Political Thoughts


New member
What is to be made of the passing mention in the news that Israel has been spying on the White House?

Is this just a false rumor started as a Russian psyop to divide Israel and the U.S., like Russia is using psyops against South Korea to divide it from S.K.'s key ally Japan?

If not, then would it be so strange that Israel would want to know ahead of time of any decisions coming out of the White House which could affect its security?

For the WH is notoriously unpredictable and changeable with regard to its foreign affairs.

But where the danger arises is in Israel being "friends" with the CCP and Russia, for it could share some of its gleaned intel with them in order to shore up these friendships, just as it shares some of its gleaned intel on China and Russia with the U.S. in order show its friendship with the U.S.

But if this is true (not saying it is), then Israel would be a double agent, as it were.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

But the friend of my enemy is my enemy.

For how could he be my friend while supporting my enemy?

He could not my friend, but would be only using me.

Is Israel only using the U.S.?


Israeli intel could have gotten cocky because it knows that it is the best intel in the world (besides British intel; they are peers).

So it could think that any spying on the WH could be kept hidden indefinitely.

But any such cockiness would be similar to Chinese-intel cockiness, borne of its long ability to get away with anything in mainland China (due to its populace being so terrified of its torture chambers).

So China could think that it can get away with anything in such a free and open country as the U.S., not realizing that it is being closely watched by FBI counter-intel.

Chinese intel gives itself away because it is so obvious in everything that it does in the U.S.

Chinese intel is like a bull in a china shop, while Israeli and British intel are like a snake in the grass.

(U.S. intel is like the Keystone Kops with regard to its humint, but its sigint is nonpareil, so that Chinese spies in the U.S. are continually tracked by the FBI, NSA, and CIA through their cellphones, which Chinese spies must constantly keep with them so that Beijing can also keep continual track of them. For China doesn't want any defections from its total tyranny to the U.S.'s total freedom.)


New member
Afghanistan's leaders are dreaming if they think that they can defeat the Taliban without huge U.S.-force assistance. For the Taliban could not be defeated even when the U.S. had over 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. (Now it has only 14,000.)

Why is this? How is the Taliban obtaining its weapons? And why hasn't this source been shut down by the U.S.?

(It is the same with regard to the Houthis in Yemen: Why hasn't the U.S. shut down the Iranian supply of arms to them?)

Could it be that there are elements in the U.S. who want continual warfare, as this brings huge profits to U.S. arms merchants who supply Afghan and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, and supply anti-Houthi forces in Yemen?

God forbid.

For this would only be more proof of the awful truth of 1 Timothy 6:10a.


Also, what in the world is the Taliban doing sending people to Russia to try to restart U.S.-Taliban talks?

For what does Russia have to do with anything in Afghanistan, unless it is supplying the Taliban?


New member
South Korea needs to get out of the past. It needs to face up to the present dangers that it faces.

For North Korea will never "come around". It is a brutal dictatorship which only wants to annihilate Seoul and all the democracy that it stands for.

Japan is the present friend of South Korea. It is its great ally against not only North Korea, but also Russia and China, two other vile dictatorships who want to subsume not only Seoul, but also Tokyo, into their tyranny.

May God help South Korea and Japan to remain free and prosperous, as friends with each other, and with the U.S., their ultimate protector.

And may free and prosperous Taiwan be brought more closely into this tri-alliance, so that it becomes an integrated and powerful quad-alliance.

For Taiwan is proof that the Chinese people are more than capable of being democratic and strong at the same time.


Also, how can the U.S. do anything to support the awful 70th anniversary of the CCP's tyranny over the mainland Chinese people?

This would be like supporting an anniversary of Nazi rule over Germany.

For the CCP is no different than the Nazis with regard to its dictatorship.

For the Nazis loved domestic economic development, so long as they had total domestic political control over everyone.

And the Nazis sent millions of people into concentration camps, just as the CCP is doing to the Uighurs. This action is truly "the stain of the century", just as Auschwitz was the stain of the last century.


Also, how can U.S. corporations do any business with a CCP-controlled China?

For this would be like them doing business with a Nazi-controlled Germany.

Do these corporations really want to provide even more proof of 1 Timothy 6:10a?


New member
If Israel wants to sell its natural gas to Egypt, the pipeline cannot cross Sinai at any point, due to Egypt's inability to eradicate Islamic State terrorists from Sinai.

Instead, the pipeline must be wholly undersea, stretching directly from Israel's Mediterranean gas fields to a coastal point directly north of Cairo, or to Damietta.


New member
The Left isn't the ultimate danger to Biblical Christianity.

Satanism is (also called Luciferianism), along with its handmaiden Gnosticism.

For the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast") will be a worshipper of Satan the dragon (Revelation 13:4-18, Revelation 12:9) and an adherent of the Gnostic lie that Christ is not in the flesh (1 John 4:3).

And the Antichrist will be given power over all nations for about 4 years (Revelation 13:5b, Daniel 12:11-12), and he will behead Biblical Christians in every nation (Revelation 20:4, Revelation 13:7-10, Revelation 14:12-13, Matthew 24:9-13).

