Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


Doesn't an obese person flaunt their gluttony?

not necessarily

Doesn't a parent not wearing a weeding ring flaunt their unmarried parent status?

again, not necessarily - i stopped wearing my wedding ring when i was working a job that required removing it

and there's nothing necessarily immoral about an unmarried parent


New member
So now you're shifting the goal posts? Animal sexual acts are instinctual. There is clear evidence that some seek out and routinely engage in homosexual sex. It appears that those particular ones do have a natural inclination for it.
Yes, there is the biological fact that stimulating your reproductive organs produces endorphins, creating a bio-feedback mechanism to influence a mammal to repeat the circumstances that created the endorphins.
That does not mean that it is the homosexual act itself that is instinctual in animals.
Nor does it mean that humans should give in to their baser instincts by seeking out every deviant method of stimulating their reproductive organs in order to produce endorphins.

And, once again, this whole conversation is pointless, as "natural" or "normal" doesn't mean "good" or "ok".
Good, we agree that homosexuality is neither "good" or "ok" despite people calling it "natural" or "normal" behavior.


Active member
not necessarily

again, not necessarily - i stopped wearing my wedding ring when i was working a job that required removing it

and there's nothing necessarily immoral about an unmarried parent

Ok, how about a Jew wearing yamaka, don't they flaunt their non-christian status?

Doesn't a hindu wearing the red dot flaunt their non-christian status?

Doesn't everyone else of any religion other than Christianity with distinct jewelry, facial hair, or dress flaunt their non-christian status?

Don't they argue that there is nothing wrong with their holding those religious beliefs?

Would you discriminate against all of them?


New member
I disagree.
If you read the linked article carefully you will notice that one of the reasons the couple selected that doctor was that the doctor knew they are lesbians. That indicates to me some level of conversation about it at the time.

Actually, the article states that they thought the doctor "seemed the perfect fit" because she knew they were lesbians.

The doctor, on the other hand, appeared to be troubled by this from the start as she stated in her letter:
"After much prayer following your prenatal (visit), I felt that I would not be able to develop the personal patient doctor relationship that I normally do with my patients."


Active member
Most of the obese people I have known are not gluttons.
They have a biological or biochemical disorder that causes the obesity.

What about those who wear non-Christian religious dress? Don't they flaunt their non-Christianity? Why aren't Christian businesses and doctors regularly discriminating against them? Why isn't this doctor praying about whether she can treat a baby with Jewish parents, Muslim parents, or Hindu parents?

Would you support a Christian business owners' decision to display this in their window?



Actually, the article states that they thought the doctor "seemed the perfect fit" because she knew they were lesbians.

The doctor, on the other hand, appeared to be troubled by this from the start as she stated in her letter:
"After much prayer following your prenatal (visit), I felt that I would not be able to develop the personal patient doctor relationship that I normally do with my patients."
What? Why didn't she pray during the initial interview? No, she hid her beliefs at that time.


New member
What about those who wear non-Christian religious dress? Don't they flaunt their non-Christianity? Why aren't Christian businesses and doctors regularly discriminating against them?
I noticed that the amendments to the constitution of the united states has a provision that congress shall make no law impeding the free exercise of religion.

I also noticed that there is no provision in the constitution or its amendments to protect anyone's preferred method of stimulating their reproductive organs.

Why isn't this doctor praying about whether she can treat a baby with Jewish parents, Muslim parents, or Hindu parents?
Are you claiming that homosexuality is a religion?


Active member
Are you claiming that homosexuality is a religion?

Why does that matter? These non-Christian religious practitioners are engaged in a sinful lifestyle and flaunting it and have convinced society that there is nothing wrong with them for holding such beliefs.

Where are the bakeries and flower shops refusing to sell cakes and flowers to Jewish couples, Muslim couples, and Hindu couples getting married?


New member
Why does that matter? These non-Christian religious practitioners are engaged in a sinful lifestyle and flaunting it and have convinced society that there is nothing wrong with them for holding such beliefs.
What sexual perversions are the Jews, Muslims, or Hindus trying to make Christians accept in opposition to the teachings of the Christian faith?

Where are the bakeries and flower shops refusing to sell cakes and flowers to Jewish couples, Muslim couples, and Hindu couples getting married?
Where are the Jewish couples, Muslim couples, and Hindu couples that are specifically targeting Christian bakeries and flower shops to get them to cater to weddings that are not between one man and one woman?


Active member
What sexual perversions are the Jews, Muslims, or Hindus trying to make Christians accept in opposition to the teachings of the Christian faith?

Their very beliefs and religious lifestyle is in opposition to the Christian faith. Are not worshipers of other religions engaging in sin and religious perversion in direct violation of the 1st commandment?

Why is sexual "perversion" the only sin that Christian businesses should discriminate against for customers who are engaged in it?

Where are the Jewish couples, Muslim couples, and Hindu couples that are specifically targeting Christian bakeries and flower shops to get them to cater to weddings that are not between one man and one woman?

Huh? They are getting them to cater to weddings that are not between one Christian man and one Christian woman.


Active member

I'm referring only to religion, not ethnicity or culture.

Was he an observant religious Jew who did not believe that He was the messiah and rejected the idea of God's grace through His sacrifice?

I noticed that you failed to answer the question: if a bakery owner has a religious belief that marriage is only between one Christian man and one Christian woman, would you support their decision to have such a sign in their window?


There can be many reasons why she would think agreeing to be the child's doctor was a good idea at the time and then have second thoughts about the decision later.
You did not answer my question. That's OK because I suspect that you do not know why the doc was not forthcoming initially. I'm not trying to condemn her.


New member
I read his post, are you sure you did?

He said that homosexuals are selling the lie that homosexuality is "normal" in order to gain acceptance by society.
and you are selling the lie that it isn't normal to justify hate

My definition came from an online dictionary.
Since it is not the usual, average, or typical state or condition for a person to be a homosexual, then homosexuality is not normal by definition.

neither is having blue eyes or being left handed the usual, average, or typical state or condition for a person


New member
the child's welfare would be best served if he/she were in the care of non-perverted parents

second best would be if he/she were being seen by a pediatrician who had no conflict of interest

because let's admit it - this pediatrician does have a conflict of interest - she refuses to accept perversion as "normal"

but rusha doesn't really care about the child - she just sees this as an opportunity to smear Godly behavior

the bigotry spew out here is a lot of things but it sure isn't Godly


New member
Their very beliefs and religious lifestyle is in opposition to the Christian faith. Are not worshipers of other religions engaging in sin and religious perversion?

Why is sexual "perversion" the only sin that Christian businesses should discriminate against?
Have you read how many times Christians are warned against fornication in the New Testament?
Now compare that number to the number of times Christians are warned against joining other religions in the New Testament.

Huh? They are getting them to cater to weddings that are not between one Christian man and one Christian woman.
Most non-Christian couples would not target a Christian run bakery or flowershop, but would instead find a bakery or flowershop run by a member of their own faith.

However, most Christians have a very strong religious belief about God creating marriage between one man and one woman, so do not see a man marrying a woman as an offense against God.

Romans 2:14-15
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; )​



New member
You did not answer my question. That's OK because I suspect that you do not know why the doc was not forthcoming initially. I'm not trying to condemn her.

I did answer your question, you just didn't think the answer I gave was sufficient.

My answer was that the doctor did not think it would be a problem until she had second thoughts.

If she didn't think it was a problem at first, there would be no reason for her to be forthcoming about it.

Later, after having second thoughts about it, she sought guidance in prayer and then decided she couldn't do it.