Preaching the Gospel !

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"Once saved always saved?" - A book by Theologian Davis Pawson. Hodder & Stoughton -ISBN 0-340-61066-2 I believe he is still alive.

It has been about 20 years since I read it. Which is correct ? The 'standard calvinist view' or the 'standard Arminian view' ?

I still do not know;I suspect neither. To Quote Spurgeon from his sermon 1516 (not literally), there seems to be a paradox of verses in the Bible. Pawson's book puts about 66 arguments for NOT OSAS - not saying he is right.

However I doubt there will ever be a sensible debate until the Calvinist vs Ariminian squabble comes to an end. Will it come to an end? Not until Calvinist stop putting words into other Christians mouths.

You are right Mr AMR, I don't like having words not mine forced onto me, hence I generally do not like Calvinism. But, like Catholicism, Lutherism, Orthodox...and the rest. That does NOT default me into standard Calvinist Armianism ( which isn't Armianism anyway).


BTW - I quoted Scripture in abundance for each point. Simple, pithy verses, though I would not call them jejune.



Well-known member
Calvinism denies the conditional security of believers or the possibility of falling away from the faith as taught by the Bible (Matt. 24:13; Jn. 15:6; Acts 11:23; Acts 13:43; Acts 14:22; Rom. 8:13; Rom. 11:20-21; 1 Cor. 9:27; Heb. 2:1-3; Heb. 10:26-31; 2 Pet. 2:20-21);

Looks to me like you're falling for some errors of your own. :rolleyes:


The Calvinist majors on being dead in transgression and sin, using this as analogy. Yet the Bible also says "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Yet the Calvinist carries on sinning though being dead to it!


I know what they are....even better, I understand what they're saying.

Join the club. The Christian club word-wide that is. Catholic, Lutheren, Eastern Orthodox, many variants of Protestantism.....

Christians have no need of one liner snarky put-downs.


Is that what Calvinists think?

Looks to me like false humility on your part. I've seen this before.

What calvinists think? My guess it is what they write, say, publish etc. Just a humble assumption.

Please tell me what they think if it is different to what they write, say, publish etc.

If you have time please illuminate why they think different to what they write, say, publish etc, if that is what you are alleging.



Well-known member
What calvinists think? My guess it is what they write, say, publish etc. Just a humble assumption.

Please tell me what they think if it is different to what they write, say, publish etc.

If you have time please illuminate why they think different to what they write, say, publish etc, if that is what you are alleging.


Stop the snark.

I haven't seen them preach they are perfect any more than other believers who say they are Perfect IN CHRIST JESUS.

You need to get an axe you can actually grind.


As a bonus, tell us where you saw this before!

But please prioritise why they don't think what they write, say, publish etc.

To be honest I don't think you are going to give a sensible answer, just some corny one-liners.


Stop the snark.

I haven't seen them preach they are perfect any more than other believers who say they are Perfect IN CHRIST JESUS.

You need to get an axe you can actually grind.

Sure. I'll stop the snark even if you do not.

Is God the author of evil ?

Does man (and woman) have responsibility for there own sin or did God predestinate them to sin in the first place and then send them to hell for what he (God) ensured happened ?

I think not. I believe not. The Bible teaches not.

My axe (well ground at that) is with those who say the opposite of what the Bible, the WHOLE Bible clearly teaches.

Yes, anyone can cherry pick a few verses and build them into a dogma. Hence I said "the whole" Bible.
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