His brutal reign will only be ended by Jesus Christ's future, Second Coming from heaven (Revelation 19:11 to 20:3, Zechariah 14).


... Also, in the U.S., there must be a limit placed on public employee pensions. For they are now bankrupting city and state governments, which cannot simply continue to raise taxes endlessly to pay for exorbitant pensions. Cap them at $50,000 per year, even retroactively. If public employees want more in retirement, then they can save the money themselves from their already-generous salaries.

Give the taxpayers a break. How many of them have any retirement pension besides social security?

Public employee unions pay off politicians during elections via large campaign donations, and then the elected politicians return the favor by raising taxes to pay for the public pensions.

This graft must stop.
A pension is simply deferred income that the employer is contractually obligated to pay out at some later date, as is often the case, politicians don't ensure that sufficient contributions are allocated on an annual basis for the pension fund to remain financially solvent so the taxpayer is eventually faced with an unpleasant surprise!

Government employees who contributed for decades in good faith are not to blame for the failure of their employer to manage the fund properly - if the government now wants to limit pensions, those same unions will be demanding significant wage increases to compensate!

FOOTNOTE: After adjustments for inflation, the average salary for a public school teacher in America actually decreased between 2000 and 2019 - so "bibleverse2" would have a difficult time making the "already-generous salaries" argument!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A pension is simply deferred income that the employer is contractually obligated to pay out at some later date, as is often the case, politicians don't ensure that sufficient contributions are allocated on an annual basis for the pension fund to remain financially solvent so the taxpayer is eventually faced with an unpleasant surprise!

Government employees who contributed for decades in good faith are not to blame for the failure of their employer to manage the fund properly - if the government now wants to limit pensions, those same unions will be demanding significant wage increases to compensate!

FOOTNOTE: After adjustments for inflation, the average salary for a public school teacher in America actually decreased between 2000 and 2019 - so "bibleverse2" would have a difficult time making the "already-generous salaries" argument!
I've become aware of another judge of inflation, in investigating the wealthiest people who've ever lived. The Rockefellers. By one measure of inflation, they're not much wealthier than Bezos and Buffet and Gates. But when you compare the fraction of the GDP of the country that the Rockefellers controlled, to that of Bezos and Buffet, Rockefeller was far wealthier than the whole Forbes 400 put together. The Rockefeller fortune was more like many hundreds of billions of dollars by this measure, as compared with Bezos' roughly hundred billion dollar fortune. And Carnegie wasn't far behind. Liberal policies have limited the maximum wealth possible in any individual entity, like a family.


New member
Did that miniature-mink, Thunberg, fly from Sweden to the U.N. and back again? For if she did, did this undo all of her prior virtue-signaling, sailing across the Atlantic sans carbon? For her plane trips vomited tons of carbon into the upper atmosphere, so that she could hiss at the adult world at the U.N. over its failure not to emit carbon?

If so, this points to the total hypocrisy of the far-left climate fanatics, including AOC, who routinely flies from New York to D.C., and back again, instead of taking less-carbon-emitting transportation such as the Amtrak train.

Similarly, while in a city, AOC travels by SUV instead of by the subway.

This is because far-left climate fanatics think that their "time" is far too valuable to be wasted by employing public transportation, which is slow. But they want everyone besides themselves to employ public transportation, because the "time" of everyone besides themselves is not as important.

Also, far-left climate fanatics want the government to basically take over everything in order to force people to emit less carbon in every aspect of their lives.

But this will only result in a tyrannical government, which far-left governments have always become.

Also, this could even help to prepare the way for the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast"), who will ultimately be given power over every nation (Revelation 13:7b).


New member
Re: Warren's rise in the polls:

Is Sad Betsy a Red Herring to lead the Dems off a cliff, in the general election?

Would Kama (la) Chameleon be a better, ultimate choice to head the ticket?

Can she make a comeback in the upcoming debates, and in Iowa?


New member
There needs to be a robust Radio Free China, based from Taiwan and South Korea, or from U.S. satellites, which will provide mainland Chinese listeners with all of the information denied to them by their own, CCP-subservient media.

There needs to be a New Cold War begun against China's utter tyranny over its people, just as the original Cold War was against Communist Russia's utter tyranny.

It was Communist Russia which started Communist China. And just as Communist Russia ultimately fell under U.S. pressure, so can Communist China.

Mass-murderer Mao started the horror of the CCP, just as mass-murderer Stalin brought the horror of Communist Russia to its peak.

But Communism must end.

And tyrants are only temporary.

They must always fall ultimately.

Just ask all of the tyrants in hell.

And Oximandias comes to mind.


New member
The fee-for-service model of healthcare is all wrong. For it only gives doctors the incentive to provide unnecessary services in order to increase their fees.

Instead, doctors should be paid a flat fee per patient. They will then provide services only when necessary for the health of their patients.

And the fees they receive for healthy patients who require no services will more than compensate them for their services provided to sick patients.


