Perfect Answer to Ocasio-Cortez


New member
all susbsidies would be ended as well - murray argues for a minimalist role for government, including minimal obstruction from government for private enterprise to enter the field of support for those businesses that can show the potential for being successful
Lets start with the elimination of all subsidies, social programs, and the IRS (implement Federal sales tax instead of income tax).

If we can do that, then we can talk about giving every resident (at home and abroad, legal and illegal) a small stipend that will be worth less each year because of the debt based currency.


AOC is none of those

Your personal opinion is noted.

I have noticed many people do not like the idea of being talked to by a young, intelligent woman who is highly educated with degrees in economics and internationsl relations.

I worked as a mediator for nearly 10 years and I made careful use of NLP [Neurolinguistic Programming] that studies eye-movements, body language and other subtle clues to help two opponents communicate in better ways.

Ocasio-Cortez obviously feels strongly about particular issues. She's not faking her passion.
She doesn’t need a “false front" to have her confidence.

Her eyes often go toward her right, which shows that she is “remembering” rather than “constructing” what she has learned.

He gestures, in my view, show honesty and trustworthiness.
An austhentic person tends to gesture just before or at the moment of their statement.

Her gestures show that she's trustworthy and honest. When identifying integrity or deception in a statement, you look for when the gesture occurs. When someone is being authentic, they gesture just before or at the moment of their statement," Wood said, pointing out at how Ocasio-Cortez gestures to emphasize the key points of her platform during speeches and other talks.

She does that over and over. Our primitive brains trust her body langusage and voice tone. You believe because it is “in synch.” It’s almost musical. People feel good just watching her.

She talks like a girl from the neighborhood--so her constituency feesl closer to her.

She uses casual language like “yeah” which tends to show “She’s like us.”
She certainly doesns’t shy away from tapping into her vitality and personality.

That idea of connecting and being real seems to be one of the reasons why Ocasio-Cortez has given her listeners different parts of her life. She has allowed herself to be seen on different levels of attractiveness & formality.

She doesn't have the need to brand herself like the president has.
She’s telling us I'm showing you who I am at all times.”
It's unusual and interesting, because it's without artifice.

For most celebrities, their brand is just "a mask.” She doesn’t have that.
She feels strongly about her beleifs. She’s not faking hsjer confidence.
That’s something you can’t fake.

Used by the military:

Overview of the Meta Model:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Too many people today regard teachers, experts and scientists as “elitists.”

AOC is none of those

Your personal opinion is noted.

I have noticed many people do not like the idea of being talked to by a young, intelligent woman who is highly educated with a degree in

I worked as a mediator for nearly 10 years and I made careful use of NLP [Neurolinguistic Programming] that studies eye-movements, body language and other subtle clues to help two opponents communicate in better ways.

Ocasio-Cortez obviously feels strongly about particular issues. She's not faking her passion.
She doesn’t need a “false front" to have her confidence.

Her eyes often go toward her right, which shows that she is “remembering” rather than “constructing” what she has learned.

He gestures, in my view, show honesty and trustworthiness.
An austhentic person tends to gesture just before or at the moment of their statement.

Her gestures show that she's trustworthy and honest. When identifying integrity or deception in a statement, you look for when the gesture occurs. When someone is being authentic, they gesture just before or at the moment of their statement," Wood said, pointing out at how Ocasio-Cortez gestures to emphasize the key points of her platform during speeches and other talks.

She does that over and over. Our primitive brains trust her body langusage and voice tone. You believe because it is “in synch.” It’s almost musical. People feel good just watching her.

She talks like a girl from the neighborhood--so her constituency feesl closer to her.

She uses casual language like “yeah” which tends to show “She’s like us.”
She certainly doesns’t shy away from tapping into her vitality and personality.

That idea of connecting and being real seems to be one of the reasons why Ocasio-Cortez has given her listeners different parts of her life. She has allowed herself to be seen on different levels of attractiveness & formality.

She doesn't have the need to brand herself like the president has.
She’s telling us I'm showing you who I am at all times.”
It's unusual and interesting, because it's without artifice.

For most celebrities, their brand is just "a mask.” She doesn’t have that.
She feels strongly about her beleifs. She’s not faking hsjer confidence.
That’s something you can’t fake.

