random thoughts RE the upcoming pres election..


New member
I am warming to Jeb Bush. I am wondering if maybe he has a point RE immigration? I think maybe we should provide a pathway to citizenship for SOME of the illegals, the ones who were actually desirous of assylum, not so much wanting to crash our gates.. But still, there should be some form of punishment, more than just a small fine. I think there should be at least some jail time... We have to show the world that you cannot crash our borders and...

end up getting financial assistance (welfare) and other bennies for your "punishment" (etc)

Rand Paul... mixed feelings.. (later)

Lindsey Graham: nothing to dislike so far.. like his hawkishness, so called

Rubio: babe alert... OK, ok... He isn't just a pretty face.. I like his tax proposal and just a lot of other things..

Fiorina: I like and greatly appreciate that she brings up that point about how we were never meant to have a professional political class in this country, meaning the people in Congress who are self-aggrandizing all over the place ... speaking of the ones who spend more time tryingto get re-elected than in proposing good bills...



New member
I notice a conspicuous absence of the left of center here? :)

I don't like thinking about lefties or left of centers...

I follow what they do only b/c you have to in order to be well informed... but I prefer to not think of them

and besides.. it woiuld take all day to list all of the Dem's ... tomfoolery




New member
I don't like thinking about lefties or left of centers...

I follow what they do only b/c you have to in order to be well informed... but I prefer to not think of them

and besides.. it woiuld take all day to list all of the Dem's ... tomfoolery


LOL...OK well give us the highlights and then I'll reciprocate with the GOP.


New member
LOL...OK well give us the highlights and then I'll reciprocate with the GOP.


even that would take all day, but here are a few key words vis a vis Hellary



You can't read my emails-gate

I am hiding some of my emails-gate

How dare you question the mighty Clintons-gate..


How about this (?):


"What difference does it make?!"

as in: Those 4 are dead. Let's move on already...




Seriously, what, specifically, has the Republican Party done recently that is good for the everyday American patriot?

I just don't see it.


New member

even that would take all day, but here are a few key words vis a vis Hellary



You can't read my emails-gate

I am hiding some of my emails-gate

How dare you question the mighty Clintons-gate..


How about this (?):


"What difference does it make?!"

as in: Those 4 are dead. Let's move on already...



OK, please take note I am Canadian and NOT familiar with everyday Republican rhetoric. Maybe one or two points at a time, IN detail would be better? Unless of course all you WANT to do is rant? :)


New member
Seriously, what, specifically, has the Republican Party done recently that is good for the everyday American patriot?
I just don't see it.

So in your opinion Regan and the Bushes did NOTHING to make a mark on American society?


New member
OK, Stan J

hellary deleted a bunch of emails and won't hand over her self-proclaimed "private" server with NOT private emails (assuming any survived) on it... as in emails that were made during her time in PUBLIC office (Sec of State)

that ought to be good for now..



New member
OK, Stan J
hellary deleted a bunch of emails and won't hand over her self-proclaimed "private" server with NOT private emails (assuming any survived) on it... as in emails that were made during her time in PUBLIC office (Sec of State)
that ought to be good for now..

Well from what I know of this issue, it is NOT a good one, but how does that effect what the point of your OP was? Human frailties are manifest on all sides of the political spectrum and I'm not saying I am not a Clinton fan at all, but it might be great to have the female perspective at the helm for a while don't you think?

The Horn

Republicanchick , during the two disastrous terms of George W. Bushleague , about 50 Americans were killed by Muslim terrorist attacks on US embassies . Where was the Republican outrage ? Nowhere .
Furthermore, there is zero evidence that Hillary or anyone in the Obama administration is responsible for Benghazi .
In fact, GOP cuts in funding to protect our embassies made it easier for the Benghazi attack .
Pot, meet kettle . Bush was without a doubt the worst president in US history . His administration was the most inept, incompeternt, clueless, wasteful , inefficient and destructive one in US history .
Bush & Cheney lied through their teeth about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and invaded a country which was not a threat to America , all for cynical profit . Cheney is the real culprit and Bush was his clueless and idiotic puppet .
His corporation Halliburton made mearly 40 billion in profit from this illegal, immoral , unconstitutional and catastrophic war .
4,000 US tropps died for no reason and thousands were permanently disabled and left with PTS .
200.000 innocent Iraqis were killed . The entire country was devastated . FOR NO REASON .
Bush and Cheney poured trillions down the drain which could have and should have been used for desperately needed domestic
needs - help0ing the poor, improving our schools, rebuilding our crumbling insfrastructiure , providing young people with financial aid for college etc .
Why aren't these two murderous criminals in prison for life ?
And you and other conservatives have the nerve to scream about Hillary;s supposed corruption and gullibly accept false rumors about her and her husband ? Sheesh !!!! And this is only the tip of the iceberg of what those two criminals did to America and the world .