New member
The withdrawal of U.S. forces from northeastern Syria will help to open the way for the future fulfillment of Daniel 11:15-17, which foretells the total defeat and occupation of Israel by a Baathist Army. (In Daniel 11:17, the original Hebrew word translated as "daughter" is "bath".)

The next thing to happen would then be a Baathist coup d'etat in Iraq, and the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.

Then Baathist Iraq will join with (already-Baathist) Syria in an all-out ground invasion of Israel.


Erdogan could have made a deal with Russia: "I'll invade northeastern Syria, forcing the U.S. to withdraw so as not to enter into a war with a NATO ally. Then the Kurds will call on Assad to send Syrian forces to invade and occupy northeastern Syria, thinking that they will then defend the Kurds against Turkey. But, instead, Turkish forces will then withdraw, leaving Russia and Assad to freely airstrike the Kurds in northeastern Syria into oblivion, without any fear of striking U.S. forces. Then Russia and Assad can have northeastern Syria, while Turkey will be freed from any fear of Kurdish incursions into Turkey from that region".


New member
If, as it has been said, "anyone who tries to divide China will be crushed", why hasn't Taiwan been crushed, or the Hong Kong protestors been crushed?

And how could their crushing be accomplished while the U.S. (and decency) is still in power?

For their crushing would require a Nazi-level of repression over millions of people, such as in the Holocaust and the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Does the CCP really want to show how Nazi it is, as it has already shown with regard to its Uighur concentration camps?

My God, when will the world wake up to what is happening, like it finally did when the Nazis invaded Poland?


New member
It is a mistake for the U.S. to remove its military forces in Japan to the far-off island of Guam.

For this is nothing but a strategic retreat before the ever-growing menace of CCP China.

Instead, even more U.S. forces should to be sent to Japan. And some U.S. forces should also be sent to Taiwan, even to Quemoy, to send a clear message to Beijing that the U.S. does not recognize any claim by the tyrannical, Communist government (which is utterly illegitimate) over the free and prosperous, and truly democratic Chinese People of Taiwan.

The U.S. must stand up.

It must make its position clear.

For the U.S. is a nation founded upon Liberty. And so it must utterly oppose Tyranny, just as the U.S. so-successfully opposed the Communist Russian Tyranny, and the Nazi Tyranny.


Also, Japan needs to realize that kicking out U.S. forces from Okinawa will in no way improve Japan's security, but will only leave it more open to unprovoked attacks from Communist China and North Korea, with support from the Russian Dictatorship.

If Okinawa is too crowded for U.S. bases, then simply move them to a less-crowded part of Japan, such as the Kanoya Peninsula.

Please, please, do not let Okinawa be the next Dunkirk.


New member
Instead of following far-left climate fanatics' prescription of abolishing fossil fuels altogether, why can't technology ultimately deliver a solution to the burning of fossil fuels' pumping of huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere?

For example, catalytic converters on cars are already able to turn "NO", nitrogen oxide, into nitrogen gas (N2), by splitting the nitrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms. So why couldn't someone invent a new catalytic converter which splits carbon atoms from oxygen atoms?

The carbon could then be concentrated into solid pellets of pure carbon, such as charcoal briquettes, which could then be buried in landfills, keeping the collected carbon out of the atmosphere.

Aren't there some chemical elements which bond to oxygen more strongly than carbon does?

Couldn't these elements then be used to strip the oxygen atoms away from the CO2 (and CO), leaving only pure, solid carbon, which is what even diamonds and graphite are made of?

For carbon itself is not the enemy. It just needs to be harnessed by technology.


New member
Who blew the whistle on the Khashoggi murder?

Could it be that Turkish intel had a lock on the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, so that it could figure out that Jamal entered it but never came out alive?

Could this be because Turkey and Saudi Arabia, although both Sunni Muslim, are on opposing sides with regard to supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which is basically a political movement which says that "Islam is the answer" to all of the social and political problems in the Middle East, and even in the rest of the entire world?

(Of course, Islam is in no way the answer to anything, by a long shot.)

The division between the Turks and the Saudis is now playing out in Libya, where they are supplying arms to opposing sides in the civil war ongoing there.

How can Islam be "the answer" when even Sunni Muslims themselves are waging war against each other?

Clearly, the answer to peace in the Middle East is not a religious one, but will require a political unity among all of the Arabs there, which is the raison d'etre of Baathism.

The Barbarian

Public employee unions pay off politicians during elections via large campaign donations, and then the elected politicians return the favor by raising taxes to pay for the public pensions.

This graft must stop.

Who do they think they are? Huge corporations? How impertinent of them, to think they have the same rights as businessmen!


New member
There needs to be no bribery of politicians, whether by corporations or unions.

But the Dems will never go against the unions because of the windfall they receive from them.

And the Repubs need to stop the ability of corporations to buy politicians.


New member
Re: China.

Have you heard that the CCP has threatened to murder Morey's mother for his pro-democracy tweet?


This is how evil the CCP is.

This is what we are up against.

May YHWH God help us.

And may He deliver Morey and his mother from the CCP's murderous thugs.


New member
When I hear Dem presidential candidates suggesting that they could withhold some U.S. assistance from Israel, why does RFK come to mind?