ECT Our triune God

God's Truth

New member
i stand by this post you responded to - you seem to confuse me with folks that tell you that you are "unsaved". you are imo, but i don't tell folks that. you mistake rudeness for rebuke and you go against the very scriptures you copy/paste. i still have respect for YOU, a bit less now - :patrol:

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Are you kidding? Lazy Afternoon tells people they are not saved. I have not ever told him that, but he has said it to me. He has now judged himself as not being saved.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

As for you Patrick, you are not right in the heart. You want to be accepted by those who run this site, so you comprise your beliefs.

God's Truth

New member

You're BACK!!

Glory to God!

I don't have much time - Morning Liturgy this morning as Holy week proceeds...

Glad you're back!

It was the gist...

One of the big complaints of Protestants of the Latin faithful is that they do not know their Bibles - Your complaint was a step up from this, because your complaint is that the Orthodox Faithful are not theologians as you regard yourself... Why shucks, even the Priest confessed he did not do all that much in his theology class in Seminary... Seminarians tend to study Liturgy far, far more than theology...

We insist on three Divine Persons comprising the Godhead...

you just proved my "gist"... :)

That is how New Age demoniacs understand fasting and believe in Health Food Stores... We understand Adam to be a faster, and he could freely eat of ALL the fruit of the Garden EXCEPT one, and as long as he kept that Fast, he lived... And when he broke it, he died...

Find a smelly old Greek who is bi-lingual in English and sometimes even dreams in English... Ask him what Hypostasis means... He will tell you Person...

When the word Person is missing, it is a HUGE red flag...

Phenomena is created...

Yes, modifying a noun...

Do we have to go back to the origins of the term, meaning "the ACTOR which stands under the MASK of personality on stage"...? That actor is the hidden PERSON DOING the acting...

Where is the Greek term for being? ousia perhaps??

Because we are English speaking...

And person has the same referents as hypostasis in Greek...



You try to separate yourself from Roman Catholics and all kinds of Catholics, but you are basically the same.

Just because you do not reside under the Catholic's "Pope", it does not mean you are not guilty of falseness. You are still just like the other Catholics. You call your brothers in Christ 'father'. You do not have statues, but you have pictures. You bow to the "Holy Images".
You also exalt Mary to a place she does not want to be. You baptize with three dips into the water...all these things and more are not from God.


Literal lunatic
I've always thought it odd that nesteuo means abstain from food, but Lent fasters always eat while calling it a "fast".

That's because they abstain from meats.

A doctrine of devils.

Arsenios admitted his vegan diet.

These were the first infiltrators of our faith.

Clement the first bishop of Rome exposed them and called it a horrendous emulation.

I find it interesting that this emulation (imitation) began in Corinth not Rome and that being right after Peter and Paul were dead.

Just as Paul prophesied.

So by the time the trinitarian formulaic was adopted, Satan's imitation had spread throughout all the empire.

So Arsenios' church traditions can be dated back to Corinth not Antioch.

Clement's letter to the Corinthians has been deemed false by those he exposed.

Simply for using an analogy of the Phoenix to those who could understand it, themselves having been raised in those myths.

Not sure why you were surprised to find they are still inverted imitators to this day.
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Well-known member

You try to separate yourself from Roman Catholics and all kinds of Catholics, but you are basically the same.

Just because you do not reside under the Catholic's "Pope", it does not mean you are not guilty of falseness. You are still just like the other Catholics. You call your brothers in Christ 'father'. You do not have statues, but you have pictures. You bow to the "Holy Images".
You also exalt Mary to a place she does not want to be. You baptize with three dips into the water...all these things and more are not from God.

From your previous post:

Matthew 7:2
For in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged,

God bless you, Dear...

Do you promise to keep me in your prayers?

As the severity of your judgment of me confirms...

I am in desperate need...



Well-known member
So Arsenios' church traditions can be dated back to Corinth not Antioch.

