random thoughts RE the upcoming pres election..


New member
RC, I know Jeb Bush was at least raised in the Episcopalian church. I know this as fact as my surrogate mother attended the same Church as the Bushs'.


New member
RC, I know Jeb Bush was at least raised in the Episcopalian church. I know this as fact as my surrogate mother attended the same Church as the Bushs'.

he converted to Catholicism... but either he wants to leave part of Catholic teaching aside so as to more easily get elected

or he doesn't believe the Church on the issue of LIFE

either way, it is NOT good

shows lack of integrity

I realize sometimes you have to bend a little in order to achieve the greater good (having a R pres) but LIFE is..




New member
I think the Rs just won 2016

the Supreme Court allowed the White House to win the battle but lose the war

people who don't normally vote R will vote R this time b/c

high insurance premiums

higher deductibles

FORCED into buying something (insurance)

fines that get bigger later on

medical records NOT private (b/c GOVERNMENT is in charge--and as we all know, gov workers get away with ANYTHING... They cannot be fired)

loss of good doctor

loss of good plan b/c of ACA

He who laughs last...




New member
We need a president who is willing to DO things to change the course this country is taking

I feel

Ted Cruz

is probably the best qualified. He is constantly (poor thing! ) in Congress... speaking the truth to the Oppressors (some in his own party, sad to say)... and fighting injustice and insanity...

I love what he had to say about the O-care decision made by 6 losers on the Sup Court. He called them "robed Houdinis"!


Go, Ted!

Yeh, i never saw it exactly like that before i heard that term but he didn't have to explain the use of the word Houdini... did he?

that was the guy who, no matter how many chains and restraints were wrapped around him, could always wiggle out... yes, how apropos for Ted to use that analogy

Hey, some good news:

Maybe Moron City has lost one resident. Justice Roberts seems to have awakened from his (hopefully not marijuana induced?) stupor..




New member
Cruz is still Number One with me

don't u/stand Santorum's views on the unborn.. He said that the government should not interefere in a decision between one life and another... What the heck does that mean?

i agree the gov should not normally interfere. But if woman wants to kill her child, the gov should interfere becaus that is murder and murder is against hte law (except for young children...). Let's just say it SHOULD be against the law with no discrimination between one child and another... (product of rape... that wasn't the child's crime... so why is he or she being executed?)

anyway... Kasich.. have yet to learn whether he is truly pro life

but he cares about the poor, which is more than i can say for a lot of Rs (or so it SEEMS... )

I get the feeling the election is going to be somewhat similar to '12

in that a rino will be made the nominee... b/c even Rs dont believe in nominating someone who is "too conservative"????

then again, that last election of Congressmen...

maybe the country will vote lke that in 16



New member
i like what Jindal said about Hellary:

Jindal said

"at least Bernie Sanders tells us he is a socialist."

Hellary doesn't tell us... anything... Seriously, i have never heard anything all that interesting from her.. and even that which is somewhat of interest is... probably a big lie... so...

Bored... (among other htings)

I also like the way Jindal said that the jihadists who die for their "cause" in some suicide bombing or whatever... are NOT going to paradise, but straight to Hell...


like how he tells the truth!



New member
it's interesting the Ds are the ones who always whine about CHOICE

and yet... ha ha... They are the ones who have one candidate (essentially)

she's still way ahead of Sanders and those others..

and the Rs... why, we have SOO many choices...

15, to be exact...

so much for freedom of choice... We knew all along that nonsense from the Ds about freedom of choice was just an excuse to commit murder when your life is inconvenienced a little too much..



New member
Santorum is the only candidate i know of who echos my thoughts on immigration, namely that we should not even have LEGAL immigration in this country,2 least not at this time.. not considering all that is going on in the crazy world... jihadists wanting to kill Israelis, ameericans... why, heck, they just want to kill everyone, even themselveS! addicted to murder, i guess...


so anyway... yeh, Santorum may be alone in the 2nd spot on MY Debate team... don't know.. or care much.. who is on THE Debate team... have to get the team in my head on the same page...









New member
I lke Trump but he often looks rather... uh... mean... or angry. Well, we are all angry (anyone with half a notion what's going on in this country) but does he have to LOOK so... uh... GetAwayFromMeOrI'llSueYou...



New member
Why would people support Trump, who has a bad track record vis a vis the Republican party (not always pro life.. gave $$ to dems...)

when they have Ted Cruz?

makes no sense

and Cruz was one of the only ones who didn't castigate Trump for telling the truth



New member
i think Cruz-Carson sounds good

(hope Carson wouldn't feel slighted by that... It's just that TC has been in the trenches ... also in the Sup Ct... )



New member
i can't believe Hellary even has the GALL to run after all she has done against the "rules" and l aws..

if a little person destroys evidence... gov property

well, u know the rest...



New member
if the Rs can't beat Hellary

we might as well throw in the towel... the American voters have been irreversibly corrupted and brainwashed...

I wish more R candidates would get out to the towns/cities of this nation and really start sharing w/ the voters... why R policies are better.. because they definitely ARE... for everyone... They need to explain how R policies work for the poor... who are often too busy caring for family.. and also being brainwashed by the Ds.. to try to understand such things as Reaganomics.. and how they are better off when the Rs are in charge

I think Fiorina is doing such (others?)... but again, i can't watch Fox 24/7....

so... dunno



New member
if the Rs can't beat Hellary

we might as well throw in the towel... the American voters have been irreversibly corrupted and brainwashed...

I wish more R candidates would get out to the towns/cities of this nation and really start sharing w/ the voters... why R policies are better.. because they definitely ARE... for everyone... They need to explain how R policies work for the poor... who are often too busy caring for family.. and also being brainwashed by the Ds.. to try to understand such things as Reaganomics.. and how they are better off when the Rs are in charge

I think Fiorina is doing such (others?)... but again, i can't watch Fox 24/7....

so... dunno


Fiorina is a moocher. Her farm is taking in government hand outs.

I do, however, think the republican party should be talking more about how the wealthy pay less than half the tax rate of the middle class and making it clear that this is how they think things should be and how they love money in politics. So yes the Rs should spend more time talking about their policies.


New member
Fiorina is a moocher. Her farm is taking in government hand outs.

I do, however, think the republican party should be talking more about how the wealthy pay less than half the tax rate of the middle class and making it clear that this is how they think things should be and how they love money in politics. So yes the Rs should spend more time talking about their policies.

how does that Kool Aid taste?

and i don't believe anything unless there is substantiating evidence provided, which truth-hating libs rarely provide.. and when they do provide "evidence"... usually turns out to be garbage...

Liars end up in Hell



New member
Trump is apparently not truly pro-life?

well, he said he was, but I don't know how long or how strong..

I mean, if you think some babies should be aborted... say, those "created" by rapists/molesters...

then that is NOT truly pro life

Pro life means just that: LIFE before other lesser concerns (convenience, etc)

one child's life is not more important than another's



New member
McCain's daughter was on Hannity, called Trumps remarks RE McCain

disgusting... etc..


McCain didn't seem to make a big deal out of it... or was he sending his daughter to do that??
