Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


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It's the same root, the "my philosophical principle trumps all" approach that subjugates what should be the primary concern of a physician.

I guess I see less grandstanding on the part of those who perform abortions as opposed to those who make a stand like this pediatrician did. And I still don't recognize much if any philosophical similarities. Still, one might argue there's a shared indifference for the infant--and I'm sure this comparison would (rightfully) horrify the physician in question assuming she could hear us from up on her horse.


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Thnx, Res :e4e: What I cannot comprehend is how the distinction is unimportant to many posters.

"Children are my priority" still holds because she did not want her misgivings about gay parenting to compromise her care and attention. She put this child first by referring the parents to an obviously gay-friendly colleague.

Why would anyone WANT their infant treated by a conflicted doctor? If I am a meat-eater, I and my child should not see a Vegan alternative doctor because he will judge my lifestyle and my feeding of hamburgers to my child.

This might surprise you but nurses and physicians treat and interact with patients who personally disgust them all. The. Time. They took an oath to do no harm, not impose their personal biases when and if it suits them. A doctor's "conflict" when it comes to a patient they don't care for, or who they regard with contempt, should not stand in the way of that physician doing his or her job.


This might surprise you but nurses and physicians treat and interact with patients who personally disgust them all. The. Time. They took an oath to do no harm, not impose their personal biases when and if it suits them. A doctor's "conflict" when it comes to a patient they don't care for, or who they regard with contempt, should not stand in the way of that physician doing his or her job.

and it may surprise you, retard, that health professionals are human and often have difficulties caring for patients who disgust them

could you provide unconflicted medical care to an unrepentant 88 yo former nazi who had stuffed jews into the ovens when he was an eighteen yo guard at bergen-belsen?


New member
This might surprise you but nurses and physicians treat and interact with patients who personally disgust them all. The. Time. They took an oath to do no harm, not impose their personal biases when and if it suits them. A doctor's "conflict" when it comes to a patient they don't care for, or who they regard with contempt, should not stand in the way of that physician doing his or her job.
But wouldn't this hold for emergency care , and not routine care?

My sister had many, many psychologists turn her down when she was urgently searching for someone to take her bipolar teen daughter. "I don't feel comfortable working with bipolar patients" was what she heard over the phone again and again. She finally found someone after making dozens of calls. I had the same experience with my Aspberger Syndrome son.


New member
and it may surprise you, retard, that health professionals are human and often have difficulties caring for patients who disgust them

could you provide unconflicted medical care to an unrepentant 88 yo former nazi who had stuffed jews into the ovens when he was an eighteen yo guard at bergen-belsen?

I can and did provide nursing care to prisoners from the local prison. Again, I ask, do Fire-fighters get to choose which fires to attend? Does a Police Officer get to choose which citizens he/she shall protect from harm?
Either live up to your job description or get out of the business.


But wouldn't this hold for emergency care , and not routine care?

My sister had many, many psychologists turn her down when she was urgently searching for someone to take her bipolar teen daughter. "I don't feel comfortable working with bipolar patients" was what she heard over the phone again and again. She finally found someone after making dozens of calls. I had the same experience with my Aspberger Syndrome son.

obviously, they should all be hauled before an ethics committee.


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Hall of Fame
But wouldn't this hold for emergency care , and not routine care?

If you honestly think every nurse practitioner and physician out there likes every patient in their private practice, you're stoned. (Do you think shrinks particularly like or approve of many of their patients?) Patients continue to make lousy decisions about their health with regularity despite the best of advice. This doesn't exactly endear them to their health care providers.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I can and did provide nursing care to prisoners from the local prison. Again, I ask, do Fire-fighters get to choose which fires to attend? Does a Police Officer get to choose which citizens he/she shall protect from harm?

Either live up to your job description or get out of the business.
Perfectly summed and spot on. The doctor should follow Christ's example and treat those in need of help.


I can and did provide nursing care to prisoners from the local prison.

and were you free to leave that job and seek another if you found it unsatisfactory?

of course you were

Again, I ask, do Fire-fighters get to choose which fires to attend? Does a Police Officer get to choose which citizens he/she shall protect from harm?
Either live up to your job description or get out of the business.

a fire-fighter who wishes to avoid responding to fires in harlem may choose to seek employment in hempstead

a police officer who wishes to avoid dealing with crime in watts may choose to seek employment in long beach

likewise, a medical professional who can choose their client base should be free to build it on any basis they like


I didn't listen to the whole deal, but it seems weird that the doctor waited until the patient was there and then declined their care.

Do doctors usually screen patients before a visit? I've never been asked questions about sexuality.

didja ever show up at yer drs office with your same sex partner?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
sez the hypocrtite who has argued elsewhere for the freedom of those in his profession to choose their clients with impunity
The civil and criminal rules of procedure regarding trials and time allotted any counsel to produce a defense is rebuttal enough.

