Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

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patrick jane

Having just watched BBC news' analysis of the aftermath, all sides agreed that Trump dropped a major ball by announcing he may not accept the outcome of the election. That's the headline after this debate.
Your media is biased too. Of course he will accept it, does he have a choice? What a ridiculous headline. Watch the actual debate, it affects the world you live in - Trump won on all the issues -


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is the first debate I am giving to Trump.

High points were early. Trump on 2nd Amendment and late term abortion, but leaving it to the states seems a dodge. Clinton appealed to emotion without substance on late-term abortions.

Look for Trump to pick up on polls this week


Having just watched BBC news' analysis of the aftermath, all sides agreed that Trump dropped a major ball by announcing he may not accept the outcome of the election. That's the headline after this debate.

The Brits don't like Trump, of course they are all going to agree on something negative :idunno:

It's as PJ mentioned, it's desperation. Trump graced through the whole debate, Hillary was cracking.


like marbles on glass
Having just watched BBC news' analysis of the aftermath, all sides agreed that Trump dropped a major ball by announcing he may not accept the outcome of the election. That's the headline after this debate.

Here's more on that moment:

More important however were the statements Clinton and Chris Wallace provoked. The biggest one of course was his repeated refusal to accept the result of a democratic election. When Wallace first asked he said: "I will look at it at the time." When Wallace pressed him again he said: "I'll keep you in suspense, okay."
That kind of 'suspense" is precisely what makes democratic polities collapse. Vicious cycles of civic violence and violation of democratic norms have the pernicious of distorting and transforming the behavior of those who believe in democratic institutions. They create a setting in which it becomes rational to take steps that undermine them further. If you really don't know if your opponent will accept the result of the election, you start taking steps to guard against what happens if he doesn't. You take steps to protect yourself, your political future, maybe your safety and property. This is the death spiral of democracies.

It is hard to weigh in the balance Trump's violations of our democratic order but this was a considerably greater violation than the pledge to jail Clinton if he becomes president, though that was as former Attorney General Michael Mukasey accurately put it, "a watershed." Yet they are both parts of the same civic cancer: politics through raw power and violence, as opposed to a combat of political forces, often unruly, mediated by the rule of law and respect for democratic institutions. The universal acceptance of those core rules allows everything that is vital in politics take to place. It's really that bad.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your media is biased too. Of course he will accept it, does he have a choice? What a ridiculous headline. Watch the actual debate, it affects the world you live in - Trump won on all the issues -

Even those in Trump's corner were saying he fouled up by doing that. Interviews were done with those in both Republican & Democrat camps and there was no confidence that Trump 'won' the debate even without that clanger. Your own bias is in play there dude...


patrick jane

Even those in Trump's corner were saying he fouled up by doing that. Interviews were done with those in both Republican & Democrat camps and there was no confidence that Trump 'won' the debate even without that clanger. Your own bias is in play there dude...

Nope. No way dude, Trump won big time !!!


New member
I am watching FOX. I heard everybody else is talking about Trump accepting the results

As usual; just his brown nosing parrots attempting to save face.

Standard "enabler" denial.

And he lost all three debates - against a woman.


Serves the fraud right; he lied through his teeth throughout...once more.

Get over it, people; regretabbly, Hillary will be President.

The fool had no business even running against her.

Even Lindsey Graham has just related his disgust once more.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Having just watched BBC news' analysis of the aftermath, all sides agreed that Trump dropped a major ball by announcing he may not accept the outcome of the election. That's the headline after this debate.
I heard him say that he would accept a legit election, but reserved the right to contest it if something illegal was going on.

To me, it would be dumb to say you accept the results NO MATTER WHAT.

So I see this as them focusing on a statement made but leaving out the variables of the statement.

I do not see it as a reason to flip your vote, no mater which one of them said it.


like marbles on glass
The most important exchanges centered on Trump’s historically anomalous lack of fealty to the democratic system. When Clinton cited the finding of American intelligence that Russia had orchestrated cyberattacks against her party and campaign, he repeatedly clung to his stance that Russia might not be to blame. “She has no idea whether it’s Russia, China, or anybody else…,” he insisted, “our country has no idea.” Even as recently as a few months ago, it would have been hard to imagine a major party candidate making excuses for attacks against his own country by a hostile foreign power.

Whatever reason Trump has, his stance is fitting. Putin is waging a global campaign to discredit the very idea of democracy. Trump has joined his cause. The debate culminated in Trump refusing to pledge that he would accept the outcome of the election – a statement of disloyalty to the American system of government without precedent since 1860, when Southern Democrats vowed to leave the union if the Republican party prevailed.