ECT Our triune God

Lazy afternoon


Lev 19:16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.
Lev 19:17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
Lev 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.


Well-known member

Lev 19:16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.
Lev 19:17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
Lev 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
And? You are derailing.


Literal lunatic
Jesus was not glorified with the Father before He was born.

The bible account is of how God raised up Jesus and Glorified Him.

as was promised before the foundation of the world

as He was slain before the foundation of the world.


Please enlighten me with this promise before the foundation.

Before the foundation there were no men to receive a promise.

So the only one who could receive a promise was the son of God from his Father God.

God's Truth

New member
IF they are discipled as the Latin Church discipled them, they are indeed as you say, a death sentence... And this because they CAN be understood as a system of magic, where powers reside in objects, and attendance at services "counts" toward one's Salvation, and on and on...

Properly understood, they are but reverence for God in the Church...

Your Eastern church is just as apostate as the Latin church.

Isaiah prophesied about the Jews who would crucify Christ... And Christ gave them the same criticism... And it helped them NOT...

But the Body of Christ Who is Her Head is not human tradition, even though human traditions can be found in Her... Christ discipled His disciples to disciple all the Nations, teaching them to meticulously obey ALL that Christ had COMMANDED them to be DOING, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit... So THESE, you see, are NOT human traditions, but HOLY TRADITION, and you will find them consistently observed in all the Apostolic Churches, although less so now in the Latin Church from which you emerged...

But there IS a WAR against the Body of Christ, the Church... And most folks who claim Christianity are doing their best to hold fast the traditions handed down to them, by word or by epistle, as the Apostle writes... And the illegitimate spawn of the Apostate Latin Church are awash in a lot of conflicting IDEAS...

Your traditions are not holy; they go against God’s Word.

He was not speaking of His Apostles, but of the Jews who would kill Him...
The Apostles have nothing to do with the things your denomination does.
Paul later said SOME would rise up against the Ekklesia from within Her and would not spare the faithful... He NEVER said She would be overcome by them... The Gates of Hell shall never overcome Her... She is the Bride of Christ... He died for Her...
God’s Truth will always exist. Your denomination is not the Truth.
I can show you easily how your practices nullify God's Word.
God says not to bow to the works of your hands. Your denomination bows to your "Holy Images". Jesus says do not call your brothers in Christ 'father'. Your denomination calls it brothers 'father'. The Bibles says Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Your denomination says Mary is a mediator too.
Just as Jesus says, you nullify God's Word.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus was not glorified with the Father before He was born.

The bible account is of how God raised up Jesus and Glorified Him.

as was promised before the foundation of the world

as He was slain before the foundation of the world.


Jesus was not crucified before he was crucified.

You need to study other translations.

Revelation 13:8a written from the creation of the world in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain.


TOL Subscriber
Neo-Platonists did not do all that well against apophatic thought...

For instance -

Can YOU show me UNCREATED phenomena???



I'll go you one better. Can you show me the created phenomena of angels and heaven? A cherubim. Show me the created phenomena of a cherubim.

Just because one cannot behold a certain phenomena, it doesn't mean such doesn't exist. That's the very definition of phenomena. It doesn't require a beholder. It requires underlying objective reality. So God's hypostasis IS that underlying objective reality.

And if you insist God isn't uncreated phenomenological and noumenological existence, then He isn't Self-Conscious or Self-Existent. That makes you a Neo-Platonist in some measure. God is NOT the non-existent non-phenomenal "One" that created existence as phenomena.

THIS is what destroys God as a "Person" and makes Him an impersonal "What" as an object or force.

And if there is no uncreated phenomena, there can be no created phenomena. Bye-bye Theism.

I think you likely don't know what phenomena is, just as you conflate perichoresis and hypostatic union.


Well-known member
Arsenios said:
Then you suffered plenty before you knew Him...
Don't confuse the readers.

OK -


Suffering, when God's Love bursts upon one's soul, does indeed disappear... But the interesting feature of this is that without that suffering, God's Love does NOT burst upon one's soul...

And the normal human response is to say: "Hooray! I am no longer suffering!" and live in Divine blessedness with only peace and pleasure and no pain... Giving thanks to God in all things and telling as many others as one can about how Great God is...

Some even become preachers to preachers...

