Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


Active member
you didn't bother reading the op or opening the link and reading the articel, did you?

what a waste of electrons

So pretty much she kept thinking "ew ew ew, icky icky icky" whenever the parents were in the same room with her, hindering her ability to provide care to the child?


So pretty much she kept thinking "ew ew ew, icky icky icky" whenever the parents were in the same room with her, hindering her ability to provide care to the child?

do yourself a favor before you look like an even bigger doofus than usual

open the link in the op, read the article


Active member
do yourself a favor before you look like an even bigger doofus than usual

open the link in the op, read the article

So how do you explain what would prevent this doctor from developing a normal relationship with the baby (her patient)?


Active member
he will, of course, reply that homosexuality occurs in nature, which should draw the rebuttal, so does pedophilia, in which case we will have proved that pedophilia is "normal"


Maybe the whole premise is flawed: that "natural" or "normal" makes it not wrong and "abnormal" and "unnatural" is wrong?

And regardless, do we know that these two mothers in the OP are personally trying to sell the "lie" that homosexuality is "normal"? You were the one that said that makes it OK to selectively discriminate against them and not be consistent by also discriminating against unmarried parents, divorced parents, gluttonous parents, and adulterous parents.


It seems to me that this doctor hid her beliefs from the lesbian couple in the original interviews. Why would the doctor mislead them at that time?


New member

One of the main points asserted in the USA Today article is the need for Federal LGBT anti-discrimination legislation so that in future like-minded physicians will be forced NOT to recuse themselves.


Active member
Are you claiming animals would rather have homosexual sex than heterosexual sex?

So now you're shifting the goal posts? Animal sexual acts are instinctual. There is clear evidence that some seek out and routinely engage in homosexual sex. It appears that those particular ones do have a natural inclination for it.

And, once again, this whole conversation is pointless, as "natural" or "normal" doesn't mean "good" or "ok".


New member
It seems to me that this doctor hid her beliefs from the lesbian couple in the original interviews. Why would the doctor mislead them at that time?

It seems to me that the doctor initially thought that treating the child of a lesbian couple would not create a conflict of interest that could impair her professional judgment, but found that the conflict of interest was greater than she originally believed it would be, so she recused herself in the best interest of the child's health and well-being.


Active member
It seems to me that the doctor initially thought that treating the child of a lesbian couple would not create a conflict of interest that could impair her professional judgment, but found that the conflict of interest was greater than she originally believed it would be, so she recused herself in the best interest of the child's health and well-being.

She probably kept obsessing about it after their initial meeting:

"omg, that was so icky, ew ew ew, how can I possibily give that baby proper care when her parents are so gross?"


... not be consistent by also discriminating against unmarried parents, divorced parents, gluttonous parents, and adulterous parents.

iirc, i've argued quite eloquently for the doctor's right to choose (or refuse) any patient on any basis :carryon:

heck, as far as i'm concerned she can refuse rosa parks as a patient because she has tired feet

or me because i'm a man



One of the main points asserted in the USA Today article is the need for Federal LGBT anti-discrimination legislation so that in future like-minded physicians will be forced NOT to recuse themselves.

of course


Active member
iirc, i've argued quite eloquently for the doctor's right to choose (or refuse) any patient on any basis :carryon:

heck, as far as i'm concerned she can refuse rosa parks as a patient because she has tired feet

or me because i'm a man

But my question was why you Christians don't routinely discriminate against those engaged in other kinds of sin, just this one in particular? Your response was because only those engaged in this particular sin try to sell the "lie" that it is "normal".

How do those that discriminate in business know that those customers _in particular_ are engaging in the activity of trying to sell the "lie" as "normal", and why does that make the sin worse than the others?


But my question was why you Christians don't routinely discriminate against those engaged in other kinds of sin, just this one in particular? Your response was because only those engaged in this particular sin try to sell the "lie" that it is "normal".

homos flaunt their perversion

if i had a business, i would refuse service to adulterers who flaunted their perversion, or thieves who flaunted their perversion, or pedophiles, or murderers, or fornicators

i won't go along with the lie that sinful behavior should be accepted as "normal"


It seems to me that the doctor initially thought that treating the child of a lesbian couple would not create a conflict of interest that could impair her professional judgment, but found that the conflict of interest was greater than she originally believed it would be, so she recused herself in the best interest of the child's health and well-being.
I disagree.
If you read the linked article carefully you will notice that one of the reasons the couple selected that doctor was that the doctor knew they are lesbians. That indicates to me some level of conversation about it at the time.


New member
The doctor in this article is wrong just as the florist was in the other topic. Which is the sin? Providing a service for someone even though they may use it in a way that is against your religious convictions that there may be a future opportunity to reach them with the Love of God through the Gospel; or, refusing a service because it may conflict with your religious beliefs and lose any possible opportunity to show them the Love of God through the Gospel?

If God's justice was more important than Love we wouldn't even have the Gospel of Jesus Christ to share.

The unregenerate sinner will always find a way to sin with or without the flowers, with or without the doctor caring for their child. when a service is refused as in this OP all it does is close the door on an opportunity to share the Love of God through the Gospel.

If God could love us despite our sinful condition and send His Son so that we may know that love, how can we refuse to serve others in order to show them the same love that was shown to us?


Active member
homos flaunt their perversion

if i had a business, i would refuse service to adulterers who flaunted their perversion, or thieves who flaunted their perversion, or pedophiles, or murderers, or fornicators

i won't go along with the lie that sinful behavior should be accepted as "normal"

Doesn't an obese person flaunt their gluttony?

Doesn't a parent not wearing a weeding ring flaunt their unmarried parent status?