ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....


Only a fool would compile, and continue to compile, a list of the hurtful names he has been called.

Only a fool would once more take himself to that hurt state by that list.

Of course, a fool would not see this simple error.

But...what that actually is - a simple indication of just how enmeshed in legalism said fool is - is never seen for what it actually such a fool.

You "Faither" are a fool.

Did you run out of worldly names danoh? You reject the Greek texts, the Greek dictionary, and call the Word of God "A LIVING DICTIONARY" LOL! And think you can get away from it?

All i've done on this thread is "copy" a definition out of two Greek dictionaries, put them in there perspective NT Scriptures and this is what i got!

deliberately evasive
lordship salvationist
blind x 3
don't know what i'm talking about
religious fanatic
outside the faith
preaching false gospel
know it all
author of confusion
over reliant
reliance on notions
fabricated my own gospel
in error
in need of a crutch
made myself captive
personal translations
false posts
have pagen higher power
trading addictions
liar x 2
drunk on pride
cherry picker
a waste of time
have cart before the horse
third grader
fools view
fool x8
on high horse
jerry shugart
legalistic x4
Prideful x 5
twister of scripture

This is you danoh, this is whats inside you. You and your other friends here had no right to treat me the way you have. You've proven by your own words what dwells inside you. But your proud of that, aren't you?

God's Truth

New member
Did you run out of worldly names danoh? You reject the Greek texts, the Greek dictionary, and call the Word of God "A LIVING DICTIONARY" LOL! And think you can get away from it?

All i've done on this thread is "copy" a definition out of two Greek dictionaries, put them in there perspective NT Scriptures and this is what i got!

deliberately evasive
lordship salvationist
blind x 3
don't know what i'm talking about
religious fanatic
outside the faith
preaching false gospel
know it all
author of confusion
over reliant
reliance on notions
fabricated my own gospel
in error
in need of a crutch
made myself captive
personal translations
false posts
have pagen higher power
trading addictions
liar x 2
drunk on pride
cherry picker
a waste of time
have cart before the horse
third grader
fools view
fool x8
on high horse
jerry shugart
legalistic x4
Prideful x 5
twister of scripture

This is you danoh, this is whats inside you. You and your other friends here had no right to treat me the way you have. You've proven by your own words what dwells inside you. But your proud of that, aren't you?

And you bad mouthed me? You are not different than them.


Well-known member
This is all danoh has to offer. He and his followers have poisoned this site. This is how i've been treated after being here only 3 weeks.
Is this acceptable to you glorydaz?
Is this what you would want Jesus to see coming out of you?

First off.....I'm pretty sure Danoh has no followers. If he does, I'm not sure who they would be. He does, however, make an effort to dialogue, just as other do. The problem arises when those efforts seems to fall on deaf ears. Dare I say, even prideful ears that are so intent on teaching something to others that they forget others may have something edifying to say to you? I've tried to give some input of my own on this subject and it's ignored or rejected outright. You don't seem to consider that.

patrick jane

Only a fool would compile, and continue to compile, a list of the hurtful names he has been called.

Only a fool would once more take himself to that hurt state by that list.

Of course, a fool would not see this simple error.

But...what that actually is - a simple indication of just how enmeshed in legalism said fool is - is never seen for what it actually such a fool.

You "Faither" are a fool.

Book 'Em Danoh


Well-known member
This is the updated mirror of danohs real self. We should be seeing Gods Word in the mirror.

Why does this site support this?

This site supports the right of people to give their opinions. If someone sees you as prideful, they have a right to say as much. When you twist scripture, they have a right to point that out. I haven't read much of what you've posted, but I have noted your refusal to LISTEN to what others say. Perhaps I've missed where you have done so......but I do know that you might do well to examine yourself. God's Truth, for instance, does a lot of talking but she does ZERO listening. She thinks she is the great teacher and others are out to get her. I hope that isn't what you're doing. :think:

God's Truth

New member
Did you run out of worldly names danoh? You reject the Greek texts, the Greek dictionary, and call the Word of God "A LIVING DICTIONARY" LOL! And think you can get away from it?

All i've done on this thread is "copy" a definition out of two Greek dictionaries, put them in there perspective NT Scriptures and this is what i got!

deliberately evasive
lordship salvationist
blind x 3
don't know what i'm talking about
religious fanatic
outside the faith
preaching false gospel
know it all
author of confusion
over reliant
reliance on notions
fabricated my own gospel
in error
in need of a crutch
made myself captive
personal translations
false posts
have pagen higher power
trading addictions
liar x 2
drunk on pride
cherry picker
a waste of time
have cart before the horse
third grader
fools view
fool x8
on high horse
jerry shugart
legalistic x4
Prideful x 5
twister of scripture

This is you danoh, this is whats inside you. You and your other friends here had no right to treat me the way you have. You've proven by your own words what dwells inside you. But your proud of that, aren't you?

