Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

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You believe in equality?

Oh, so that means women should have the same rights as men then, including the right to vote?

No 'patriarchy' crap? No stuff about how women are superfluous to man outside of bearing children?


They've had the same rights as men for a very long time, and they will not shut up about it even still because with it they can manipulate fools like you :rolleyes:

I believe women should be equal, but that doesn't mean they are equal. Drop the quotas, legal favoritism, double standards, anon anon because they are not supportive of equality- they are privileges which make it easier for woman and harder on men so that there can be an illusion of equality.

That's what you all don't get. Feminism is about privilege and man hating, and while only a sizeable percentage of women identify as 'feminist', a lot of them nonetheless operate the same way.

The problem with women voting is made obvious with this election. It turned into a giant female victim complex manipulating, whining, and otherwise being children.
No man wants to deal with any of that, and it's not good at all for the country.

Liberal woman shouldn't vote, because they only have one thing in mind and it ain't the country's best interest- and conservative women are just going to vote for who their husband votes for so I guess that narrows it down a bit what I think :wave2:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Luntz Focus Group: Trump Won The Debate, But It Was Close

The final presidential debate of the 2016 presidential election is over and according to pollster Frank Luntz and his focus group, Trump was the winner of tonight's debate. That being said, it was close.

The other winner of the night is moderator Chris Wallace, who did an excellent job managing the candidates, asking questions and staying out of the debate as a contestant.

Go to article to see the questions, tweets, and videos >>

patrick jane


Luntz Focus Group: Trump Won The Debate, But It Was Close

The final presidential debate of the 2016 presidential election is over and according to pollster Frank Luntz and his focus group, Trump was the winner of tonight's debate. That being said, it was close.

The other winner of the night is moderator Chris Wallace, who did an excellent job managing the candidates, asking questions and staying out of the debate as a contestant.

Go to article to see the questions, tweets, and videos >>
Wrong. I watched the entire debate and Trump won convincingly - It wasn't even close


Wish we had Nigel Farage. He's wasted trying to salvage that suicidal madhouse of an island.

I'm not sure which is worse, a Libertarian President

or a wannabe tyrant.


You Trump supporters are a mixed crowd for sure.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Don't you mean "bigly"?

Trump lost all three debates because he loses his temper and starts rambling on trying to defend himself. With the election less than three weeks away you should start facing the reality that he was, is, and will be, a LOSER.

Donald Trump ... I just refer to him as T-Rex. Not because he's at the top of the food chain; but because he has a big head, big mouth, tiny brain and wee little hands.

rasmussen has him up by three

It’s too early to measure the impact of last night’s final presidential debate, but Republican Donald Trump now has a three-point lead nationally on Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online White House Watch survey finds Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 40%.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

And this IMBECILE has the NERVE to question Trump's qualifications?

Hillary Reveals America's Nuclear Response Time During The Debate

During the final presidential debate, the candidates got into a heated exchange about the use of nuclear weapons, in which Hillary Clinton trotted out her talking point that Donald Trump is unfit to have his finger on the button because of his lack of self-control. What made the internet go nuts, however, was when she added one specific detail to her argument that some are saying is a violation of operational security, a routine she knows well.

In the clip, after calling out Trump for being "casual about the use of nuclear weapons," Hillary then casually pops off the exact response time our government would have during an attack.

"Here's the deal," Hillary tells Chris Wallace and the entire planet watching live, "The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order it must be followed. There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so."

Many in the Twittersefere were not pleased with Crooked Hillary's admission, seeing it as a blatant violation of operational security (OPSEC)



New member
'Morpheus' fits you perfectly, because you aren't in reality :chuckle:

Apparently your lack of knowledge reaches into every area of endeavor. In the Matrix trilogy Morpheus, Neo, Trinity, and the like, existed in reality, and those who believed they lived in today's world actually were in the Matrix where their thoughts were controlled to deceive them into believing that their world was real. Morpheus accepted the mission of pulling people out of the Matrix, showing them the truth, and then allowing them the free-will to choose between truth and the lie they had become comfortable with. It is much like a line from an old 80s Sheila Walsh Christian song "Sleepwalking", "Only the dream is real."

The Matrix is commonly discussed for its relationship to Christianity. Those who live in this world cling to it, materialism and it's values, and it is the duty of Christians to show them that this world is temporal, and that eternity with God, and his values, are reality.