Pagans IV: Because This is a Weird Place


New member
I'm starting to see how an atheist might get exasperated talking to you and say something you would deem offensive.

He takes offence simply from an Atheist's mere existence unless you immediately claim to be less human than believers in his particular brand of superstition.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What??? Turn in your minion card (see: sub paragraph 4 (c) "All such bowing, scraping, fawning and general lackying shall be the sole and singular province and property of said party of the first part, aka Town Heretic. Any use thereof without tacit approval by said Heretic shall constitute breach of agreement, divest said former minion of all titles and privileges and bring him or her subject to the forfeiture of all his or her wordy possessions.")


DMV Princess
Hall of Fame
What??? Turn in your minion card (see: sub paragraph 4 (c) "All such bowing, scraping, fawning and general lackying shall be the sole and singular province and property of said party of the first part, aka Town Heretic. Any use thereof without tacit approval by said Heretic shall constitute breach of agreement, render the minion agreement null and void, subject to forfeiture of all wordy possessions.")

As soon as I get someone to translate this for me, I'll have a scathing retort for you. :plain:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
As soon as I get someone to translate this for me, I'll have a scathing retort for you. :plain:

I'd help out, know, that's part of the services lost under sub section 6 (a) i, like I have to tell you...which I suppose I would. :think:

I think TH doesn't want his minions moonlighting as minions of other super-villains. :chuckle:
She's going to be in court for years. :reals:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thank you, Oh Great One.. :bow:

Town, I don't remember signing anything like that.. So, there.. :

It was plain as day in really tiny script, in Latin, at the bottom of the "Welcome aboard, Minion!" PM

"Acceptance of this PM and the reading thereof constitutes a full acceptance of the terms of Minionhood as set out in even tinier script below..." So there. :plain: