Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


New member
if a doctor is so prejudiced that he/she is unwilling to treat members of minorities than that doctor's professional judgment is non-existent.

There was no minority mentioned in the OP, you must be thinking you are trolling a different thread.

But, it is good that you let us know that you approve of doctors with impaired professional judgment making life and death decisions regarding their patient's health.


Read my previous post ... there should be no *buts* in your response. The PATIENT is a child. The PATIENT is the focus. You are justifying an action against a child because ... you despise the parents.

as much as you are acting against the child by refusing to become a pediatrician and take the child on as a client :dizzy:


New member
Read my previous post ... there should be no *buts* in your response. The PATIENT is a child. The PATIENT is the focus. You are justifying an action against a child because ... you despise the parents.
I think this child would receive better care from a physician who either supports or is neutral to lesbian partnerships and parenting.


New member
I would have expected more from a supposed pediatrician.

The pediatrician obviously missed the opportunity to check the child for minor bruises and injuries at every visit so she could report them to social services as potential child abuse, didn't she?


New member
There was no minority mentioned in the OP, you must be thinking you are trolling a different thread.

But, it is good that you let us know that you approve of doctors with impaired professional judgment making life and death decisions regarding their patient's health.

The doctor in question refused treatment based on the fact that this child's parents are members of a minority. If any medical professional is so prejudiced that he/she is unwilling to treat members of minorities than his/her professional judgment is non-existent.


New member
The doctor in question refused treatment based on the fact that this child's parents are members of a minority. If any medical professional is so prejudiced that he/she is unwilling to treat members of minorities than his/her professional judgment is non-existent.
She may feel they are failing the infant by not providing her with her biological father. Perhaps she is hesitant to make this speech to them.


New member
The doctor in question refused treatment based on the fact that this child's parents are members of a minority.
There were no minorities mentioned in the OP, only the doctor and a couple of perverts.

If any medical professional is so prejudiced that he/she is unwilling to treat members of minorities than his/her professional judgment is non-existent.

It is good that you let us know that you approve of doctors with impaired professional judgment making life and death decisions regarding their patient's health.


New member
She may feel they are failing the infant by not providing her with her biological father. Perhaps she is hesitant to make this speech to them.

would you be OK with that pediatrician rejecting the mother of a serviceman killed in Afghanistan because the choices that couple made has left the infant without a biological father?


would you be OK with that pediatrician rejecting the mother of a serviceman killed in Afghanistan because the choices that couple made has left the infant without a biological father?

would she be planning to raise the child in a household where perversion was celebrated as "normal"


Hall of Fame
I think this child would receive better care from a physician who either supports or is neutral to lesbian partnerships and parenting.

I think any physician who would base their treatment of a child on whether or not they despise his/her parents should not be trusted to treat children.


I think any physician who would base their treatment of a child on whether or not they despise his/her parents should not be trusted to treat children.

and where do you get "despise his/her parents"?

did you open the link?

did you read the article?