How about if all just put you on ignore and not read what you have to say at all? You know, like you do to many of us. Remember the cornfield? Is the cornfield your rendition of Christ and the mirror?

God's Truth

New member
You realize, I suppose, that our Lord, Himself, called people names?

Are you the greatest man born to a woman besides Jesus? That would be John the baptizer.

Are you Jesus Christ himself?

Are you the Apostle Paul?

Since no one here are those people, no one here should be able to use such words to others.

You all abuse those words and do not even use those words as the originators used them.

God's Truth

New member
This site supports the right of people to give their opinions. If someone sees you as prideful, they have a right to say as much. When you twist scripture, they have a right to point that out. I haven't read much of what you've posted, but I have noted your refusal to LISTEN to what others say. Perhaps I've missed where you have done so......but I do know that you might do well to examine yourself. God's Truth, for instance, does a lot of talking but she does ZERO listening. She thinks she is the great teacher and others are out to get her. I hope that isn't what you're doing. :think:

Use a sword to fight instead of throwing punches.

God's Truth

New member
Only a fool would compile, and continue to compile, a list of the hurtful names he has been called.

Only a fool would once more take himself to that hurt state by that list.

Of course, a fool would not see this simple error.

But...what that actually is - a simple indication of just how enmeshed in legalism said fool is - is never seen for what it actually such a fool.

You "Faither" are a fool.

You think you are the decider and judge of fools.

Maybe you need to be more careful how you judge.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

God's Truth

New member
I put the most valuable things i have at your feet, you just flat out refused them in place of obedience. If i had put a million dollars there , you would have broken a leg to consume it. What i showed you is worth more than all the money on the planet put together.

You are different in that you lean on "believing and obedience", but you are the same as they are, in that you too have resorted to name calling and misrepresentations, which are not fruits of the Spirit of Christ.

It's not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out.

That is what YOU did.

Show where I resorted to name calling. Show where I misrepresented anyone. You tell untruths about me. You are no different than them.

Not only that, YOUR excuse is the SAME AS THEIRS.

You both think you can abuse others because of the truth you laid at our feet.

You are just like them.

You need to examine yourself better.


New member
Do you believe Jesus' teachings or commands are just for Jews too?

I am asking this because your wordy explanations are always vague to me.

Of course I believe Jesus' words are just for Jews too. Unless He was just talking to Himself.

That would not be just.

And He is just.

So ALL His Words are just.

Just sayin, ya know, lol

Or, just desserts...


Of course I believe Jesus' words are just for Jews too. Unless He was just talking to Himself.

That would not be just.

And He is just.

So ALL His Words are just.

Just sayin, ya know, lol

Or, just desserts...

You don't believe Jesus teachings for just for Jews and the gentiles don't have to practice.

So you believe God's kingdom is just for Jews too.

And you are MAD follower as I suspected.

I got it.

thanks for your clarification.

I feel sorry for you MAD followers. You don't seem to value Jesus' teachings.

Jesus' word is the core of Jesus' followers. What good is that you don't center His word for your faith and claiming to be His followers.

Just don't make sense at all.


New member
You don't believe Jesus teachings for just for Jews and the gentiles don't have to practice.

So you believe God's kingdom is just for Jews too.

And you are MAD follower as I suspected.

I got it.

thanks for your clarification.

I feel sorry for you MAD followers. You don't seem to value Jesus' teachings.

Jesus' word is the core of Jesus' followers. What good is that you don't center His word for your faith and claiming to be His followers.

Just don't make sense at all.

You asked if His words were just for Jews. I said that He was not talking to Himself :chuckle:


You asked if His words were just for Jews. I said that He was not talking to Himself :chuckle:

I just edited my comment.

I deleted "don't".

I make this kind of mistakes a lot because English is not my mother tongue..

My apologies.

Please read it.



Well-known member
Are you the greatest man born to a woman besides Jesus? That would be John the baptizer.

Are you Jesus Christ himself?

Are you the Apostle Paul?

Since no one here are those people, no one here should be able to use such words to others.

You all abuse those words and do not even use those words as the originators used them.

Are you totally out of your mind?

Never mind. We all know the answer to that. :chuckle: