Pagans IV: Because This is a Weird Place


New member
Any atheists here that have NOT been banned for blasphemy or snide, or rude, or breaking rules they said they would abide by?

I have not been banned yet. I think I got a warning once, but the post was so old I can't click through to see what it was, because the thread was deleted, presumably for disk space.


Well-known member
I do.

There are some Christians here who are as nasty as anyone I've ever come across, and forget banning, they're untouchable.

This line of attack isn't going well for you Lon. I'm sorry to see you continuing it.
:nono: There have been MANY atheists on here who say awful things about the God we Love. If you come to a place where someone loves a particular thing, in this case, God is the quintessential Being we love, and they are rude and crass about that Love. Those people are NOT nice beings, Anna. For instance, the two gentlemen (used loosely) who I have been going around with, have greatly offended of a purpose.

Let me say that again, then: If you come to a Christian website and say something offensive about the object of their affection, you are not a nice person.

I don't care if you choose to defend said person, it does not make it true and is a poor use of your space and time and counterproductive to the God you serve. The ones you came to defend were reprobates and I found your defense of them ill-advised and without discernment.


Well-known member
You seewhat you want to see, Lon. And you get what you give. You presume going in that anyone who doesn't sanction your beliefs is "bad" and "evil" and "anti-Christ" and all that. And then you blame the negative reactions you get to all the self-righteous condemnation that you spew, on them? And now you're trying to use it to justify your own sins?
No, not at all. When somebody offends the Cross, they offelend me. When somebody calls God a 'fairy tale' as if they were the center of the universe and could 'possibly, arrogant, remotely' know such an\ thing other than being offensively, purposefully speculative, then no, I don't think at that point you can say It is self-fulfilling. Some of you are just blind/ignorant of what offenses have taken place. Spend a bit of time in the woodshed and your assessment will be sufficiently adjusted in correction.
Dude, you need some serious self-examination. I think you've slid so far down the rabbit hole of your own bias that you can't see daylight, anymore.
"I" think a lover of God needs to be offended by what offends God. That's what I think. Some Christians marry nonChristians too. It doesn't make it right. We live by Him, not the other way around. I think it is time you defend your God and take offense when He is offended. He can certainly stand up for Himself and doesn't 'need' me, but the question is rather where 'my' allegiance lies.


New member
I have not been banned yet. I think I got a warning once, but the post was so old I can't click through to see what it was, because the thread was deleted, presumably for disk space.

I might be remembering this wrong. Is "3 points" a ban? I can see the infraction, but the post is gone.


Well-known member
I have not been banned yet. I think I got a warning once, but the post was so old I can't click through to see what it was, because the thread was deleted, presumably for disk space.
Well, with you, I keep working on you to change to 'agnostic' so I'm probably not really talking about you, other than a lousy group to be associated with. To each their own, but I'd still try and talk you into 'agnostic' over some of these others. The atheist term itself carries too much of its own offense from decades past. I would 'guess' that the majority of atheists on TOL have caused purposeful offense and have been appropriately banned.


DMV Princess
Hall of Fame
Yes. But due to technological limitations, they are thus far imaginary drinks. But on the plus side, you can drink as many as you want and breeze through a sobriety checkpoint like you own the place.


Awesome! I'll take a virtual Long Island Iced Tea.. Thanks..

Your tip will also be virtual. :plain:


New member
Well, with you, I keep working on you to change to 'agnostic' so I'm probably not really talking about you, other than a lousy group to be associated with.

I don't find most of them to be lousy. At least one is a personal friend.

To each their own, but I'd still try and talk you into 'agnostic' over some of these others. The atheist term itself carries too much of its own offense from decades past.

It would be dishonest of me to claim to be anything other than what I am.

I would 'guess' that the majority of atheists on TOL have caused purposeful offense and have been appropriately banned.