Here is our archdiocese:

My Metropolitan/Bishop is Arabic, speaks Greek and English and a few other languages, and is responsible for some 400 parishes in the US...

The Patriarch has his cathedral in Damascus, Syria, where Paul received the Holy Spirit at the hands of Ananias, who healed him of blindness... Over the course of 2000 years, it had to be moved to Damascus from Antioch...

In Syria today, our faithful are getting killed each and every day in the senseless was going on there... We have never been to Corinth - Which is, I believe, or at least was, in North Africa, until decimated by Rome...

We trace our origins to Antioch...

Paul's Antioch...

And Ignatius...

All the way to the present day and this very hour...

My brother, it is not a good idea to fire blanks in the dark...



Well-known member
So by the time the trinitarian formulaic was adopted, Satan's imitation had spread throughout all the empire... they are still inverted imitators to this day.

So should we all thank God for sending you and PPS this day to corerct what Christ Himself FAILED to teach His Own Disciples, and which they were UNABLE even with His Presence among them to retain and disciple in their wake? For 2000 years... Until YOU and PPS???


Christ did not fail...



Literal lunatic
So should we all thank God for sending you and PPS this day to corerct what Christ Himself FAILED to teach His Own Disciples, and which they were UNABLE even with His Presence among them to retain and disciple in their wake? For 2000 years... Until YOU and PPS???


Christ did not fail...


1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron ;

3 Forbidding to marry , and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Own it and then git ridda them dumb lookin' duds.

Put on Christ.

God's Truth

New member
From your previous post:

Matthew 7:2
For in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged,

God bless you, Dear...

Do you promise to keep me in your prayers?

As the severity of your judgment of me confirms...

I am in desperate need...


You need to repent to God through Jesus.

I have done this.

I was in a false denominations before. I got the plank out of my eye, now I am trying to help you get the plank out of yours.


Well-known member
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron ;

3 Forbidding to marry , and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

True is this word spoken, that in every year of these the latter times,
Since the Ascension of our Lord God and Saviou Jesus Christ....
SOME have done these things...
Most have not...
Tares are demonically sown amongst the wheat...
But the Body of Christ is not diminished...

Get over it...

Christ did not fail, as you falsely teach.

His Body is alive and whole continuously after 2000 years...

He is still the Head of His Body, the Church...

He is with us to the end of the Age...

Christ commanded the Apostles to baptize the nations...

YOU baptized your SELF...

Claiming Christ failed...

Lord have mercy...



Well-known member
You need to repent to God through Jesus.

Every day all the day even unto my last breath...

I have done this.

I was in a false denominations before. I got the plank out of my eye, now I am trying to help you get the plank out of yours.

Thank you for your prayers...

I had a plank in mine too...

I was an atheist...

Not exactly a false denomination, yes? :)

What were you?

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Literal lunatic
True is this word spoken, that in every year of these the latter times,
Since the Ascension of our Lord God and Saviou Jesus Christ....
SOME have done these things...
Most have not...
Tares are demonically sown amongst the wheat...
But the Body of Christ is not diminished...

Get over it...

Christ did not fail, as you falsely teach.

His Body is alive and whole continuously after 2000 years...

He is still the Head of His Body, the Church...

He is with us to the end of the Age...

Christ commanded the Apostles to baptize the nations...

YOU baptized your SELF...

Claiming Christ failed...

Lord have mercy...


I've never claimed Christ failed.

I claim the truth bearer told the truth.

Far as me baptizing myself, guess what?

You wont know my name in the next life either.

When I know as I am known you wont get to have any part of it.

Nor will I know yer name either.... if you make it.

This is where unitarians should understand that when Jesus emptied himself of his glory and power, he never lost knowing as he was known.

From the womb on, Jesus knew the Father's thoughts and love for him.

Jesus knew as he was known, that's how he could bring us with Him to our glory.

