Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


Active member
Have you read how many times Christians are warned against fornication in the New Testament?
Now compare that number to the number of times Christians are warned against joining other religions in the New Testament.

So the more times it is mentioned, the more they should be discriminated against? If it is only mentioned a few times (even though it is mentioned as the 1st commandment and God repeatedly gives the death penalty for it in the old testament), then there is no need to discriminate?

Besides, homosexuality isn't mentioned very often in the New Testament.

Most non-Christian couples would not target a Christian run bakery or flowershop, but would instead find a bakery or flowershop run by a member of their own faith.

How do you know that? How can one tell if it is a Christian bakery?

However, most Christians have a very strong religious belief about God creating marriage between one man and one woman, so do not see a man marrying a woman as an offense against God.

But worshiping a false god and getting married in the name of this false god is certainly a sinful lifestyle that an offense against your God, is it not? They even teach this sinful lifestyle to their children!


New member
so you are saying that it is inborn just like orientation is inborn

No, obesity is usually the product of a systematic low-grade infection or an out of balance gut flora.
Both of these are considered diseases.

By your comparison of obesity to homosexuality, I suppose that you consider homosexuality to be the product of disease as well?


New member
But worshiping a false god and getting married in the name of this false god is certainly a sinful lifestyle that an offense against your God, is it not? They even teach this sinful lifestyle to their children!

A man and a woman getting married is not a sinful lifestyle, two men marrying each other is a sinful lifestyle.


Active member
A man and a woman getting married is not a sinful lifestyle, two men marrying each other is a sinful lifestyle.

Pay attention: I'm talking about their false god worship lifestyle.

Besides, this particular case with the doctor is not about providing a service for a marriage but an objection to the parent's sinful lifestyle. A false god worship lifestyle is sinful is it not?

You are trying to tap dance around the issue and are starting to look like a hypocrite. Why not just say that you'd find such discrimination perfectly acceptable and would support a business owner who had a sign in their window that said "no Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or other Godless pagans.", and that you think Christians should discriminate against them just as much as they do against homosexuals?


New member
Pay attention: I'm talking about their false god worship lifestyle.

Besides, this particular case with the doctor is not about providing a service for a marriage but an objection to the parent's sinful lifestyle.
The doctor never stated that the reason was anything more than that she felt that she would not be able to develop the personal patient doctor relationship that she normally does with her patients.

You are trying to tap dance around the issue and are starting to look like a hypocrite.
Christianity developed in the midst of Roman paganism and came from Judaism.
Christians have a high tolerance for living among people of other religious beliefs because of this.

The issue is that sexual immorality has always been more of a threat to Christian faith than other religions have been.
It has always been easier for Christians to fall into sexual immorality than for Christians to convert to other religions.

That is why Christians have historically been intolerant of sexually immoral lifestyles.


Active member

The doctor never stated that the reason was anything more than that she felt that she would not be able to develop the personal patient doctor relationship that she normally does with her patients.

Christianity developed in the midst of Roman paganism and came from Judaism.
Christians have a high tolerance for living among people of other religious beliefs because of this.

The issue is that sexual immorality has always been more of a threat to Christian faith than other religions have been.
It has always been easier for Christians to fall into sexual immorality than for Christians to convert to other religions.

That is why Christians have historically been intolerant of sexually immoral lifestyles.

Ok, thank you, that is a thought out response.

Do you think there is a biblical basis to be more intolorant people who engage in some types of sin vs others (those which you consider more threatening to the faith), or is it just a personal preference that people should be allowed to exhibit? For example, would it be perfectly acceptable for someone who views Islam as a greater threat to Christian faith to discriminate against all Muslims in their business and other areas of life and refuse to provide services to their children due to disagreement with the parents' sinful lifestyle, which they flaunt through their religious dress?


I did answer your question, you just didn't think the answer I gave was sufficient.

My answer was that the doctor did not think it would be a problem until she had second thoughts.

If she didn't think it was a problem at first, there would be no reason for her to be forthcoming about it.

