Seemed to me Hillary used up all she had on Trump's character in this debate, while he held back. I think the third and final debate will be more decisive. Hillary's ads running abut Trump smell of desperation. Trump alluded to them several times and stated that while he could have said some things in the same personal vein about Hillary as she has in these ads about him, he thought better of it.
Trump missed a golden opportunity in the cyber security topic opening statements to start with something along the lines of "One of the things we can do to prevent cyber attacks is to not use private email servers."
Trump needs to do more than just wing it in the upcoming debates. I think that lesson was learned tonight. To me his best moment came in response to the question from Holt concerning the violence in the cities dominating the news: "Law and Order".
Hillary struggled most when she went off script.
I think Clinton's ads are pretty effective so far. Are you saying they are desperate because they are about character instead of the issues?