But as time passes, Glory fades...

And after 20 years... or 30... or so... We find ourselves with David:

I remember days of old; I contemplated the works of Thy hands, My hands stretched forth unto Thee in a waterless land... And that active saturation of the Holy Spirit raising one to the Heights is more of a fond memory than an active Force throughout one's day...

Many who have had it become preachers, bringing God's Word to those who either have or have not yet had such an infusion... Preaching the ethics of the Bible and how God instructs us to live, or preaching the Glory of God in all things...

And in this weekly preparation of trying to give to others what God has given to us, we seek weekly renewal in our own souls, to keep alive and active what we received so long ago now... We ARE changed... The memory never just goes away... And we preach to keep it alive...

But in all this, we miss what it was that got us to this extraordinary encounter with the Creator of the world and the solar system and the Galaxies themselves... It only came in response to great suffering... And to great failing... In the wreckage of our souls...

Yet Christ suffered...
This is God's Truth...
He suffered willingly for the sake of others...
God's Truth...
He suffered on the Cross for our sake...
God's Truth...
And He commanded those willing to follow Him...
This too is God's Truth...
He commanded them to take up their own cross...
God's Truth...
A cross that is an instrument of pain unto death...
God's Truth...
And this AFTER denial of SELF...
Also God's Truth...
And only THEN, to FOLLOW HIM...
God's Truth...
God's Truth...

So that IF one is a preacher of obedience to the Commandments of Christ, THIS is the ONLY place to START...

Without it, one is but a shadow boxer beating the air...
Whose punches, however strong, never strike an enemy...



Well-known member
I'll go you one better. Can you show me the created phenomena of angels and heaven? A cherubim. Show me the created phenomena of a cherubim.

Just because one cannot behold a certain phenomena, it doesn't mean such doesn't exist. That's the very definition of phenomena. It doesn't require a beholder. It requires underlying objective reality. So God's hypostasis IS that underlying objective reality.

And if you insist God isn't uncreated phenomenological and noumenological existence, then He isn't Self-Conscious or Self-Existent. That makes you a Neo-Platonist in some measure. God is NOT the non-existent non-phenomenal "One" that created existence as phenomena.

THIS is what destroys God as a "Person" and makes Him an impersonal "What" as an object or force.

And if there is no uncreated phenomena, there can be no created phenomena. Bye-bye Theism.

I think you likely don't know what phenomena is, just as you conflate perichoresis and hypostatic union.

Phainomai, as I recall, means appearance... A coming to light...

That be creation...

A phenomenal event is created really big so that many or all perceive it... It hinges on created human perception...

Nice to see you reading your books more...


God's Truth

New member
OK -


Suffering, when God's Love bursts upon one's soul, does indeed disappear... But the interesting feature of this is that without that suffering, God's Love does NOT burst upon one's soul...

And the normal human response is to say: "Hooray! I am no longer suffering!" and live in Divine blessedness with only peace and pleasure and no pain... Giving thanks to God in all things and telling as many others as one can about how Great God is...

Some even become preachers to preachers...

But as time passes, Glory fades...

And after 20 years... or 30... or so... We find ourselves with David:

I remember days of old; I contemplated the works of Thy hands, My hands stretched forth unto Thee in a waterless land... And that active saturation of the Holy Spirit raising one to the Heights is more of a fond memory than an active Force throughout one's day...

Many who have had it become preachers, bringing God's Word to those who either have or have not yet had such an infusion... Preaching the ethics of the Bible and how God instructs us to live, or preaching the Glory of God in all things...

And in this weekly preparation of trying to give to others what God has given to us, we seek weekly renewal in our own souls, to keep alive and active what we received so long ago now... We ARE changed... The memory never just goes away... And we preach to keep it alive...

But in all this, we miss what it was that got us to this extraordinary encounter with the Creator of the world and the solar system and the Galaxies themselves... It only came in response to great suffering... And to great failing... In the wreckage of our souls...

Yet Christ suffered...
This is God's Truth...
He suffered willingly for the sake of others...
God's Truth...
He suffered on the Cross for our sake...
God's Truth...
And He commanded those willing to follow Him...
This too is God's Truth...
He commanded them to take up their own cross...
God's Truth...
A cross that is an instrument of pain unto death...
God's Truth...
And this AFTER denial of SELF...
Also God's Truth...
And only THEN, to FOLLOW HIM...
God's Truth...
God's Truth...