I'll leave that up to the moderators.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I might be remembering this wrong. Is "3 points" a ban? I can see the infraction, but the post is gone.
It has a time limit. But for some reason they remain visible long after the point where they impact anything. . . like Christmas lights still hanging in February. :plain: It was that or elderly voters, but it's too close to Christmas.


New member
It has a time limit. But for some reason they remain visible long after the point where they impact anything. . . like Christmas lights still hanging in February. :plain: It was that or elderly voters, but it's too close to Christmas.


The people downstairs from my old apartment had their Christmas tree up year round. They were nice enough not to plug the lights in until November.


like marbles on glass
they are rude and crass about that Love. Those people are NOT nice beings, Anna.

No, those Christians weren't nice beings, Lon, you're right. They lied about me and one called me a Christ-hating pig and a filthy gutter whore rat, among other "loving" things.

The ones you came to defend were reprobates and I found your defense of them ill-advised and without discernment.
I find your tactics ill-advised and without discernment. Where were you when these atheist gentlemen defended me against your 'Christian' brother?

Right, that's what I thought. And that's all I have to say to you.

Sorry, Caledvwlch. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

I'll take that Long Island Iced Tea in about four hours. :)


Well-known member
I don't find most of them to be lousy. At least one is a personal friend.
Sometimes I wonder who is paying attention. I would hope even the atheists would agree that quite a few that have passed or are still on TOL are kind of lousy to other human beings on TOL. That isn't necessarily limited to just atheists, but I'm on the Christian side so notice the slight as a member of that group and against God. The offense is personal.

It would be dishonest of me to claim to be anything other than what I am.
Or more accurate, Or time for a change...

I'll leave that up to the moderators.
Well, that goes without saying...


New member
Sometimes I wonder who is paying attention. I would hope even the atheists would agree that quite a few that have passed or are still on TOL are kind of lousy to other human beings on TOL.

Yes, I can agree with that. But don't pretend it's just the atheists. I think the blame for unpleasantness, rudeness and plain old jerkishness can be spread around all over the place.


Well-known member
No, those Christians weren't nice beings, Lon, you're right. They lied about me and one called me a Christ-hating pig and a filthy gutter whore rat, among other "loving" things.

I find your tactics ill-advised and without discernment. Where were you when these atheist gentlemen defended me against your 'Christian' brother?
Er, Pm me next time. That said, telling an atheist that he/she is a godless heathen is no news. It isn't even mean. It just is what it is and I think it important to spell the difference out clearly. There is no bridging that gap.

Right, that's what I thought. And that's all I have to say to you.

You shouldn't trade truth for anything else, even if it comes to this. If you allow your friendships to come between telling a sinner he/she needs God, you've consigned that one to something terrible. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, even to an atheist. An atheist is just as terrible as you as I have ever been, when we too needed a Savior. Every Christian on the planet has had to come to Romans 3:23 before he/she could ever respond to a Savior's love.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay, my weigh in...I think there's always the underlying philosophical truth and then there's the way we communicate it. When the latter fails to optimally advance the former I'd say the lesser is controlling the greater to the greater's disservice.

And for that reason I don't subscribe to the "tough love" approach of many and the founders here. I think human nature makes entrenchment and defense the more likely outcome, though no single approach is for every season.

As a rule then, I find love of the tenderer part a better advance. The good Samaritan over Job's friends, if you like.


like marbles on glass
Er, Pm me next time. That said, telling an atheist that he/she is a godless heathen is no news. It isn't even mean. It just is what it is and I think it important to spell the difference out clearly. There is no bridging that gap.

You shouldn't trade truth for anything else, even if it comes to this. If you allow your friendships to come between telling a sinner he/she needs God, you've consigned that one to something terrible. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, even to an atheist.

No. I won't be PMing for backup. That's not the point. My point is that you and many others overlook what your own brethren say, and you've traded in your own truth by doing so. You and your brethren completely ignore your calling to remember that the greatest of theological virtues is love - in order to serve your own pride and your own ego. I'm calling it straight, exactly how I see it. I know you can't see it yourself.