Used by the military:

Overview of the Meta Model:

gee, that's just fascinating as all get-out, but it really doesn't address the fact that AOC is not a:



I have a wider view of things. Teachers, experts or scientists can be found in all walks of life--from the lowest to the highest.

“Don’t confuse me with the FACTS! My mind is made up!”

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What is of no question is that many of her critics see her through the lens of their own prejudices--many of which dictate that she is the “clever city slicker” talking to the "country bumpkin farmer."

ummm, no

she most definitely is not clever

for example:
In it, Ocasio-Cortez said: “If we’re willing to give away $3 billion dollars for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion dollars in our district ourselves if we wanted to.” She added: “We could hire more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that money if we wanted to.”

you can't hire teachers, or fix subways with money that doesn't exist

and as for putting "a lot of people to work", the 25000 jobs that is tossed around was a minimum - projections ranged up to 60000 primary jobs with untold hundreds of thousands of ancillary jobs

all those jobs are gone

the 3 billion she wants to spend on teachers and subways never existed

she's an idiot

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I have a wider view of things.

:think: ya know, i used to teach special ed and some of the kids mothers had the same belief

"johnny just looks at the world differently"

when johnny's view of the world leads him to choose paste for lunch, johnny doesn't get to self-identify as a "teacher, expert, scientist"


:think: ya know, i used to teach special ed and some of the kids mothers had the same belief

"johnny just looks at the world differently"

when johnny's view of the world leads him to choose paste for lunch, johnny doesn't get to self-identify as a "teacher, expert, scientist"

More kids are being taught negotiation skills, collaborative problem-solving, mediation, aikido skills, nonviolent communication, etc.

At my daughter’s preschool we were all taught to help four-year-old screaming kids to mediate their own conflicts between others.

It was magic.

More and more people are re-envisioning the world and the land is shifting under our feet without most people’s awarness or assent.

Chinese Curse:
“May you be born in interesting times."

The Berean

Well-known member
I have noticed many people do not like the idea of being talked to by a young, intelligent woman who is highly educated with degrees in economics and internationsl relations.

Does this really impress you? It sure doesn't impress me. Look, a degree in economics is a good start. But having this degree in no way makes anyone an "expert" in economics. At best it means she has taken college classes in the foundations of economics. But economics a wide and diverse field. It had a huge body of knowledge and it takes years of experience and research to get a real feel for it. AOC has never had any professional job where she actually did economics work. None. I made this point in another thread. This is akin to someone having an aerospace engineering degree and never working as an engineer after graduation. Then this person is hired about 8-9 year later to perform aircraft design reviews, create aircraft manufacturing plans, and create a budget to handle manpower and production costs. Would any aircraft company hire a degree'd but complete inexperienced engineer for such a role? Absolutely not. And this is what AOC essentially is; a congressman with no professional nor practical experience to do her job. And it glaringly shows. Either she is a poor speaker and doesn't really knowing how to present ideas in a logical manner or she lacks knowledge to truly understand what she is talking about. If you think she is this bright intelligent woman then you and I must be watching two completely different people.

I worked as a mediator for nearly 10 years and I made careful use of NLP [Neurolinguistic Programming] that studies eye-movements, body language and other subtle clues to help two opponents communicate in better ways.

Ocasio-Cortez obviously feels strongly about particular issues. She's not faking her passion.
She doesn’t need a “false front" to have her confidence.
Having passion is good. But not understanding the basics of economics is bad for someone in her position.

Her eyes often go toward her right, which shows that she is “remembering” rather than “constructing” what she has learned.

He gestures, in my view, show honesty and trustworthiness.
An austhentic person tends to gesture just before or at the moment of their statement.

Her gestures show that she's trustworthy and honest. When identifying integrity or deception in a statement, you look for when the gesture occurs. When someone is being authentic, they gesture just before or at the moment of their statement," Wood said, pointing out at how Ocasio-Cortez gestures to emphasize the key points of her platform during speeches and other talks.
All this proves is she she truly believe the gibberish that she spouts. That doesn't mean her ideas will work. Someone can be 100% authentic and be 100% wrong at the same time.

