Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

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Apparently your lack of knowledge reaches into every area of endeavor. In the Matrix trilogy Morpheus, Neo, Trinity, and the like, existed in reality, and those who believed they lived in today's world actually were in the Matrix where their thoughts were controlled to deceive them into believing that their world was real. Morpheus accepted the mission of pulling people out of the Matrix, showing them the truth, and then allowing them the free-will to choose between truth and the lie they had become comfortable with. It is much like a line from an old 80s Sheila Walsh Christian song "Sleepwalking", "Only the dream is real."

The Matrix is commonly discussed for its relationship to Christianity. Those who live in this world cling to it, materialism and it's values, and it is the duty of Christians to show them that this world is temporal, and that eternity with God, and his values, are reality.

I know all about The Matrix. I originally stated that you spend a lot of your time away from reality, but I figured a shorter statement would suffice.
But now you're inspiring The Matrix with Christianity :chuckle:

*The Matrix is more in tune with Buddhism*


New member
I know all about The Matrix. I originally stated that you spend a lot of your time away from reality, but I figured a shorter statement would suffice.
But now you're inspiring The Matrix with Christianity :chuckle:

*The Matrix is more in tune with Buddhism*

I think the word you're looking for is conflating, not inspiring. And no, I didn't invent the connection between Christianity and the movies; there are numerous websites devoted to the subject. Yet it is impossible to miss all the references woven through the movies for anyone paying attention.


New member
Hey, one would think that Trump should appear brighter now that it's October ... you know ... the candle in his head and all. Did anyone tell his family that they were supposed to scoop out all the old gunk before putting the candle in?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hey, one would think that Trump should appear brighter now that it's October ... you know ... the candle in his head and all. Did anyone tell his family that they were supposed to scoop out all the old gunk before putting the candle in?

Trump is smarter than you and you-re crack-smoking parents put together. I assume they smoked crack that is, when you were a bun in the oven, based on the retarded nature of your posts.


I think the word you're looking for is conflating, not inspiring. And no, I didn't invent the connection between Christianity and the movies; there are numerous websites devoted to the subject. Yet it is impossible to miss all the references woven through the movies for anyone paying attention.

You're an insufferable know it all who doesn't know it all. Just go on warring the internet :wave:


New member
Trump is smarter than you and you-re crack-smoking parents put together. I assume they smoked crack that is, when you were a bun in the oven, based on the retarded nature of your posts.

Since my birth predates yours by about 9 years it would have been impossible for my parents to have smoked crack. And since you believe Trump to be intelligent, and his vocabulary and behavior have been assessed as those of a 3rd grader, then yours must therefore come in lower than that. As I stated in the initial post on my recent return, I just dropped in to shop for a basket and found this one already loaded with deplorables. SSDD.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since my birth predates yours by about 9 years it would have been impossible for my parents to have smoked crack. And since you believe Trump to be intelligent, and his vocabulary and behavior have been assessed as those of a 3rd grader, then yours must therefore come in lower than that. As I stated in the initial post on my recent return, I just dropped in to shop for a basket and found this one already loaded with deplorables. SSDD.

The guy is a Trump dupe who thinks he can do no wrong, or if he does it's all ok cos he'll 'make America great again!'


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Since my birth predates yours by about 9 years.........
HALT! Who gives a crap. Morons and imbeciles come in all ages. I don't care when you were born or what you think you know. Just like your buddy Bea Arthur Braindead, you may be intelligent but your also an idiot. Like Hitler and Stalin and many like them, intelligent men who embrace evil and bad ideas. And I think THEIR birthdates pre-date YOURS, whatever the hell that has to do with anything.

Classy dude, real classy.
You don't understand me in the slightest do you. I saw your picture...'re no vision of grace yourself. You look kinda'like the bums who hitchhike on freeway entrances.

I have learned one thing about forums: There are good people in them and bad. Good people I like talking to. Bad ones remain bad so I see no point in wasting good arguments on them, I would rather have fun belittling them.

There are also people who take forums seriously and people who don't. Generally, I don't. That's why I'll pee on someone one day and tell them a joke the next, because I just don't take it all that seriously. The subject matter I do take seriously, but the people and the forum? It's just a distraction for me. When I get banned I'll find another distraction and I won't care. See, I just really don't care. Its quite liberating.


The guy is a Trump dupe who thinks he can do no wrong, or if he does it's all ok cos he'll 'make America great again!'


I don't care about yall's feelings, having deluded yourselves that they matter to running a country. What you all are in arms about is due in being 'offended', and many Americans have just gotten plain tired of it. Your feminist leaders turned yall into little girls, as they themselves are :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
HALT! Who gives a crap. Morons and imbeciles come in all ages. I don't care when you were born or what you think you know. Just like your buddy Bea Arthur Braindead, you may be intelligent but your also an idiot. Like Hitler and Stalin and many like them, intelligent men who embrace evil and bad ideas. And I think THEIR birthdates pre-date YOURS, whatever the hell that has to do with anything.

You do, else you wouldn't rant on to the extent that you do and cross the boundaries that see you in the penalty box so much.

You don't understand me in the slightest do you. I saw your picture...;re no vision of grace yourself.

Anyone can see my pic in my profile if they wanna laugh. Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt I ain't although not sure what physicality has to do with 'grace' exactly?

I have learned one thing about forums: There are good people in them and bad. Good people I like talking to. Bad ones remain bad so I see no point in wasting good arguments on them, I would rather have fun belittling them.

Which roughly translated means acting like an arrogant arse to anyone who disagrees with you.

There are also people who take forums seriously and people who don't. Generally, I don't. That's why I'll pee on someone one day and tell them a joke the next, because I just don't take it all that seriously. The subject matter I do take seriously, but the people and the forum? It's just a distraction for me. When I get banned I'll find another distraction and I won't care.

Yet you'll come back and spam up the place with 'I Love DT' threads or posts regarding. Sure you don't take it seriously dude...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't care about yall's feelings, having deluded yourselves that they matter to running a country. What you all are in arms about is due in being 'offended', and many Americans have just gotten plain tired of it. Your feminist leaders turned yall into little girls, as they themselves are :rolleyes:

Hey, it's the guy who thinks he can speak on behalf of all women and now the majority of America itself!

Aren't you something (else)?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.......Yet you'll come back and spam up the place........
That's part of the fun. Then guys like you get bent. You really don't get it. You don't actually think you're accomplishing anything tangible here do you? Do you think anybody here really cares about anything you say?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's part of the fun. Then guys like you get bent. You really don't get it. You don't actually think you're accomplishing anything tangible here do you? Do you think anybody here really cares about anything you say?

What exactly do you think you're accomplishing dude?
