Political Thoughts


New member
No man has ever possessed free-will.

With regard to humans, what is meant by free will is that YHWH God of the Bible lets people choose what they are going to do (Joshua 24:15, Deuteronomy 30:19, Isaiah 1:19-20; 1 Chronicles 28:9; 1 Peter 5:2, Philemon 1:14, Genesis 24:8).

Only the Almighty has free-will because only He has the power to bring His will into being.

With regard to humans, free will does not mean that we can choose to do anything at all. For example, someone who is 5-feet-2-inches tall cannot choose to become an NBA player, just as someone who was born in India cannot choose to become the U.S. President (due to restrictions in the U.S. Constitution that the President must be U.S.-born). So someone's biology and history can constrict his choices in life.

But his will is still free in the sense that no one can make him do anything that he does not want to do, or make him not do anything that he does want to do and is able to do based on his biology and history.

The point of free will is that God had no interest in making humans like robots who could do nothing but what He had programmed them to do, whether they liked it or not. Instead, God created real human children who have the ability to choose to do or not do the right thing, and the ability to choose to do or not do the wrong thing.

If people did not have this ability, then God could not logically reward people for choosing to do the right thing (Matthew 25:21), or punish them for choosing to do the wrong thing (2 Corinthians 5:10-11) or choosing not to do the right thing (Luke 12:47, Matthew 25:26-30).


New member
Some thoughts re: newspapers.

Newspapers are the best invention ever (after printing itself). For they compile huge amounts of information in a limited space. Unlike books, they cover a wide range of topics every day, and relate information relevant to today, what is going on right now, and so point toward what is coming in the future. Many non-fiction books repeat the same idea over and over, and may not be true information, but only hoped-for theories of what is true or will be true in the future. And fiction books are not informative, but fantasy.

Also, because newspapers are printed, unlike (non-DVR) TV and radio news, you can read newspapers at your leisure, anytime you want, and re-read parts that are especially fact-filled. (Non-DVR) TV and radio newscasts take you as their prisoner. You must watch or listen to them at a particular time, and you cannot skip parts that you are not interested in, and you cannot skip their endless commercials. Newspapers allow you to browse conveniently through them, and skip over any articles or ads that you may not be interested in.

Also, because newspapers are printed, they are extremely more efficient in relaying information than TV and radio news. For you can read much faster than newscasters talk. Also, newscasts are usually limited to a short period of time, and so cannot relay very much information compared to, say, the 40 large pages of a newspaper.

Newspapers are now dying, being replaced by the "Twitterfication" of the human mind. More information than ever is available online, but it is relatively rarely sought out, in exchange for titillating tidbits, which leave the mind bereft of any deep and lasting knowledge, but nonetheless entrain the mind, entertain it, entrap it in an endless stream of that which is ultimately meaningless.

Knowledge is power. As the People become more and more bereft of knowledge, they become more and more helpless before the increasing predations of ruthless corporations, unions, and governments.

May God help us.

Also, newspapers can be read in private, whereas anything you read (or watch or listen to) online or on cable (including on DVR) is tracked and can be used against you by corporations, bad actors (in the sense of criminals), and governments across the globe. They can bombard you with targeted ads, set you up as their mark, and surveil you. Also, if everything you read is read online, then they can know the exact extent of your knowledge, and so they can exploit key gaps in your knowledge, in ways which are not in your best interest.

So long live privacy, and long live being-informed: Long live newspapers! They are crucial for the maintenance of a true democracy, and for keeping tyrants at bay. The Founders knew this, and so in the very First Amendment they protected newspapers from government interference. Newspapers now need to be protected from economic and technological interference: they need to be publicly supported no less than public schools are publicly supported. For newspapers are the public's lifelong, daily schools for adults.

Also, just as NPR (radio news) and PBS (TV news) are publicly supported, so should newspapers be publicly supported. Our democracy depends on this. The Founders would want nothing less.


New member
Some thoughts re: Israel.

It seems strange that Israel would invite Chinese economic investment into Israel's strategic ports and technological companies. But perhaps Israel is thinking that this will not harm its position, in at least two ways.

First, Israel has enough nuclear weapons that it need not fear (in its mind) any all-out, overwhelming, conventional military invasion by its enemies, in their fear of Israeli nuclear counterstrikes.

Second, when it needs to in order to assure its national security, Israeli intelligence may be second-to-none in being able to secretly infiltrate foreign companies on its soil through humint, compromise their employees, hack their computer systems, and access their codes. So inviting Chinese companies to invest and set up operations in Israel only gives it a (potential, if needed) advantage in penetrating any Chinese intelligence activities employing agents on Israeli soil, and computers communicating back to China through Israeli-controlled internet links.

So Israel can actually gain a strategic advantage by inviting the Chinese into its web, like a spider inviting a bee into its lair.

But Israel will never do China any harm, so long as China does it no harm. So both China and Israel can benefit handsomely from Chinese economic investment in Israel, so long as China poses no spying, political, or military threat to Israel, or to its close allies on which it depends.


New member
Some thoughts re: college.

The whole point of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is to indicate whether a student is able to handle college-level studies. So it would in no way help students with low SAT scores to get them into college, whether by bribes or by a "disadvantaged upbringing" score. For these students would most likely not be able to handle the college work, and so they would drop out, never graduating.

Also, if even more college loans are made available, or if college (which is already, needlessly, many times more expensive per year than K-12 schools) is made "free" by the government (actually, taxpayers) paying for it, then college tuition will rise, inflate, even further than it already has (because of loans), to match all of the new money available to pay for it.

So all we would be doing is raising college costs to even more astronomical levels, whether for individuals or the government, while reducing graduation rates (when there is no grade inflation, or dumbing-down of courses).

How sad.

Leftist policies are so misguided.


New member
Some thoughts re: Russia and China.

Russia and China both now have strong leaders, who have decided to become allies. But these leaders have gotten rid of all their domestic political competitors, leaving no strong leaders to succeed them when they die (such as from natural causes). In this way, they have set up their countries for possible disaster in the future.

For example, imagine if the Russian leader dies and is replaced by a popularly-elected "peacenik" who renounces any use of Russia's nukes, even in self-defense. This could embolden China to begin making military moves across its northern border, into eastern Siberia. For China wants to get to the Arctic, and it doesn't want to be dependent upon foreign energy supplies forever. China could even claim that it is China's "Manifest Destiny" to extend its territory northward to the Arctic, just as in the nineteenth century the U.S. claimed that it was its "Manifest Destiny" to extend its territory westward to the Pacific. By taking eastern Siberia and the adjacent Arctic region, China would obtain huge oil and gas resources.

For a different example, imagine if the Chinese leader dies and is replaced by a weak technocrat, while Russia continues to have a strong leader. This could embolden Russia to increase its encirclement of China's northeastern neck by annexing the northeastern part of North Korea, a country which Russia already controls, after North Korea "goes rogue" with its nukes (built by Russian technicians). Russia could also threaten China's southeastern coast by fomenting tragic naval battles between the U.S. and China in the South China Sea, while Russia builds a huge naval base in the Borneo part of Malaysia, giving Russia a catbird seat on the melee, and a powerful base of operations from which to dominate the South China Sea after the U.S. and Chinese navies have destroyed each other there.

So Russia and China are not natural allies geopolitically. Their present alliance is based on their present leaders, who have no assurance that their successors will not be weaklings.

The Barbarian

Some thoughts re: geopolitics.

Russia is now on the move, and the U.S. is doing nothing.

Russia is sending troops to Venezuela, and soon will be given permission to build a huge naval base there.

Also, Russia is spurring on the general-ruler of eastern Libya to take over western Libya. He will then give Russia permission to build a huge naval base there.

Also, look for Russia to move next upon Malaysia, buying key politicians there with huge bribes so that Russia will be given permission to build a huge naval base in the Borneo part of Malaysia.

Look on a world map.

Russia will then have established power bases in three strategic locations across the globe.

Putin no doubt figures that the money spent attempting to rig the U.S. presidential election was money well spent. With a weak U.S. president, apparently on his side, he has nothing to stop him.