New member
Well from what I know of this issue, it is NOT a good one, but how does that effect what the point of your OP was? Human frailties are manifest on all sides of the political spectrum and I'm not saying I am not a Clinton fan at all, but it might be great to have the female perspective at the helm for a while don't you think?


are u one of those people who thinks we should vote for someone just b/c of race or gender?

well, if so, i have to say

Sorry, but I like to talk to people with a little more intellectual substance than that...



New member
Republicanchick , during the two disastrous terms of George W. Bushleague , about 50 Americans were killed by Muslim terrorist attacks on US embassies . Where was the Republican outrage ? Nowhere .
Furthermore, there is zero evidence that Hillary or anyone in the Obama administration is responsible for Benghazi .
In fact, GOP cuts in funding to protect our embassies made it easier for the Benghazi attack .
Pot, meet kettle . Bush was without a doubt the worst president in US history . His administration was the most inept, incompeternt, clueless, wasteful , inefficient and destructive one in US history .
Bush & Cheney lied through their teeth about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and invaded a country which was not a threat to America , all for cynical profit . Cheney is the real culprit and Bush was his clueless and idiotic puppet .
His corporation Halliburton made mearly 40 billion in profit from this illegal, immoral , unconstitutional and catastrophic war .
4,000 US tropps died for no reason and thousands were permanently disabled and left with PTS .
200.000 innocent Iraqis were killed . The entire country was devastated . FOR NO REASON .
Bush and Cheney poured trillions down the drain which could have and should have been used for desperately needed domestic
needs - help0ing the poor, improving our schools, rebuilding our crumbling insfrastructiure , providing young people with financial aid for college etc .
Why aren't these two murderous criminals in prison for life ?
And you and other conservatives have the nerve to scream about Hillary;s supposed corruption and gullibly accept false rumors about her and her husband ? Sheesh !!!! And this is only the tip of the iceberg of what those two criminals did to America and the world .

LOONY tunes!


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New member
if you can't decide which R you like (we already know that no intelligent person is going to vote for D this time... or any time)

just pick one who hasn't offended your beliefs yet (which may be all of them?)

I still am not 100% sure that Walker is 100% pro life, meaning he doesn't believe in abortion for rape/incest (I mean, you know, the child is totally innocent no matter how s/he got there)..

But for now I will give him the benefit o the doubt



New member
are u one of those people who thinks we should vote for someone just b/c of race or gender?
well, if so, i have to say
Sorry, but I like to talk to people with a little more intellectual substance than that...

Sadly I gave you more credit than you deserved and I agree that talking to ill informed hard liners like you would be a waste of my time.


New member
wow, the Rick Perry announcement speech was just PERFECT (I mean, you know, as perfect as anything gets in this world)

I had been so uncertain up until now, thought I would have to hear a few debates b4 i decide, but now the uncertainty is GONE..

so strange for an open minded person like me.. very strange

Perry has what some feel is THE most important qualification:


AND he has other necessary attributes, that all presidents should have:


a will to use the military WISELY (meaning as few as possible lives are lost...)

a track record for good economics! 1.5 (or 1.4?) million jobs were created in TX under his leadership.

And what impressed me most of all was how he laid into Pres O with apparently little concern about PC-ness or sounding "nice"

hate Nice...

I mean, you know, there is a place for Nice, but never at the expense of truth.. reality (and a few other things..)




New member

LOONY tunes!


Calling someone loony tunes in a debate after they've made a very reasonable argument is like calling someone a doody head in a debate. It shows you have no real argument because if you had a reasoned argument you'd use that rather than saying the person is loony tunes.