Perfect Answer to Ocasio-Cortez

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
OK, did a little digging and found the following about AOC's election - focus on the primary, the general in that district is such a foregone conclusion that the republican candidate this time didn't even bother to campaign

i was curious about the mandate she can claim - as it turns out, not much

the New York State Fourteenth Congressional District, Bronx/Queens has a total of 214,570 registered Democratic voters

turnout for the primary was 13.9 %

AOC won with a total of 16898 votes :dizzy:'s_...t_election_(June_26,_2018_Democratic_primary)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
as a point of comparison, i'm in the twelve county district 21, biggest in the state:


with fewer registered voters than district 14 :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
whole buncha funny AOC memes, in spoiler tags so i don't overheat your tech :)





















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Amazon is a billion-dollar corporation.
Moving to NYC would mean Amazon would have gotten millions and millions of dollars in tax breaks.
The infrastucture of the city is devastated.

And schools, city services and communities need the investment.

The definition of fascism was given by Benito Mussolini, the first fascist leader [of Italy] and the modern world clearly defined it for those who know nothing about it today.

Fascism is a merger of government and big business.
Trickle-down does nost work.
It never has.


Amazon is a billion-dollar corporation.
Moving to NYC would mean Amazon would have gotten millions and millions of dollars in tax breaks.........

They would have provided over 25,000 jobs, and those people would have all been paying income taxes, and buying stuff which creates more jobs. Who cares about the tax breaks. Now instead of something good you have 25,000 people still unemployed who would have been employed. Only a dope could applaud such a disaster.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trickle-down does nost work.

AOC is on record as stating "I'm extremely jealous of Jeff Bezo's helicopter and if i can't have one he shouldn't be able to either"

if AOC has her way and Bezo is taxed into i-can't-afford-a-helicopter territory ....

who cries for the helicopter pilots who no longer have jobs?

who cries for their families, their children who were depending on those jobs?

who cries for all those connected with helicopter ownership who no longer have jobs - the manufacturers, marketers, maintenance crews, grounds crews for the helipad - who cries for all of their families who go starving just because AOC was jealous of Bezos?


Amazons’ headquarters has been a part of our economy here for years.
And the counties that house a new Amazon depot show no growth in the number of total jobs in the wider economy two years after a facility’s opening.

Amazon paid no federal taxes on $11.2 billion in profits last year.
Paying taxes?

Opening a "fulfillment center” does add warehousing jobs. This means about 500 and 1500 employees. But those don’t really translate to any sort of broad-based economic growth in the county that they open the centers in.

We all pay our tax dollars to McDonald’s.
And to Walmart.
And to untold other major international corporate giants.

That money coming out of your pocket goes straight to the bottom line of those companies’ income statements.

This is not hyperbole.

It’s like Ocasio-Cortz has said:
It is the twisted, truly sick outcome of a system that most Americans don’t understand but that many pump their fists and wave their flags in order to preserve.


Republican administration comes in, slashes taxes, approves massive military budgets and leaves a financial mess.

Then the Democrat comes in and the Grand Old Party blames the deficit on the Democratic party.

The Dems have to raise taxes and cut benefits to try to clean up the mess.

A Trump-supporting steel worker expressed his frustration:

“I’d like to have him have a sit down with the CEO and tell him to stop being an a******,” he said. "And this isn’t what I gave the tax breaks for, so guys like only him can benefit and reap from what we sow.”

After nearly 50 years of this nonsense, we should have figured out that this doesn’t work.

The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


Republican administration comes in, slashes taxes, approves massive military budgets and leaves a financial mess.

Then the Democrat comes in and the Grand Old Party blames the deficit on the Democratic party.

The Dems have to raise taxes and cut benefits to try to clean up the mess.

A Trump-supporting steel worker expressed his frustration:

“I’d like to have him have a sit down with the CEO and tell him to stop being an a******,” he said. "And this isn’t what I gave the tax breaks for, so guys like only him can benefit and reap from what we sow.”