So that IF one is a preacher of obedience to the Commandments of Christ, THIS is the ONLY place to START...

Without it, one is but a shadow boxer beating the air...
Whose punches, however strong, never strike an enemy...


It is not painful to give up oneself and follow Christ.

The trust before understanding is a powerful time, and you have not experienced that, since you use writings other than the Holy Scriptures.

You cannot have two masters.


TOL Subscriber
Phainomai, as I recall, means appearance... A coming to light...

That be creation...

A phenomenal event is created really big so that many or all perceive it... It hinges on created human perception...

Nice to see you reading your books more...


I guess you're going to ignore that heaven and angels are created and exist, but you can't show me their phenomena. So I guess heaven and angels don't exist.

And by your standard, God doesn't exist and isn't Self-Conscious or Self-Existent. He evidently doesn't shine as uncreated phenomenon, and has no prosopon/oa. How tragic and unfortunate.

From Zodhiates...
Phaino; to shine, to appear, be conspicuous, be seen, seem, be thought.

It indicates how a matter phenomenally shows and presents itself with no necessary assumption of any beholder at all. This suggests that something may shine without anybody necessarily seeing it, contrasted to something that exists but does not shine. Nooumenon is that which is conceived in the mind, but does not have any objective existence and does not necessarily manifest itself.

Phainomenon is that which manifests itself, appears or shines, and must have a reality behind it. It cannot be just the figment of the imagination. Therefore, phainomai is often synonymous with eimi, to be, and ginomai, to become. It may also have no substance, yet presupposes one.

Dokeo, to think, has in contrast the subjective estimate which may be formed of a thing, not the objective showing and seeming which it may actually possess. One may dokei (think) something which may not have an objective reality. However, something that shines, phainei, must exist objectively.

God is Self-phenomenal uncreated existence. This is why Orthodoxy is heterodox, but very close. Close doesn't count in horseshoes, hand grenades, or Theology Proper that omits God's uncreated transcendent Self-Conscious Self-Existence.

What if I'm right and Orthodoxy is fallible in this regard? What then?

And the most grievous thing for me is you insisting my nous intuition is intellect. It's a very handy semi-polite ad hominem to resort to in response to any challenge to Orthodoxy.

Modalists of certain types are about as close as Multi-Hypostatic Trinitarians. Any creative act relative to the Son or a denial of homoousios divinity for the Holy Spirit is moving away from truth dramatically. But EVERYONE is wrong by degree, having never had their incomplete doctrines reconciled to Christ.

And you've insisted Jesus revealed the truth to His followers, but it was all by extended formulaic.

What you're saying on this topic is that God is not Self-aware or Self-conscious in any way as a being that is Self-existence.

You say God doesn't have phenomenological or noumenological existence, yet He created existence as phenomena. That's Neo-Platonism, and God then isn't really a "who".

God Himself said "I Am". Jesus said "I Am".

You say God is not "I Am", but without recognizing it.

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Well-known member
It is not painful to give up oneself and follow Christ.

Christ suffered...

And He said:

After me is willing to be following...
FIRST let him utterly disregard himself...
THEN let him take upon himself his own cross...
AND THEN be following Me.

Are you following Him?

Christ suffered on the Cross...
YOU are to take up your own cross of suffering...
ONLY then can you be following Him...

The trust before understanding is a powerful time,
and you have not experienced that,
since you use writings other than the Holy Scriptures.

You writing of the above sentence is not from Holy Scripture...

You cannot have two masters.


So I have a little poser for you...
Because Scripture was not written until decades after Christ...

Which is PRIMARY?

The Scripture that is written?


The the Person who is writing Scripture?

Which came FIRST?

You see, the Faith of Christ is discipled in His Apostolic Body...

Because Christ commanded His Apostles...

GO therefore and...
DISCIPLE all the Nations...
TEACHING them to be meticulously observing...
ALL things whatsoever that I have commanded you to be doing...
In the Name of the Father,
And of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit.

He did not tell the nations to read the Bible which had not been written and teach themselves what they thought best after having read the unwritten...

