the WH? It seems to happen to the best of them...

etc..... etc..



New member
I want an answer to that last Q

(see last post here)

Do you really think Trump is absolutely immune to the WA contagion?

well, he appears to be someone who has a mind of his own and that is good, especially when his mind and the mind of the people seem to be in lock step (more / less). But you just never know...

We see waht the other Rs have done/not done

we still have the Frankenstein known as obamacare

we still have a huge problem with illegal immigrants and their easy access to our country

so... more Rs lose their Rness in WA than not..

I don't trust Trump. Anyone who thinks its OK to murder a child b/c of the sins of the parent is NOT someone we can trust

gee, do ya think?



New member
at this time i am leaning more toward Santorum

still like Cruz



hard choice... but Santorum doesn't want ANY immigration until we can take care of our OWN people... Gee, do ya think?

18 trillion Debt...

yeh, really looks like we can take care of others? we cant even balance our own check book...

oh wait, we little people have to balance our checkbooks... but the mighty government, run by the likes of Lerner and Clinton and IranWinsUSALoses Kerry

well, they can do wahtever they want

some people are more important than others



New member
I like the Rs who act like Rs and speak like Rs and do not water down the conservative message just to get more votes

if I were running, I wouldn't even want the pro-abortion vote


I think I have made up my mind who to vote for...

although I REALLY look forward to the Debates..