In other words, no one could be harmed in any way by an attorney's refusal to take on a particular client and the court can and will appoint counsel of its choice where there is an absence of public defenders or counsel eager to take on a given, etc.

It isn't hypocritical, but you have to know what it is you're talking about, which doesn't appear to be a real concern for you in most respects.

And that should satisfy the thumb rule (randomly answering a nonsensical charge).


In other words, no one could be harmed in any way by an attorney's refusal to take on a particular client and the court can and will appoint counsel of its choice where there is an absence of public defenders or counsel eager to take on a given, etc.

likewise, this child suffered no harm by the refusal of the pediatrician to add her to her client base, as she referred the "parents" to another pediatrician
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New member
I believe she ought to be hauled before an ethics committee.
A doctor is not the judge of a patients worth. The doctor is to do no harm, heal wounded, sustain quality of life to the best of his/her ability.

From the article in the Detroit Free Press.
While Michigan doctors can refuse to treat a gay person, or their children, citing religious freedoms, the medical profession strongly opposes it.
The American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics have taken a strong stance against this practice and have prohibited it in their ethics rules, which are only advisory.
"Respecting the diversity of patients is a fundamental value of the medical profession and reflected in long-standing AMA ethical policy opposing any refusal to care for patients based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other criteria that would constitute invidious discrimination," said a statement from Dr. Gregory Blaschke, chair of the AMA's LGBT Advisory Committee. It added that the AMA encourages "diversity, awareness and cultural sensitivity in the medical profession."


So it is an ethical violation, but apparently that is somewhat toothless.

Then we must consider, if physicians can refuse service for personal religious or philosophical reasons, what about the abortion doctor who, because of philosophical reasons, refuses services to a live-born abortion survivor?

Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa Lapolt Snow provoked well-deserved backlash last month for testifying in opposition to Florida legislation HB 1129, which awards infants born alive within the context of abortion the same rights of infants born alive via natural birth. The proposal specifically requires the abortion facility to provide lifesaving care to such infants and mandates transportation and admission of the newborn to a hospital.

When questioned regarding Planned Parenthood’s intention for a born-alive child that has survived an abortion, Ms. Lapolt Snow stated that “any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family and the physician.” She further lamented the “logistical issues” presented by requiring Planned Parenthood to transport the newborn to a hospital that may be up to 45 minutes or an hour away. Many in the room stared in stunned disbelief, their mouths agape in horror, a response that reverberated across the nation.


We're back to the slippery slope argument.

And for Resodco's "working in a prison" argument, my wife, after spending most of her career treating middle and high school students changed jobs and now treats mentally ill inmates in a state prison. She actually likes the challenge there. Yet she has mentioned discrimination on the part of one physician and also a nurse practitioner there. The two of them tend to give substandard care and refer to their patients in derogatory terms. The point is that it is less an issue of the patients, and more an issue of the quality and qualifications of the two providers. Everyone, even convicts, has a right to good quality medical care. These two providers are not worthy of their licenses. Licensure, which is granted by the state, is a good place to begin regulating physician behavior. Even a private practice still requires state licensure.


New member
Yet she has mentioned discrimination on the part of one physician and also a nurse practitioner there. The two of them tend to give substandard care and refer to their patients in derogatory terms. The point is that it is less an issue of the patients, and more an issue of the quality and qualifications of the two providers. Everyone, even convicts, has a right to good quality medical care. These two providers are not worthy of their licenses. Licensure, which is granted by the state, is a good place to begin regulating physician behavior. Even a private practice still requires state licensure.
I agree, but the pediatrician in question acted partly in order to make certain the infant did NOT receive substandard care.


I believe she ought to be hauled before an ethics committee.
A doctor is not the judge of a patients worth. The doctor is to do no harm

no harm was done, except to the feelings of the perverted "parents"

, heal wounded

the child was not wounded, only the feelings of the perverted "parents"

, sustain quality of life to the best of his/her ability.

and the pediatrician ensured that occurred by providing the child a qualified pediatrician to perform that function

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
likewise, this child suffered no harm by the refusal of the pediatrician to add her to her cllient base, as she referred the "parents" to another pediatrician
Apology accepted.

Otherwise, I never said the child was harmed, but noted that a child in need of medical attention being referred was a gamble with the child's health, that a referral isn't an appointment, etc.


New member
Apology accepted.

Otherwise, I never said the child was harmed, but noted that a child in need of medical attention being referred was a gamble with the child's health, that a referral isn't an appointment, etc.
In this instance, the referral was in fact an appointment.