Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


Hall of Fame
it was in response to a very stupid question not to the OP. Next time try actually reading posts before commenting

It's rather revealing to see the emphasis placed on the parents rather than the health and well being of the child.

The Barbarian

But the beneficiary of the services is the baby, not the parents.

Does this doctor also refuse to treat children who have obese parents, divorced parents, non-christian parents, unmarried parents, etc.? Why the obsession with this one sin among you fundie Christians? You guys can't seem to stop obsessing about it constantly, to the point of refusing to give medical care to babies because of it.

Considering the amount of time Jesus spent (or didn't spend) teaching about that particular sin, it is definitely weird that some who profess to follow Him, obsess so strongly about it.


New member
Why the obsession with this one sin among you fundie Christians?
Why so many Christians won't back down on gay marriage

Christianity's opposition to homosexuality is not the product of some dusty medieval exegete poring over obscure Old Testament verses. From the beginning, what set apart the new and strange sect called Christians from the rest of their culture was their strange sexual ethic. They refused polygamy. They refused the sexual exploitation of slaves by their owners. They refused prostitution, premarital sex, divorce, abortion, the exposure of infants, contraception — and homosexual acts.

As the British philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe noted, in this Christianity was a great equalizing force: Because of the fact of pregnancy, most premodern cultures enforce sexual restraint on women. Where Christianity's bizarreness lay is that it insisted on the same restraint on the part of men — whether gay or straight. Christians held a bizarrely exalted view of (lifelong, monogamous, fertile, heterosexual) marriage as reflecting the image of God himself, but, even more bizarrely, held up lifelong celibacy as an even more exalted state of life. From the start, alongside the refusal to worship the Roman emperor as a god and Christians' supererogatory care for the poor, this was what set Christians apart, and goes a long way toward explaining why Pagan writers could scorn Christianity as a religion of "slaves and women."

Of course, like all ideals, this was very often observed in the breach, but such is the lot of human nature. Human beings, societies, cultures, and religions have a worldview that includes moral "oughts," and that they only partially live up to, as anyone who has tried to stick to a diet knows.

But the point is clear: From the start, Christians embodied a different way of life. From the start, they understood a particular sexual ethic to be a keystone of this way of life. And they understood the logic of this ethic as prohibiting (among other things) homosexual acts.


It's rather revealing to see the emphasis placed on the parents rather than the health and well being of the child.

in what way is the health and well being of the child being harmed?

or did you think this was a pediatrician in Qikiqtaaluk?

it's not

she's in detroit

they can find another pediatrician


New member

On the other hand, to reject a black baby because her parents are black would be morally without any standing.

refusing to treat a child because it's parents are members is without moral standing no matter what minority that child's parents happen to be. A physician refusing to treat a child because it's parents are black is no different from refusing to treat a child because it's parents are gay, both are acts of discrimination and bigotry.


New member
This is the type of reasoning I would expect from a pro-abortion advocate.

This should be about the child's health and welfare ... not sticking it to the parents.
But the child will NOT go without medical care. We know that.


Considering the amount of time Jesus spent (or didn't spend) teaching about that particular sin, it is definitely weird that some who profess to follow Him, obsess so strongly about it.

the closest He came was the woman taken in adultery

do you remember what He told her, the last five words He told her?


New member
It's rather revealing to see the emphasis placed on the parents rather than the health and well being of the child.
The doctor discovered that she had a conflict of interest and voluntarily defused that conflict before any impropriety occurred.

Would you rather have the doctor suffer from a lapse in professional judgment that would have put the child at risk?


New member
You mean THE patient. How far should a medical technician take his/her vendetta towards the parents? Would that include refusing to give CPR or treatment for anaphylactic shock?
We already said (go back and read the posts, Boo Boo) that emergency care must be completely blind to race, gender, criminality, etc. This is about a doctor not wanting to routinely see the parents.


Hall of Fame
But the child will NOT go without medical care. We know that.

Read my previous post ... there should be no *buts* in your response. The PATIENT is a child. The PATIENT is the focus. You are justifying an action against a child because ... you despise the parents.


New member
The PATIENT is a child. The PATIENT is the focus. You are justifying an action against a child because ... you despise the parents.

The doctor discovered that she had a conflict of interest and voluntarily defused that conflict before any impropriety occurred.

Would you rather have the doctor agree to treat the child after identifying the conflict of interest, knowing that the doctor's professional judgment could be impaired by the doctor's feelings towards the child's parents?


New member
The doctor discovered that she had a conflict of interest and voluntarily defused that conflict before any impropriety occurred.

Would you rather have the doctor suffer from a lapse in professional judgment that would have put the child at risk?

if a doctor is so prejudiced that he/she is unwilling to treat members of minorities than that doctor's professional judgment is non-existent.


New member
silly traci

of course i support your rights

But not the rights of these good people



if a doctor is so prejudiced that he/she is unwilling to treat members of minorities than that doctor's professional judgment is non-existent.

and yet you willingly discriminate against the poor poor minority called pedophiles

:mock:traci, so blinded to his own bogotry