Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


New member
Ask the families of these gentlemen that question
How does this apply to the OP? It in no way equates. This image is about violence and murder, not being choosy. :bang:


How does this apply to the OP? It in no way equates. This image is about violence and murder, not being choosy. :bang:


if you discriminate against fags, you must approve of lynching blacks

thus, "logic" in traci's bizarro world


Hall of Fame
How does this apply to the OP? It in no way equates. This image is about violence and murder, not being choosy. :bang:

This is the type of reasoning I would expect from a pro-abortion advocate.

This should be about the child's health and welfare ... not sticking it to the parents.


This is the type of reasoning I would expect from a pro-abortion advocate.

This should be about the child's health and welfare ... not sticking it to the parents.

the child's health and welfare would best be served by removing it from the perverted environment its "parents" were determined to subject it to


New member
pediatricians rarely interact only with the child
Yes, it is obvious to me and to most that the physician had nothing against the innocent infant; she did not want to commit to a working relationship with the lesbians.

What if a single mother who used a sperm donor came in with her baby? I imagine there would be those who might want to send her to a different physician.

But all of this deals with the parents' behavior.

On the other hand, to reject a black baby because her parents are black would be morally without any standing.


On the other hand, to reject a black baby because her parents are black would be morally without any standing.

what if the pediatrician in question had good cause to fear and be suspicious of blacks?

would it not be in the best interests of all concerned for that pediatrician to recuse herself from taking on black patients?


New member
what if the pediatrician in question had good cause to fear and be suspicious of blacks?

would it not be in the best interests of all concerned for that pediatrician to recuse herself from taking on black patients?
If it was reality based, yes (they seemed criminal, etc.). What if it was a black lawyer and his teacher wife?


Hall of Fame
Yes, it is obvious to me and to most that the physician had nothing against the innocent infant

You mean THE patient. How far should a medical technician take his/her vendetta towards the parents? Would that include refusing to give CPR or treatment for anaphylactic shock?


New member
This should be about the child's health and welfare
Do you think the child's health and welfare should be put at risk?

The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of impropriety. Therefore, a conflict of interest can be discovered and voluntarily defused before any corruption occurs. A widely used definition is: "A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgement or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest."[1] Primary interest refers to the principal goals of the profession or activity, such as the protection of clients, the health of patients, the integrity of research, and the duties of public office. Secondary interest includes not only financial gain but also such motives as the desire for professional advancement and the wish to do favours for family and friends, but conflict of interest rules usually focus on financial relationships because they are relatively more objective, fungible, and quantifiable. The secondary interests are not treated as wrong in themselves, but become objectionable when they are believed to have greater weight than the primary interests. The conflict in a conflict of interest exists whether or not a particular individual is actually influenced by the secondary interest. It exists if the circumstances are reasonably believed (on the basis of past experience and objective evidence) to create a risk that decisions may be unduly influenced by secondary interests.
The doctor discovered that she had a conflict of interest and voluntarily defused that conflict before any impropriety occurred.


Active member
the child's health and welfare would best be served by removing it from the perverted environment its "parents" were determined to subject it to

But I guess not giving the baby medical care is the next best thing? :dunce:


But I guess not giving the baby medical care is the next best thing? :dunce:

there's nothing in the article to suggest that there weren't other pediatricians available

i don't see any indication that the choice was between treating the child of perverts and letting the child suffer


Active member
pediatricians rarely interact only with the child

But the beneficiary of the services is the baby, not the parents.

Does this doctor also refuse to treat children who have obese parents, divorced parents, non-christian parents, unmarried parents, etc.? Why the obsession with this one sin among you fundie Christians? You guys can't seem to stop obsessing about it constantly, to the point of refusing to give medical care to babies because of it.


New member
traci's bigoted against those who accept God's Word as Truth

not unless they had lost their licence to practice

and thank you for conceding the point :)
other than the point on your head you didn't make one

what, whether or not they discriminated against white people based on their experience?

no, i wouldn't hesitate to ask them that :idunno:

I used to wonder but now I know - You really are are that stupid


New member
How does this apply to the OP? It in no way equates. This image is about violence and murder, not being choosy. :bang:

it was in response to a very stupid question not to the OP. Next time try actually reading posts before commenting


But the beneficiary of the services is the baby, not the parents.

you don't think the parents benefit from having a healthy child? :freak:

Does this doctor also refuse to treat children who have obese parents, divorced parents, non-christian parents, unmarried parents, etc.?

beats me :idunno:

as i've asked elsewhere, why shouldn't a physician in private practice be able to choose, upon any basis, who they wish to accept into their client base?

Why the obsession with this one sin among you fundie Christians?

because it's the one that's trying to sell the lie that they're "normal"

it's the one that's trying to gain the acceptance of society

You guys can't seem to stop obsessing about it constantly, to the point of refusing to give medical care to babies because of it.

again, if i'm a pediatrician in private practice, why should the government have any say over who i accept or refuse as a client?