Later, after having second thoughts about it, she sought guidance in prayer and then decided she couldn't do it.
No sale. Try this. The doctor was scheduled to meet with expecting parents and was somewhat startled to enter the room and discover 2 women. She had misgivings right then and there once she verified that they were, in fact, married. But she kept her composure and went on to discuss at some length her approach to child care including the holistic bit and use of oils etc. This is very clear in the linked article. What she failed to disclose was how her holistic approach included God condemning lesbians. If she had been honest at that time then this whole situation would have ended then and there.


New member
No sale. Try this. The doctor was scheduled to meet with expecting parents and was somewhat startled to enter the room and discover 2 women. She had misgivings right then and there once she verified that they were, in fact, married. But she kept her composure and went on to discuss at some length her approach to child care including the holistic bit and use of oils etc. This is very clear in the linked article. What she failed to disclose was how her holistic approach included God condemning lesbians. If she had been honest at that time then this whole situation would have ended then and there.

You are assuming that everyone is perfectly honest with themselves at all times.
That is a mighty big assumption and is not supported by any evidence.

Try this. The doctor thought the professional response would be to ignore the problem so she lied to herself and told herself that she wouldn't have a problem, but then couldn't sleep well at night until she addressed her lie, but by that time she had already agreed to be the child's doctor.

It is not a matter of her being dishonest with the parents, it is a matter of her not being honest with herself.


New member
You are assuming that everyone is perfectly honest with themselves at all times.
That is a mighty big assumption and is not supported by any evidence.

Try this. The doctor thought the professional response would be to ignore the problem so she lied to herself and told herself that she wouldn't have a problem, but then couldn't sleep well at night until she addressed her lie, but by that time she had already agreed to be the child's doctor.

It is not a matter of her being dishonest with the parents, it is a matter of her not being honest with herself.
Sharp analysis:up:


New member
Ok, thank you, that is a thought out response.

Do you think there is a biblical basis to be more intolorant people who engage in some types of sin vs others (those which you consider more threatening to the faith), or is it just a personal preference that people should be allowed to exhibit? For example, would it be perfectly acceptable for someone who views Islam as a greater threat to Christian faith to discriminate against all Muslims in their business and other areas of life and refuse to provide services to their children due to disagreement with the parents' sinful lifestyle, which they flaunt through their religious dress?
The Bible tells Christians to flee fornication and to have no tolerance for sexual immorality.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20
18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.​

The Bible also tells Christians that they will suffer persecutions and tribulations from people of other faiths, but that they need to endure those persecutions and tribulations in order to build their faith, and that they are to show kindness and mercy to those of other faiths.

Matthew 5:44
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;​

I find no Biblical justification for a Christian to refuse to cater a Jewish wedding, but I find a lot of Biblical justification for a Christian to refuse to cater to a homosexual wedding.


You are assuming that everyone is perfectly honest with themselves at all times.
That is a mighty big assumption and is not supported by any evidence.

Try this. The doctor thought the professional response would be to ignore the problem so she lied to herself and told herself that she wouldn't have a problem, but then couldn't sleep well at night until she addressed her lie, but by that time she had already agreed to be the child's doctor.

It is not a matter of her being dishonest with the parents, it is a matter of her not being honest with herself.
I don't buy it. Did you even go to the linked article and see the video? Everyone at the clinic knew what was going down. The pediatrician at issue is Vesna Roi, 49, who has been practicing pediatric medicine for 19 years. Odds are this is something that has happened before given the clinic staff reactions cited as the couple declined to make another appointment.


New member
I don't buy it. Did you even go to the linked article and see the video? Everyone at the clinic knew what was going down. The pediatrician at issue is Vesna Roi, 49, who has been practicing pediatric medicine for 19 years. Odds are this is something that has happened before given the clinic staff reactions cited as the couple declined to make another appointment.

I didn't watch the video.
The article does not mention any of what you claim.


Hall of Fame
I think she is thinking that by treating them she would be appearing to give tacit approval to what she believes is wrong for the child. :idunno:

The.parents.are.not.the.patient. Thus her title of pediatrician. It's fairly obvious that babies and children are not her primary concern.


New member
The.parents.are.not.the.patient. Thus her title of pediatrician. It's fairly obvious that babies and children are not her primary concern.
It appears that you believe that newborn infants call their pediatricians and drive themselves to their appointments where they sit and discuss their medical conditions and treatment options with their pediatricians without any assistance from the parents.