Apparently your lack of knowledge reaches into every area of endeavor. In the Matrix trilogy Morpheus, Neo, Trinity, and the like, existed in reality, and those who believed they lived in today's world actually were in the Matrix where their thoughts were controlled to deceive them into believing that their world was real. Morpheus accepted the mission of pulling people out of the Matrix, showing them the truth, and then allowing them the free-will to choose between truth and the lie they had become comfortable with. It is much like a line from an old 80s Sheila Walsh Christian song "Sleepwalking", "Only the dream is real."
The Matrix is commonly discussed for its relationship to Christianity. Those who live in this world cling to it, materialism and it's values, and it is the duty of Christians to show them that this world is temporal, and that eternity with God, and his values, are reality.
I know all about The Matrix. I originally stated that you spend a lot of your time away from reality, but I figured a shorter statement would suffice.
But now you're inspiring The Matrix with Christianity :chuckle:
*The Matrix is more in tune with Buddhism*