After nearly 50 years of this nonsense, we should have figured out that this doesn’t work.

The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
We all know that government never provides money to the average citizen without a mountain of "red tape" and "strings attached" - presumably they need to provide accountability!

Given that this "tax cut" was sold to the American public under the guise of assisting the beleaguered "middle class," its failure to provide any provisions that ensured it would reach the intended beneficiaries can hardly be dismissed as an oversight!

This "tax cut" was demanded by the Republican Party's wealthiest donors ("THE SWAMP") as a reward for their financial support, pure and simple - there was never any intension of sharing it with the "middle class!"
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First, I want to be clear that “invisible hand” was and is a metaphor.

Markets are not, in general, efficient. Thus there is an important role for government to play. The idea that free markets lead to efficiency as if guided by unseen forces--is invisible.

And this is because it is not there.

The financial crisis in 2008 and the debt crises that threatened the world Europe is just the latest evidence.

No one saw it coming because they believed in this “invisible hand."

Right Divider

Body part
First, I want to be clear that “invisible hand” was and is a metaphor.
No kidding?

Markets are not, in general, efficient.
A false presupposition...

Thus there is an important role for government to play.
.... leads to a false conclusion.

The idea that free markets lead to efficiency as if guided by unseen forces--is invisible.
You're quite the babbler.

And this is because it is not there.
Any player in a free market that is not efficient is automatically eliminated.

The financial crisis in 2008 and the debt crises that threatened the world Europe is just the latest evidence.

No one saw it coming because they believed in this “invisible hand."

There has not been a truly "free market" in the history of the world.
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New member
First, I want to be clear that “invisible hand” was and is a metaphor.
"trickle down economics" is also a metaphor.

Markets are not, in general, efficient. Thus there is an important role for government to play. The idea that free markets lead to efficiency as if guided by unseen forces--is invisible.
You don't know what "invisible hand" means, even after I provided a link to a description?
The financial crisis in 2008 and the debt crises that threatened the world Europe is just the latest evidence.

No one saw it coming because they believed in this “invisible hand."
The financial crisis in 2008 was caused by government meddling which created an artificial "bubble".
That is the opposite of a free market.


You may be right.
But economists disagree.
There are as many theories about the economy than the widths of men’s ties.

I have offered theories--my own and others. There is no way at all I can arrogantly claim I am absolustly right. Or even that I can ever PROVE I am absolutely right.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ocasio-Cortez Declares Victory Over The Modern-Day Equivalent Of Slavery: Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is busy celebrating her victory over the tyrannical Jeff Bezos and the horrible burden his company Amazon had planned to inflict on the people of New York City: 25,000 jobs.

“I thought it was a good thing that Amazon was coming to New York and wanted to give us money,” Ocasio-Cortez told the press. “But then I found out they were going to extort people and only give them the money if they worked for it. Forcing people to work if they want to get paid -- how is that any different from slavery?”

A number of people tried to explain to her how that was different from slavery, but she just stared at them with incomprehension.

“No one needs to work,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “We just need to tax the rich enough and we’ll have enough money for everyone

, and no one will need one of those awful jobs that are just as bad as slavery and almost as bad as transphobia. We could also maybe print some money. I have a printer at home.”

Not everyone was as happy about the loss of 25,000 new jobs. “You fool! What have you done?!” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shouted at Ocasio-Cortez as he ran into her press conference.

“I made us 3 billion dollars!” Ocasio-Cortez explained. “We were going to give Amazon 3 billion dollars in tax breaks, but now we have that money for other things since I chased them away.”

“That’s not how it works!” Cuomo yelled, now openly weeping.

“No, I’m very good with numbers,” Ocasio-Cortez said. She held up a notebook with a few hastily scrawled numbers on it. She pointed to one. “This one is a four.”

Ocasio-Cortez has vowed to chase out even more companies from her district, freeing her constituents from burdensome work and gaining the treasury more money in tax breaks it doesn’t have to pay. Cuomo has vowed to curl into a ball and cry.