Political Thoughts


New member
The drug cartels (dc's) must not have impunity in Mexico.

Telling them to think of their mothers is not the answer.

Warfare is required.

Real warfare, with tanks, mortars, and bomber-aircraft, not just machine guns, which the dc's have thousands of.


Also, the U.S. must help Mexico in this war, for it is U.S. drug users who are paying the dc's.

And so it is the U.S. who must bring them to an end, just as it so successfully brought the ISIS tyranny to an end.


Also, the Mexican military leaders of the war must have 20 bodyguards around them 24/7, and have bulletproof and bomb-resistant vehicles for all of their travel.

Otherwise, the status quo will simply continue.


May YHWH God help Mexico.

And may He free the Mexican People from the awful, dc tyranny.


New member
It has been said that Sad-Betsy Warren rejects the idea that the Dems need some moderate voters in order to win the presidency in 2020, calling it "old thinking".

But note that 2+2=4 is also "old thinking", but it doesn't make it any less true. (Compare also Jeremiah 6:16.)


Hall of Fame
It has been said that Sad-Betsy Warren rejects the idea that the Dems need some moderate voters in order to win the presidency in 2020, calling it "old thinking".

I AM a moderate. At this point it’s not about *loving* the candidate but rather REPLACING what is currently occupying the WH.

Any Dem will do ......


New member
Re: China.

It has just recently said that it's going after fentanyl producers in China.

This is a great thing.

For what we have been experiencing is something like a reverse Opium War, in which China has been flooding the U.S. with the opioid fentanyl, just as imperial Britain flooded China with opium.

For the profits, of course.


So could there be a CCP connection with the Mexican drug cartels (dc's)?

For how could anyone produce anything in China without the CCP knowing about it?

And how could China smuggle and sell fentanyl in the U.S. en masse apart from the dc's?

It couldn't.

So could the CCP have been receiving billions of dollars over the years from the dc's, in exchange for the fentanyl?

And could this money have been hidden in wire transfers from Mexican "chemical" companies to Chinese companies?


Whether this occurred or not, thank God that the CCP is now curtailing fentanyl production.

May God also save the souls of those CCP members who are now hearing His Word the Bible and responding to it (Isaiah 55:10-11), by faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:17).

And may the CCP lay down its arms, as it were, and allow China to become free and democratic like Taiwan is.

The only reason not to do so would be for CCP members to hold onto their wealth.

But let them keep their wealth. And forgive them for everything, just as the Apartheid people were forgiven for everything in South Africa, in order to bring democracy there.


And so may democracy come to China. And if it needs help in setting up real, democratic political parties, and real, democratic elections, then let China ask Taiwan to show it how this is done.

Taiwanese political parties could even extend themselves onto the mainland.

For these parties were started by, and are run, solely by Chinese people who are no different than the Chinese people on the mainland.


And then let the mainland Chinese people decide for themselves which political parties they prefer, or if they want to start and run their own various parties.

But let the Chinese people be free, for God's sake, just as Taiwan is free, and strong at the same time.

Just as China gained freedom from the opium tyranny of Britain and other Western colonial powers, so may YHWH God now grant China freedom from the CCP tyranny.


Political Thoughts

Unfortunately for the Syrian Kurds suffering 11000 casualties subduing ISIS just wasn't enough, they became expendable for not being in a position to investigate/provide dirt on the Bidens, in exchange for this President allowing American troops to remain along the Turkish border!
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New member
Unfortunately for the Syrian Kurds suffering 11000 casualties subduing ISIS just wasn't enough, they became expendable for not being in a position to investigate/provide dirt on the Bidens, in exchange for this President allowing American troops to remain along the Turkish border!

Trump didn't want to have to go to war with a NATO ally, when the Kurds could simply withdraw 18 miles from the Turkish border within a mere-75-mile stretch.

Also, note that the Kurds, in a heartbeat, turned to dictators Assad and Putin for support. So it's not like they care about goodness.

Indeed, their politics are even Marxist.

Nonetheless, they would be willing to be good partners of the U.S. in northeastern Syria to any extent that the U.S. agrees.

Also, the U.S. troops that are still there protecting the oil from ISIS (which dictators Assad and Putin failed to do), as well as the USAF in the Middle East, could easily come to the aid of the Kurds in northeastern Syria if the butcher dictators begin to air-bomb them.


Regarding dirt on the Bidens, it's already plain to see, not only in Ukraine, but also in China. We're talking not just millions of dollars in bribes, but even a billion dollars of foreign money given over to the Biden family in order to buy influence during the Obama administration.

This stinks to high heaven, and it is remarkable that Schiff would choose such a corrupt field as Ukraine in order to go after Trump.

This will end as pathetically as the Mueller investigation, and to the complete destruction of Biden as a candidate.

The Dems always end up shooting themselves in their own feet.

For they cannot think ahead more than one move at a time.

They have been blinded by their own, Trump derangement syndrome.


New member
Re: Iraq.
The race is now on, between Iran and the U.S., regarding who will bring about a coup d'etat in Iraq first.
And the Baathists in the Iraqi Army and outside it could be handed the reins either way: Either by promising Iran that they will invade Israel, or by promising the U.S. that they will invade Iran.


New member
Re: China.

The release of more information regarding the CCP's Nazi-like oppression of the Uighurs in concentration camps is a great sign.

For it shows that there are people in the CCP who actually have a conscience, or who at least are fearful of what Dictator Xi has done to how the West views China: He has turned the CCP into a Hitlerian tyranny which the West will have to eventually reject as a partner in any economic endeavors.

Also, rifts within the CCP would be based on the desire of thousands of its members to be able to put their own policies before the Chinese People, policies which will be much better for China in the long run.

For example, the state-run enterprises are losers which cannot be salvaged: Let Chine be released into a free market economy instead. It will then thrive and produce many more jobs than are lost when the state-run enterprises are shut down.

Also, let China be released into a democratic political system, which will unleash the amazing leadership and inspirational talents of thousands of Chinese individuals who are now being squelched by the CCP.

Let the Chinese People themselves decide who will best lead and inspire them, just as the Chinese People of Taiwan freely do, without any diminishment of the power of Taiwan, but even to the increase of Taiwan's power, and also its legitimacy on the world stage.

For the tyranny of the CCP is completely illegitimate.


New member
Re: Biden.

The pay-to-play corruption by the Biden family during the Obama Administration brings to mind the pay-to-play corruption by the Clinton Foundation in anticipation of a Hillary Administration.

Bribery all around, and by the Dems' top leaders and candidates.

The Democratic Party should be called The Bribery Party.

Or the Party of Bribery, the "POB", so that there will then be the POB vs. the GOP, which has tried to expose the Dem bribery ever since it became clear to the GOP-led House during the Obama Administration.

But the House was stonewalled by the Obama Administration.

And now a Dem-led House refuses to investigate the Dem bribery.

Also, for some reason even the now-Repub Justice Department has not gone after even the "Foundation", perhaps because too many, too-powerful people worldwide were involved.

Similarly, the DOJ's investigations into Russiagate could end with a whimper, out of the desire not to further embarrass and weaken the FBI and other U.S. agencies, and also the intelligence agencies of close foreign allies which the U.S. needs, and which have taken great umbrage at the idea that some of their people could have weaponized their powers against Candidate Trump, and then even against President Trump

May God help us.


New member
Re: Israel

It's a great thing that the Trump Administration has announced that it no longer considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be a violation of international law.

For why should anyone become hyper-concerned about the Israelis' dispossession of such a small sliver of the Arabs' total land, which stretches all the way from Oman to Morocco?

Why not also become hyper-concerned about, for example, the U.S.'s and Canada's dispossession of almost all of the American Indians' land, stretching across North America? Or Australia's and New Zealand's dispossession of almost all of the aborigines' land?

Also, why would someone completely reject the Jews' ancestral/historical/Biblical claim to the land of Canaan? Is it possible that anti-Semitism is involved in some way? Why cannot the Jews have even such a small piece of land for themselves, especially after what happened to them in the Holocaust?

Also, the Palestinians are simply Arabs. They are not their own nationality which needs their own nation-state. They can live on any Arab land within the truly gigantic Arab territory stretching from Oman to Morocco.

So the world needs to give the Jews a break, for God's sake.


New member
Re: Iran.

The release of documents from the Iranian CIA showing how Iran has completely co-opted Iraqi politics is a great thing.

For it means that some people high up in the Iranian regime are beginning to realize that it cannot survive the massive U.S. sanctions for much longer.

And so these people are trying to get in the good graces of Western powers (by releasing secrets) so that they will be helped when the mullahs finally fall, and Iran begins to set up a democracy.

The current riots in Iran could expand as sanctions increasingly bite the Iranian economy.

And any violent crackdown by the mullahs could be the last straw which will bring about a total revolution in Iran, resulting in democracy.

May God help the Iranian people to throw off the awful tyranny of the mullahs, so that Iran might become a normal country, and its people might prosper as all sanctions are removed.

The fall of the mullahs would also end the Iranian nuclear-weapons and ballistic-missile programs; and end the tyranny of Iran over the Iraqi, Syrian, and Lebanese people; and end Iran's mad desire to destroy Israel.

A great sigh of relief, and freedom, will be heard across the Middle East when Iran's current regime finally falls.

May YHWH God help this to happen.


New member
Re: Epstein.

The two correctional officers on duty when Epstein was murdered must be put into protective custody immediately, or else they will have unfortunate "accidents" arranged by Epstein's murderers.

For the correctional officers are now facing criminal charges for falsifying prison records relating to when Epstein was murdered.

And so the danger to his murderers is that one or both of the officers will "flip" and expose the murderers in exchange for a removal of all criminal charges against the officers.

But this very possibility of the officers "flipping" puts them in mortal danger, just as the danger of Epstein "flipping" brought about his murder.

And so if anything untoward happens to the two correctional officers from now on, their blood will be on the heads of the New York prosecutors who failed to protect them, just as the same prosecutors failed to protect Epstein, even though the danger for him was wholly manifest. (Even to those who are on a certain payroll.)

May God help the two correctional officers to escape being murdered.

May the already-awful body count not be increased by even two more people.


New member
Re: Hong Kong

The Hong Kong protests started out great: millions of people pouring into the streets to protest the CCP's breaking of its agreement to let Hong Kong be free for decades.

But like with the previous Umbrella Protests a few years ago, the peaceful protestors of Hong Kong have tired of showing up.

And so the Hong Kong struggle for freedom has been taken over by violent extremists, who have even threatened to murder the entire families of Hong Kong policemen, and who have even set a person on fire for simply disagreeing with them.

This makes them even more evil than the CCP, and so makes them completely illegitimate as protestors for democracy.

The peaceful people of Hong Kong need to take back the struggle by denouncing the violence, which will only be countered by reciprocal violence from Beijing's troops, who are infinitely more powerful than a few thousand students.

But the CCP also needs to realize that any all-out crushing of the Chinese People of Hong Kong, as at the all-out crushing of the Mainland Chinese People in T'ien-an Men Square years ago, will only further delegitimize the CCP in the eyes of the world.

In order for the CCP to survive in the long run, its membership needs to rise up and overthrow the awful dictatorship of Xi, and bring in democratic and economic reforms to Hong Kong and Mainland China, which will cause all protests to cease, and will bring peace and greater prosperity to all of the Chinese People.

The only other option is an eventual, Oximandias Scenario, which does not have to happen if reforms are made, before it is too late.

