Preaching the Gospel !

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Well-known member
The True Gospel is that Jesus came to save His People from their sins Matt 1:21. He came into this world to be put to death for them, bearing their sins. He by His Suretyship Work endured their death as the penalty of their sins, His Sheep, He suffered and died for them the equivalent of an eternal death. This totally satisfied for them all the righteousness of God to include His Justice. He also for them Lived in full perfect obedience to Gods moral law for man, summed up in Matt 22:36-40, this Law standard has been fulfilled for them by and through Christ !

The true Gospel will surely emphasize that Jesus did not come to die and save everyone without exception, but only those God the Father had Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, He chose them and gave them to Christ.

God's Truth

New member
The True Gospel is that Jesus came to save His People from their sins Matt 1:21.

Those people were the Jews who already belonged to God by faith, and not as the Calvinists preach of predestined people made to believe.

He came into this world to be put to death for them, bearing their sins.

He died for the sins of the whole world. You have now leaned away from the straight and narrow so much so that you are now in trouble with your faith and even worse for you to be a teacher.

He by His Suretyship Work endured their death as the penalty of their sins, His Sheep, He suffered and died for them the equivalent of an eternal death. This totally satisfied for them all the righteousness of God to include His Justice. He also for them Lived in full perfect obedience to Gods moral law for man, summed up in Matt 22:36-40, this Law standard has been fulfilled for them by and through Christ !

The true Gospel will surely emphasize that Jesus did not come to die and save everyone without exception,

Do you really think you are covering your false teachings with that one?

but only those God the Father had Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, He chose them and gave them to Christ.

God made the plan for salvation to be through Jesus before He made anything.


Well-known member
Those people were the Jews who already belonged to God by faith, and not as the Calvinists preach of predestined people made to believe.

He died for the sins of the whole world. You have now leaned away from the straight and narrow so much so that you are now in trouble with your faith and even worse for you to be a teacher.

Do you really think you are covering your false teachings with that one?

God made the plan for salvation to be through Jesus before He made anything.

I expected this opposition to the True Gospel !


Well-known member

Those people were the Jews

I know you are referring to Matt 1:21, however thats not what it says, that Jesus people He came to save were jews. Also you are propogating a false gospel of salvation being based upon the flesh, ones race or ethnicity !

God's Truth

New member

I know you are referring to Matt 1:21, however thats not what it says, that Jesus people He came to save were jews. Also you are propogating a false gospel of salvation being based upon the flesh, ones race or ethnicity !

They were the people who came into the covenant with God and obeyed by doing the ceremonial works.

That is what is required of anyone who wants to be saved.

God's Truth

New member
Preaching Salvation by works and race .

Paul says we are all working whether we are saved or not, or whether we want to be saved or not.

Everyone is always working at something.

We are either working at sin, or we are working at righteousness.

You go against people doing what God says, but you are a hypocrite because you come here and and argue your Calvinism, Calvinism which states only the elect accept it. No one here accepts what you say, so why do you keep speaking it?

Your silly denomination has interfered with many knowing and understanding God. You have become a helper to the one you hate, Satan.


Well-known member
Paul says we are all working whether we are saved or not, or whether we want to be saved or not.

Everyone is always working at something.

We are either working at sin, or we are working at righteousness.

You go against people doing what God says, but you are a hypocrite because you come here and and argue your Calvinism, Calvinism which states only the elect accept it. No one here accepts what you say, so why do you keep speaking it?

Your silly denomination has interfered with many knowing and understanding God. You have become a helper to the one you hate, Satan.

Now you want to justify your false works gospel and salvation by race gospel !

God's Truth

New member
Now you want to justify your false works gospel and salvation by race gospel !

All people of all races were bound to disobedience.

All people from all races have to come to Jesus in faith.

You preach no one can do anything. You teach rebelliousness and stubbornness.
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