She does that over and over. Our primitive brains trust her body langusage and voice tone. You believe because it is “in synch.” It’s almost musical. People feel good just watching her.
I don't trust he at all, She is loudmouth, arrogant, millennial who thinks she's smarter than older people. She is most certainly 100% on that.

She talks like a girl from the neighborhood--so her constituency feesl closer to her.
Yes, she talks like someone who doesn't know what she is talking about.

She uses casual language like “yeah” which tends to show “She’s like us.”
She certainly doesns’t shy away from tapping into her vitality and personality.
You mean like Donald Trump?

That idea of connecting and being real seems to be one of the reasons why Ocasio-Cortez has given her listeners different parts of her life. She has allowed herself to be seen on different levels of attractiveness & formality.
What does this even mean?

She doesn't have the need to brand herself like the president has.
She’s telling us I'm showing you who I am at all times.”
It's unusual and interesting, because it's without artifice.
So she hasn't branded herself as a socialist? She could have fooled me.

For most celebrities, their brand is just "a mask.” She doesn’t have that.
She feels strongly about her beleifs. She’s not faking hsjer confidence.
That’s something you can’t fake.
She also can't fake her ignorance of basic economics.
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The Berean

Well-known member
the things is, we're already paying that (and more) if you count the cost of all the social programs our tax dollars support

murray's scheme dismantles a huge administrative bureaucracy and replaces it with a simple check-writing service

while i haven't examined his numbers closely (and he's silent on what to do with all the administrative bureaucrats who no longer have jobs) he presents it as less expensive than what we have now and designed to encourage personal growth (which the current welfare system discourages)

for a personal example, i can't live on $700/month - not unless i give up my car and a lot of lifestyle choices i enjoy

There are some basic income pilot programs being performed right now. It would be interesting to see the results. Does it lead to more laziness for example? That is one major question I would like to see answered.


New member
I have noticed many people do not like the idea of being talked to by a young, intelligent woman who is highly educated with degrees in economics and internationsl relations.
It is strange to hear someone who has degrees in economics and international relations speak as if she has no more knowledge of the subjects than your average third grader.
Ocasio-Cortez obviously feels strongly about particular issues. She's not faking her passion.
We agree that she is not faking her passion, but she appears to have faked her degrees in economics and international relations.
Her gestures show that she's trustworthy and honest. When identifying integrity or deception in a statement, you look for when the gesture occurs. When someone is being authentic, they gesture just before or at the moment of their statement," Wood said, pointing out at how Ocasio-Cortez gestures to emphasize the key points of her platform during speeches and other talks.
No, her gestures show that she believes the lies that she is saying, which is different from being someone that is trustworthy and honest.

This is a common trait in people with antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenics, and narcissists.


Part of the controversy involves her advocacy of a tax rate of 70-80 percent on very high incomes.

Which is obviously crazy, right?
I mean, who thinks that makes sense?

Only ignorant people like, um, Peter Diamond, Nobel laureate in economics and arguably the world’s leading expert on public finance.

Remember, it’s a policy nobody has ever implemented.
Aside from the United States!

For 35 years after World War II--including the most successful period of economic growth in our history!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It is strange to hear someone who has (a degree) in ... international relations speak as if she has no more knowledge of the (subject) than your average third grader.

the firing line clip in which she embarrasses herself and her educators:

would have been nice if Hoover had moved in for the kill, called into question her education and lack of experience, asked just what a degree in "international relations" teaches one

Unfortunately, this wasn’t simply the one scar on an otherwise flawless performance. Most of the time Ocasio-Cortez opened her mouth only to change feet.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It is strange to hear someone who has degrees in economics and international relations speak as if she has no more knowledge of the subjects than your average third grader.

We agree that she is not faking her passion, but she appears to have faked her degrees in economics and international relations.

No, her gestures show that she believes the lies that she is saying, which is different from being someone that is trustworthy and honest.

This is a common trait in people with antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenics, and narcissists.

she's an attractive young woman who is getting a huge amount of attention

it would be amazing if that didn't lead to some degree of narcissism


she's an attractive young woman who is getting a huge amount of attention

it would be amazing if that didn't lead to some degree of narcissism

I can readily look within and be accountable for my own vestiges of narcissism.
And my hypocrisy, racism, my power trips, etc.

Being honest with myself is what I learned from Jesus.

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”
--Matthew 7:5