Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

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New member
Hall of Fame
Seemed to me Hillary used up all she had on Trump's character in this debate, while he held back. I think the third and final debate will be more decisive. Hillary's ads running abut Trump smell of desperation. Trump alluded to them several times and stated that while he could have said some things in the same personal vein about Hillary as she has in these ads about him, he thought better of it.

Trump missed a golden opportunity in the cyber security topic opening statements to start with something along the lines of "One of the things we can do to prevent cyber attacks is to not use private email servers." ;)

Trump needs to do more than just wing it in the upcoming debates. I think that lesson was learned tonight. To me his best moment came in response to the question from Holt concerning the violence in the cities dominating the news: "Law and Order".

Hillary struggled most when she went off script.


I think Clinton's ads are pretty effective so far. Are you saying they are desperate because they are about character instead of the issues?


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump had nothing at all to offer in the way of positive action. All he did was regurgitate standard republican lies about how we have to allow big business to do whatever they want to, and avoid paying taxes, because they are the demigods in control of everyone else's well-being (via the economy). These were lies when the republicans told them 30 years ago, through "Reaganomics", and they are still the same tired old lies they are telling, today.
You not liking what he's presenting doesn't mean he isn't offering any positive action. :eek:


New member
Hall of Fame
Nobody knows for certain who will win on Nov. 8 — but one man is pretty sure: Professor Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted the winner of the popular vote in every presidential election since 1984.
When we sat down in May, he explained how he comes to a decision. Lichtman's prediction isn't based on horse-race polls, shifting demographics or his own political opinions. Rather, he uses a system of true/false statements he calls the "Keys to the White House" to determine his predicted winner.
And this year, he says, Donald Trump is the favorite to win.



like marbles on glass
I didn't notice that at all and I'm surprised because apparently it was really obvious and became a huge thing.

Honestly, I don't see how anyone could not notice it.

I only watched the first half of the debate but I think Clinton won. I think she tried VERY hard to come across as calm and laid back. It ended up seeming fake but I think she scored some points by just shrugging off some of his more extreme accusations.

I watched it to the bitter end, but would've like to have stopped watching about 20 minutes in. I couldn't because I promised my mom I'd watch it with her. :chuckle: I don't think she came across as fake, but definitely as prepared, she was going to be ready for whatever Trump threw her way. She seemed a little nervous at the beginning but settled into it where Trump seemed to go in the opposite direction.

Jose Fly

New member
Interesting to see last night's debate referred to by some as the first post-Christian America presidential debate. It never occurred to me that neither candidate made any reference to their faith last night, but it's true....neither did.


New member
Hall of Fame
Don't know, and really don't care. And 2012 wasn't that long ago.
Oh yeah, like nothing could have changed in 4 years. :plain:

But I did find this.

TRUMP, when Clinton accused him of calling climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese: “I did not say that.”

THE FACTS: Yes he did, in the form of a 2012 tweet: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” He later claimed he was kidding, but he’s also repeated the claim that climate change is a hoax, and one that benefits China.

He tweeted in January 2014: “Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax!”

The Berean

Well-known member
Trump had nothing at all to offer in the way of positive action. All he did was regurgitate standard republican lies about how we have to allow big business to do whatever they want to, and avoid paying taxes, because they are the demigods in control of everyone else's well-being (via the economy). These were lies when the republicans told them 30 years ago, through "Reaganomics", and they are still the same tired old lies they are telling, today.
Trump is still the same pompous blowhard I first saw on TV back in the early 1980's. How many times does he say "Believe me..." or "Let me tell you something...". He honestly thinks running the country is the same as running a real estate empire.

Trump's only good point that I heard was his asking Hillary why in her 30 years in politics she is only just NOW proclaiming the need for raising the minimum wage, reinstating the Glass-Stegal Act, and correcting the terrible trade agreements that the big corporations keep pushing through to increase their profits at the expense of American's jobs. It's a legitimate question, and goes directly to the heart of why so many people do not trust Hillary Clinton.

This is an obvious ploy to try to win over the young Sanders supporters who despise Clinton and don't trust her.

I despise Clinton with a passion and consisder her a vapid personality with zero leadership skills who simply rode the coat tails of her husband. If Bill Clinton were not her husband she would be a nobody today. Given that, it's clear to me that she will win the election fairly easily as long as she just lets Trump talk a lot and say moronic, idiotic stuff. So in four months whe will have a lousy leader in the White House.

The Berean

Well-known member
Yes, in retrospect an inaccurate choice of words. Thank you for pointing this out. Studies of polls repeatedly show that Trump has greatest support amongst those with lesser education while Clinton has the greater support amongst those with college or university education. This is the point I intended to make.

What about us folks who despise both candidates and will not vote for either of them? :think:

The Berean

Well-known member
Yes he is. I read some comments earlier (wish I could find it again) that said something to the effect that Trump has some strong arguments but he's so hyperbolic that it ends up hurting his points. Everything is extreme with him.
For Trump to make any headway he needs to really focus on Clinton's many political faults. But he's not diligent or disciplined enough to do that without coming of so hyperbolic.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What about us folks who despise both candidates ans will not vote for either of them? :think:

consider this:

President Hillary will continue bammy's failed policies with the assistance of her party in congress

President Trump will attempt to promote his bizarre policies with the active resistance of both parties in congress

vote hillary - continue the downhill slide

vote trump - achieve deadlock

The Berean

Well-known member
consider this:

President Hillary will continue bammy's failed policies with the assistance of her party in congress

President Trump will attempt to promote his bizarre policies with the active resistance of both parties in congress

vote hillary - continue the downhill slide

vote trump - achieve deadlock
I suspect that if Trump somehow wins the election VP Mike Pence will being doing most of Presidental work behind the scenes. But I simply can't vote for Trump. The guy's a clown, a serial adulterer, a liar...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Most watched debate and the worst debate probably ever, neither candidate won anything which is sad because the felon Hillary is so corrupt it should have been a slam dunk on multiple fronts. Trump was either easy on her to appear more subdued, or was just completely unprepared. The cheap shot she took concerning "Miss Venezuela" sitting as a guest in the audience and attempting to assert Trumps position on women, he should have asked Hillary if she also brought Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Sandra Allen James, Eileen Wellstone, Christy Percher, Carolyn Moffet, Helen Dowdy, Becky Brown, Regina Blakely Hopper, Monica Lewinsky, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Gennifer Flowers, Connie Hamzy, Dolly Kyle Browning, Sally Miller (Sally Perdue), Lincoln Sullivan. amongst many others you can be sure, all of which the felon Hillary was a willing participant in her husbands ongoing misogyny along with the public smear job she was involved with perpetrating against all these women...Trump should have said this then added "Do you really want to go there?". When Hillary spoke of Trumps taxes (which nobody but the press cares about) and that he was hiding something well that retort was a slam dunk as well because really Hillary Clinton has no business talking about anybody hiding things or attempting to keep them secret, heck, she is the queen of dirty little secrets, in fact she should have been asked how many U.S. operatives abroad have been killed because of her carelessness? Not to mention the 4 Americans who died because of her incompetence as secretary of state, one of which was a U.S. ambassador...No, this debate was terrible only because too much raw meat was left on the table...opportunity lost. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I suspect that if Trump somehow wins the election VP Mike Pence will being doing most of Presidental work behind the scenes. But I simply can't vote for Trump. The guy's a clown, a serial adulterer, a liar...

and he's still better than another clinton presidency!

Most watched debate and the worst debate probably ever, neither candidate won anything which is sad because the felon Hillary is so corrupt it should have been a slam dunk on multiple fronts.

my take?

hillary lost this because she should have creamed trump

i can't believe she beat bernie - bernie must be apoplectic :chuckle: