India has created a volcano in Kashmir.
For it has suppressed it in unprecedented ways for the past two weeks, cutting off all of its cell phone service, internet service, landline service, and even filling all of its streets with barbed wire and Indian soldiers, keeping the innocent Kashmiris locked up in their houses with no one to talk to and nowhere to go.
As if this will make them think: "Oh, gee, I guess we have no liberty at all under Indian rule, so we might as well just lay down and die."
No, it will make them think: "Oh, so this is what India has planned for us: utter subjugation. We better then all fight to the very death, every last one of us, if we are ever given the chance to do so."
India can't keep the Kashmiris locked up in their houses forever. It will have to let them out eventually. And they will then all come out like lava exploding from a volcano bottled up for too long.
What a serious mistake India has made. How could it be so foolish?
If it wanted to absorb Muslim Kashmir into Hindu India, it could have only done so only very gradually, over decades, by allowing Hindus to move into Kashmir, invest in Kashmir, become employers in Kashmir, raising the economic development of Kashmir until the Muslim Kashmiris became more and more well-off, more and more interested in carnal, economic matters, and less and less interested in abstract, religious concepts.
But this would have required long patience on India's part, and it would have had to have begun decades ago, as soon as Kashmir was occupied by India. Now it is too late. It will now take a century or more for the Kashmiris to gain any trust in India and Hindus, or to want to become absorbed into the Indian economy or state.