May YHWH God help all of the Chinese People to obtain the Liberty enjoyed by the Chinese People of Taiwan.

And may this Liberty be obtained in a peaceful and rational manner, just as the Liberty of South Africa after its Apartheid Tyranny was obtained peacefully.



New member
Re: Babylon.

Revelation 16:19  . . . and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Revelation's symbolic, great "Babylon" (Revelation chapters 17-18) represents all of fallen mankind's corrupt political (Revelation 17:18), economic (Revelation 18:11), and religious (Revelation 18:24) systems throughout the earth (Revelation 18:3) and throughout history (Revelation 17:9-10). The ten kings of the empire of the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast") will destroy with fire what Revelation's "Babylon" represents (Revelation 17:16-17) when they destroy the cities of the nations (Revelation 16:19), probably with nukes (and probably with Fission-Fusion-Fission, "FFF", or "666", nukes, "F" representing the number 6 in English gematria), at the time of the future, seventh vial (Revelation 16:17,19), which will be the final event (Revelation 16:17) of the future Tribulation of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24, right before Jesus Christ's future, Second Coming (Revelation 19:2 to 20:6, Matthew 24:29-31). The ten kings of the future Antichrist's empire could destroy the cities of the nations under the direction of Lucifer/Satan (Isaiah 14:17,12), who could want to leave only a literal "scorched earth" for Jesus to return to.

Near the very end of the future Tribulation, Lucifer (employing the ancient lies of Gnosticism) could say to the Antichrist and his ten kings something like: "Our great battle against the evil, tyrant god YHWH is about to begin [Revelation 16:14, Revelation 19:19], a battle which we will win, and so we will be able to escape YHWH's prison house, this material universe, and return to the wholly-spiritual Pleroma [i.e. Heaven]. So let us now destroy this prison cell, this foul planet, and let us, as it were, burn up all of the gewgaws which we have hung upon our cell walls. Let us burn up all of our great cities, all of our magnificent systems. Let us break all of our chains of attachment to this vile, physical realm, that we might more freely ascend back to our rightful place in the Pleroma [cf. Isaiah 14:13-14]".

Of course this will be a lie. For at His Second Coming, Jesus Christ (who is YHWH: John 10:30, Zechariah 14:3-4) will completely defeat all of the armies of the world, arrayed against YHWH (Revelation 16:14, Revelation 19:19-21). And Jesus will have Lucifer bound in the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-6, Isaiah 14:15), a time period commonly called the Millennium. During that time, Jesus will restore ruined parts of the earth and make them like the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 36:35, Isaiah 51:3). And after the Millennium and subsequent events (Revelation 20:7-15), God will create a New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 21:1), as in a new atmosphere (first heaven) and a new surface for the earth. And then God will descend from the third heaven in the literal city of New Jerusalem to live with Christians on the New Earth (Revelation 21:2-4).

The Barbarian

Russia has made a mistake by sending troops to Venezuela.

It goes against the Monroe Doctrine, especially against its second point.

The Monroe Doctrine was invoked in the Venezuela Boundary Dispute in 1895.

From Putin's point of view, it's not a mistake. He's got a weak and compliant president in the WH. When the Russians moved missiles into Cuba, we luckily had a strong president who quickly stopped it. Now we have a failed narcissist in the WH. And Putin seems to have something to hold over his head to force him to comply.

They need to back a major military intervention by the U.S. to save Venezuela from Russia.

The U.S. needs to send three carrier strike groups to the coast of Venezuela, one off of Pto Fijo, one off of Caracas, and one off of Carúpano.

The U.S. then needs to announce to the Venezuelan military and militias that they must hand over Maduro and his Cuban controllers, and lay down their arms.

If they do not, the U.S. will begin cruise missile attacks against the arsenals and barracks of the Venezuelan military and militias, which can be evacuated into open fields ahead of time.

That would require Trump to defy Putin. Which he will not do.