Reagan is turning in his grave.



New member
Could the remarkable visage of Matthew Perry (19th century) have had anything to do with his unprecedented ability to "open" Japan to the West? For Matthew Perry had the face of an elite Japanese: Long, and open, and with a severe demeanor, like Abe's today. Except for the eyes, of course, which were outweighed by Perry's advanced ships.

The Japanese were, and still are, intelligent enough to not to pass on what Perry offered: Western technology, while retaining the sui generis Japanese style. By their intelligence, their toughness, and their ability to adapt very quickly to changing circumstances, the Japanese are like the British of the East. But the Japanese equivalent of the British Empire was snuffed out early by the U.S. in World War II.

Apart from the U.S., which set Japan on its very course of imperialism, the Japanese Empire may have dominated the entire Eastern Hemisphere east of Iran for a century or longer, like how the British Empire was able to dominate most of the world for a century. But, again, the U.S. and World War II brought an end to the British Empire, just as to Japanese ambitions.

So the U.S. brought an end to the empires of both its tutor and its student.

But what about China, which the U.S. saved from Japanese domination? Will the huge and powerful China of today be able to be restrained militarily by the U.S., or will China begin to build an empire in the East? Or will the massive Chinese debt, like the massive U.S. debt, ultimately hobble both nations geopolitically?


New member
Some thoughts re: homelessness.

The best answer to homelessness is to fulfill the desires of both the homed and the homeless at the same time.

The homed want the homeless out of sight. They don't want to have to step in the homeless' feces and urine on the sidewalk, or see their tents there, or be asked for money (to buy drugs). The homeless want to be free not to work, and free to smoke, drink, and take drugs all they want, day and night. They are okay with living in tents if they can freely do these things. (When was the last time you saw a homeless riot to be homed?)

Regarding homeless children, they can be put into government boarding schools until their parents are able to get their lives in order. For there are some homeless -- not many -- who do want to work, and they can be put into jobs where the government incentivizes the employer, and where the workers have a place to shower and wash their clothes for work. These working homeless can then save up enough money to rent an apartment.

The thing that you don't want to do is to force the homeless into mental institutions or prisons. As this takes away their freedom, the whole reason that they are willing to live in a tent on the sidewalk. The answer, to address the desire of the homed, is to simply relocate the homeless out of cities and into beautiful campsites out in the countryside, where the homeless can set up their tents, and where they have access to large numbers of porta-potties, and as many water bottles as they want, and three meals per day in a mess hall, and all the cigs, beers and drugs that they can consume in a day without killing themselves (i.e. what they are already doing).

Think of a homeless Woodstock, but without the music. (Unless some homeless-loving bands want to go out there and perform for them on a stage.)

These countryside campsites will be much cheaper than trying to build housing for the homeless, which is almost impossible in NIMBY-land, or trying to incarcerate or institutionalize them. And the homeless living in Woodstocks (or "Freedom Camps") can seek mental or drug/alcohol-abuse counseling at such camps when (if) they finally tire of their lifestyle.

They will not be forced to remain in the camps, but can leave anytime that they want, such as to go home to live with their elderly parents, or any of their siblings willing to take them in. But if they go back to setting up their tent on the sidewalk in the city (which they would have no incentive to do, because the countryside camp already supplies them with anything that they would want in the city), then they will be given the choice of moving back to the camp (or Woodstock), or moving to another city, or going to prison, a mental institution, or a drug/alcohol-abuse rehab center.

This way, they can maintain their freedom as much as they want, without impinging on the freedoms of the homed in the city.

So think of Woodstocks for the homeless. The time has come.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Some thoughts re: homelessness.

The best answer to homelessness is to fulfill the desires of both the homed and the homeless at the same time.

The homed want the homeless out of sight. They don't want to have to step in the homeless' feces and urine on the sidewalk, or see their tents there, or be asked for money (to buy drugs). The homeless want to be free not to work, and free to smoke, drink, and take drugs all they want, day and night. They are okay with living in tents if they can freely do these things. (When was the last time you saw a homeless riot to be homed?)

Regarding homeless children, they can be put into government boarding schools until their parents are able to get their lives in order. For there are some homeless -- not many -- who do want to work, and they can be put into jobs where the government incentivizes the employer, and where the workers have a place to shower and wash their clothes for work. These working homeless can then save up enough money to rent an apartment.

The thing that you don't want to do is to force the homeless into mental institutions or prisons. As this takes away their freedom, the whole reason that they are willing to live in a tent on the sidewalk. The answer, to address the desire of the homed, is to simply relocate the homeless out of cities and into beautiful campsites out in the countryside, where the homeless can set up their tents, and where they have access to large numbers of porta-potties, and as many water bottles as they want, and three meals per day in a mess hall, and all the cigs, beers and drugs that they can consume in a day without killing themselves (i.e. what they are already doing).

Think of a homeless Woodstock, but without the music. (Unless some homeless-loving bands want to go out there and perform for them on a stage.)

These countryside campsites will be much cheaper than trying to build housing for the homeless, which is almost impossible in NIMBY-land, or trying to incarcerate or institutionalize them. And the homeless living in Woodstocks (or "Freedom Camps") can seek mental or drug/alcohol-abuse counseling at such camps when (if) they finally tire of their lifestyle.

They will not be forced to remain in the camps, but can leave anytime that they want, such as to go home to live with their elderly parents, or any of their siblings willing to take them in. But if they go back to setting up their tent on the sidewalk in the city (which they would have no incentive to do, because the countryside camp already supplies them with anything that they would want in the city), then they will be given the choice of moving back to the camp (or Woodstock), or moving to another city, or going to prison, a mental institution, or a drug/alcohol-abuse rehab center.

This way, they can maintain their freedom as much as they want, without impinging on the freedoms of the homed in the city.

So think of Woodstocks for the homeless. The time has come.

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field.In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.” - Genesis 3:17-19 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis3:17-19&version=NKJV

For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies.Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread. - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2Thessalonians3:10-12&version=NKJV


New member
Some thoughts re: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

It is basically illegitimate, by modern standards. For it cares not for the People, but for itself. It also pretends to be communist while it leads a capitalist life, driving around in black Mercedes, for example, while drinking champagne behind tinted windows. Also, it pretends to be atheist while no doubt some of its leaders (just as some other world leaders) secretly worship Satan (the dragon) -- just as the whole world will eventually (Revelation 13:4, Revelation 12:9) -- obtaining from him all of the power and wealth that they can stand (Luke 4:7).

The People of Hong Kong are awake to the threat of the CCP, for they know that the extradition law would allow them to be abducted into mainland China and sent to the CCP's torture chambers.

Where is China's Gorbachev? Just as his wise policies led to the ultimate collapse of the decrepit soviet communist system, so China's leadership can become willing to bring in policies which will lead to the ultimate end of the tyrannous Chinese communist system.

Taiwan proves that the Chinese People are more than capable of being strong and democratic at the same time. And they are able to peacefully overcome dictatorship.

But only when their leaders are willing to do what is best for the People, instead of themselves.


New member
It is very dangerous that Iran is now enriching uranium to higher levels. For such uranium could be employed by Iran in "dirty bombs" exploded against Iran's Sunni enemies in Iraq, and also against U.S. diplomatic and military facilities in Iraq. For such radioactive bombs could be built by Iran and then handed off to Iraqi Shiite militias in Iraq (who are in utter thrall to Shiite Iran), and then the militias could place and detonate the bombs in Iraq.

May God help Iraq.


Also, Iraq is getting so desperate because of Trump's sanctions that he needs to be extra careful not to be assassinated by an Iranian super-long-range sniper, who could target him during his upcoming campaign stops in the heartland. For example, such an Iranian assassin could camouflage himself up high in dense trees at the far, far end of an empty field, with a sight line to the President as he is giving a speech outside. So the President needs to make sure, from now on, to always have bulletproof glass shields all around him while he is speaking outside (like he had during the 4th), even if some dense trees seem "too far away" to pose any threat as a possible sniper's nest.


Also, the horrible threat to the U.S. posed by Russia has not diminished in any way. For example, the loss of life on the Losharik was horrible. But the disabling of the spy sub could have prevented (or merely delayed) the cutting or tapping of key, deep-sea cables linking the U.S. and Europe across the North Atlantic.


New member
The U.S. needs to help the Philippines in its struggle with China, in the Philippine territorial waters of the South China Sea.

For the Philippines knows that it cannot take on China there by itself. For that would be like a 70-pound kid trying to take on a 350-pound bully in the schoolyard.

Duterte has publicly asked for the U.S.'s help, saying that he is willing to take the second (defensive) shot against China there, so long as the U.S. takes the first.

So why isn't the U.S. doing more?

It could be because China's tactics are so slippery.

The CCP sends Chinese (supposedly) civilian fishing boats into Philippine territorial waters to overwhelm any Philippine fishing boats there, whether by sheer numbers, or by actually ramming the Philippine boats and leaving their souls to drown.

The answer is that the Philippine Navy needs to protect the Philippine fishing boats from Chinese (supposedly) civilian fishing boats.

But then China will send Chinese Navy boats into Philippine waters to protect the Chinese fishing boats.

And then the Philippine Navy will be routed by the Chinese Navy.

So the U.S. Navy needs to step in and chase away the Chinese (supposedly) civilian fishing boats in Philippine waters.

Why isn't the U.S. already doing this?

It could be because Trump hates the cost of employing U.S. military forces to protect foreign interests with no payment from those foreigners. For example, this is the reason why he wants other nations to pay for the protection of ships passing through Hormuz from Iranian attacks.

But the Philippines is a relatively poor country. It can in no way afford to pay the cost of sending U.S. ships to protect Philippine waters from Chinese encroachment.

And it is not in the U.S.'s own interest for China to gradually take de facto control of the Philippine territorial waters of the South China Sea, or the territorial waters of the many other non-Chinese countries bordering the South China Sea, which China is also encroaching upon.

For then China will take over the whole Sea.

So step up, America! Defend your allies, and your interests (and the free-world's interests) in the South China Sea.

And may God help you and bless you as you do this.


New member
Epstein has been asking for house arrest. But this will not keep him safe from committing "suicide", or having a "heart attack", or an unfortunate "accident" in his New York mansion (unless his security guards are incorruptible). For he has too much dirt on too many powerful men. If they think that he is going to go the "plea deal" route, with full cooperation with prosecutors, that could seal his fate.

He doesn't seem like the type of guy who would easily squeal on his friends. But if he is faced with the choice of being sent to prison (and sodomy rape) for the rest of his life, or telling SDNY all that he knows about what everyone did on Sin Island; and then going into hiding into some other place under protective custody, then he may choose the latter route.

Also, SDNY, in its utter politicization, its utter, Dem animus against Trump, may have opened a can of worms which it will ultimately wish that it had not opened (or had not pursued vigorously). For Epstein has a lot of dirt on Dem visitors (even many-times repeated Dem visitors) to Sin Island. So does SDNY want to bring down these Dems, even key Dems, along with Trump?

Also, is it true that Comey's daughter will play a role in pursuing the Epstein case? If so, is this a Deep State punch-back against Trump's AG's new investigation into the DS's work against Trump, which included employing U.K. intel to spy on him? Also, could the U.K.'s compliance with this have been revenged (in just a preliminary, small part) by U.S. intel having recently spied on the U.K. ambassador's communications to home?

Everyone needs to realize that the NSA can tap every electronic communication known to man, regardless of whether it is supposedly "encrypted" or not. Ask, for example, the Puerto Rican governor, who foolishly used Telegram, thinking that he could privately trash political leaders there without ever being found out.

There is no privacy in electronic communication.

Which for some reason brings to mind the verse:

Ecclesiastes 10:20 Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

Here the "air" brings to mind cellphone signals, and the "wings" bring to mind the solar panels on cellphone-service satellites, which transfer everything you say or text to any entity with access to their signals.


New member
Iran needs regime change. And the sooner the better.

As its commandos were rappelling down a rope from a helicopter to violently take over an innocent (and empty) British tanker, a man filming the scene from an Iranian "fast-boat" shouted out the Islamic chant: "Allah is great!".

Iran thinks that every terrorist act that it commits is Allah God's will; that it must happen.

Some people argue that war with Iran would be too horrible, with ICBMs raining down on Israel and Saudi Arabia, and fast-boats shooting rockets to destroy every refinery, power station, and desalination plant on the Arabian Gulf's Western shore.

But this is Iran's ultimate aim anyway, regardless of whether any power declares war on it. Theocratic, Shiite Iran (in its mind) must ultimately completely destroy all Sunni Arabs and all Western forces not only in the Middle East, but throughout the whole world. It is Allah's will. It must happen.

A stitch in time saves nine. Stop Iran's regime now, before it obtains nuclear weapons (either from North Korea, or from its own program); or you will hear cries of: "Allah is great!" as Iranian nukes rain down on Tel Aviv and Riyadh.


New member
The U.S. has dropped the ball in Southeast Asia. For now China is building naval and air bases in Cambodia. The U.S. noted its "concern" over this to Cambodia last year. But Cambodia's leaders do not care about "concern"; what they want is cash.

So the U.S. needs to give them more cash than the CCP is giving them, so they will kick China out and be the allies of the U.S. instead.


Also, the U.S. foolishly pushed Pakistan away a couple of years ago, leaving it to fall into China's orbit. China could have then begun to build naval and air bases in Pakistan. But now Khan has learned how evil the CCP is, and he is seeking to return Pakistan to being a U.S. ally instead.

The Pakistani people should rejoice at this, rejoice at Khan's wisdom. For the CCP only brings tyranny and misery wherever it goes, while the U.S. brings greater democracy and prosperity wherever it goes.

Just ask Japan and Germany. If the CCP had been in the U.S.'s position at the end of World War II, it would have turned Japan and Germany into Communist Party hellholes, like it has turned mainland China into one.


Also, how could Britain have abandoned its poor tanker to Iran's thugs, even after it had bravely defended another tanker from them?

What went wrong? Did Britain think that Iran would only attack a full British tanker, not an empty one?

Clearly, there was serious lack of judgment. The British Defense Minister needs to apologize and resign immediately, and be replaced by someone who will take the Hormuz situation seriously, and attack it aggressively.

The British people must demand nothing less.


New member
On Monday, the WSJ had a picture of Roberta Flack in 1973, with a big afro.

The afro was beautiful.

The afro is beautiful. It was designed by God.

Why have black people gotten rid of it?


New member
Also on Monday, the WSJ had an article on "deep fakes", saying that they could "sow discord" before the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Imagine if someone made a "deep fake" video of Trump in the Oval Office ranting and raving against black people, and using the N-word vociferously.

This could cause riots in the streets. For who would put up with that?

Also, the WSJ article quoted a Truepic executive as saying that as "deep fakes" improve in quality, which they are doing rapidly, people are "going to start distrusting every piece of content they see".

But here the keyword is "see", in the sense of images. For deep fakes refer only to images, whether photographs or videos.

Which brought to mind the following verse:

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath . . .

This was originally in reference to idols which people made to worship.

But don't we worship images today, in the sense of print being more and more replaced by videos, which can now be faked?

Thank God that He gave us His Bible in print, and has kept its ancient manuscripts in existence for so long, so that it is not difficult for Christians to quickly check whether a purported "quote from the Bible" is true or faked.

We can trust that what the Bible says is from God (2 Timothy 3:16 to 4:4).

But we cannot trust videos.


Hall of Fame
On Monday, the WSJ had a picture of Roberta Flack in 1973, with a big afro.

The afro was beautiful.

The afro is beautiful. It was designed by God.

Why have black people gotten rid of it?

Preference and convenience. The same as all people.


New member
Preference and convenience. The same as all people.

Good point. Black people could simply prefer not to have afros. No problem with that.

But the question is why do almost all black people now no longer have afros when it is still their God-given hair, and so it the most convenient for them to simply stick with, instead of torturing their hair until it lies down straight?

What is so great about straight hair?