Revelation 2:17 KJV

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written , which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

1 John 4:4 KJV

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
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Well-known member
I've never claimed Christ failed.

You claim He failed beginning in Corinth, that His disciples failed to keep what they had been given by Him, and that the Church which is His Body went off the rails and into falsehood as soon as the Apostles died...

I claim the truth bearer told the truth.

Indeed you do, but you also claim that the Apostles whom He discipled failed to teach anyone else and that their followers preached lies...

Far as me baptizing myself, guess what?

You wont know my name in the next life either.

When I know as I am known you wont get to have any part of it.

Nor will I know yer name either.... if you make it.

From that statement, I would have to say that you were baptized by the spirit of isolation one from another in this world and in the world to come... And a kind of childish spirit of "I get MINE and YOU don't GET TO HAVE ANY..."

If you baptize yourself, you are not obeying Christ, Who commanded His Apostles to baptize the nations, and did not command anyone to baptize themselves...

IF you baptize yourself, you are not baptized as Paul and ALL the Apostles were baptized...
eg By Christ...
At the hands of His servants...



Literal lunatic
You claim He failed beginning in Corinth, that His disciples failed to keep what they had been given by Him, and that the Church which is His Body went off the rails and into falsehood as soon as the Apostles died...

Indeed you do, but you also claim that the Apostles whom He discipled failed to teach anyone else and that their followers preached lies...

From that statement, I would have to say that you were baptized by the spirit of isolation one from another in this world and in the world to come... And a kind of childish spirit of "I get MINE and YOU don't GET TO HAVE ANY..."

If you baptize yourself, you are not obeying Christ, Who commanded His Apostles to baptize the nations, and did not command anyone to baptize themselves...

IF you baptize yourself, you are not baptized as Paul and ALL the Apostles were baptized...
eg By Christ...
At the hands of His servants...


Yer lid's on to tight.

You cannot even carry on a comprehensive conversation.

Lazy afternoon

This is where unitarians should understand that when Jesus emptied himself of his glory and power, he never lost knowing as he was known.

Jesus never had any glory and power before He was born.

Jesus rose to Glory and Power.

Jesus laid down His right to reign in the flesh, after He had laid down all that was in man before Him.

From the womb on, Jesus knew the Father's thoughts and love for him.



The events of Jesus life are all shown in the OT and Jesus did not even hear Gods voice until about 6 years or so old, perhaps longer.

Jesus is the word made flesh and if you can not find Him in the word then it is not true.


Lazy afternoon

Are you kidding? Lazy Afternoon tells people they are not saved. I have not ever told him that, but he has said it to me. He has now judged himself as not being saved.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

As for you Patrick, you are not right in the heart. You want to be accepted by those who run this site, so you comprise your beliefs.

You do not understand salvation.

You seem to conveniently forget what you have said.



TOL Subscriber
So should we all thank God for sending you and PPS this day to corerct what Christ Himself FAILED to teach His Own Disciples, and which they were UNABLE even with His Presence among them to retain and disciple in their wake?. For 2000 years... Until YOU and PPS???


Christ did not fail...


Wow. It's amazing that you somehow think Christ Himself taught His Disciples a Trinity doctrine that was formulated over a long period of time through generations of Patristics far removed from the era of Christ.

It is you who promote a Christ Failed Doctrine. Christ never taught the Trinity. It had to be assembled through quite a convoluted process.

God, His Word, and His Wisdom and three aspects/forms/modes far preceeded Tertullian's Latin innovation of persona/e.

You should attempt to at least understand what I'm saying, and you SHOULD be thankful someone has spent nearly two decades standing against incompleteness, and reconciling the few errors of Orthodoxy to establish the true transcendent eternal God and His creation of sempiternity rather than combining those and never recognizing the truth that God is Uni-Hypostatic and Multi-Phenomenal rather than Multi-Hypostatic and Uni-Phenomenal.

But you think phenomena is all created, which essentially means you're a Neo-Platonist.