It was those who had been discipled by the Apostles, or the Apostles themselves, who wrote the New Testament Bible, you see...



TOL Subscriber
I had an English teacher once tell the class that if the words they use are not understood by those to whom you are speaking, then you have failed.

It's a good thing that teacher was so infallible and spoke inspired truth. NOT.

PneumaPsucheSoma is showing off and God's Truth is hidden from such.

Incorrect on both counts.

Luke 10:21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.

Just put me on ignore and save us both from your Modalist heresy. Your puffed-up gnosis and usurping authority over men are both unacceptable.

I look forward to being on your ignore list. Thanks.

God's Truth

New member
It's a good thing that teacher was so infallible and spoke inspired truth. NOT.

Incorrect on both counts.

Just put me on ignore and save us both from your Modalist heresy. Your puffed-up gnosis and usurping authority over men are both unacceptable.

I look forward to being on your ignore list. Thanks.

I care very little about how many neg reps you give me or about any of your hateful messages that spew forth from your rancid heart.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
I think the chart is a Clarence Larkin chart about the body/soul/spirit.

I believe there is a Trinity, the Godhead, Father, Son, and Spirit.

We are a trinity of body/soul/spirit.

The three fold nature of man.
Soma -- Body
Psyche -- Soul
Pneuma -- Spirit​
Yes, that I believe.


Well-known member
I guess you're going to ignore that heaven and angels are created and exist, but you can't show me their phenomena. So I guess heaven and angels don't exist.

They are heavenly phrnomena, all created... And yes, they can be shown, but not unless they do the showing...

And by your standard, God doesn't exist and isn't Self-Conscious or Self-Existent.

We anthropomorphize God in these kinds of formulaics, and indeed, God Himself does so, in condescension to us who only have our fallen conceptual understanding to rely upon...

God makes existent that which was not, and makes non-existent that which was. THEREFORE: Is God existent or non-existent? And the answer is: Neither... His Self-existence serves merely to differentiate Him from our contingency of existence...

Likewise with the existence and non-existence of consciousness in creation... We possess the Image of God in OUR created self-awareness... We can have no clue as to what that may mean in its Divine Essential and Original Form...

God tells us: "My thoughts are not your thoughts..."

We take Him at His word...

He evidently doesn't shine as uncreated phenomenon, and has no prosopon/oa. How tragic and unfortunate.

He is the Creator of Phenomenon/a... A Ford automobile cannot reason backwards from its steering wheel to the emotional life of Henry Ford...

God is Self-phenomenal uncreated existence.

Then you believe God is created, because ALL phenomena are created... A Self-phenomenon of uncreated existence, when existence is created by a Creator who is beyond existence and non-existence, is self-contradictory...

This is why Orthodoxy is heterodox, but very close. Close doesn't count in horseshoes, hand grenades, or Theology Proper that omits God's uncreated transcendent Self-Conscious Self-Existence.

I think we would reject such a notion as anthropomorphizing the nature of God the Creator from nature of creation...

What if I'm right and Orthodoxy is fallible in this regard? What then?

THAT proof is in the Life lived, and not in a doctrine professed...

You walkin' on water these days?

And the most grievous thing for me is you insisting my nous intuition is intellect. It's a very handy semi-polite ad hominem to resort to in response to any challenge to Orthodoxy.

Well, if it isn't, and you are wrong, what then? It is worse... It is a noetic infusion that is either from God or is NOT from God...

Modalists of certain types are about as close as Multi-Hypostatic Trinitarians. Any creative act relative to the Son or a denial of homoousios divinity for the Holy Spirit is moving away from truth dramatically. But EVERYONE is wrong by degree, having never had their incomplete doctrines reconciled to Christ.

Apophatics deconstructed the neo-Platonism of Greece and all the pre-Socratics...

And you've insisted Jesus revealed the truth to His followers, but it was all by extended formulaic.

That sounds strange... Jesus revealed HIMSELF to His followers, and He is a Person... And in this, He revealed that God is Person... And that Jesus, Who IS God, was obedient to His Father, so that there are two Persons Who are One God.... And the same with the Holy Spirit, making Three... Who are One God... We do not pretend to know HOW this is, simply THAT it is...

What you're saying on this topic is that God is not Self-aware or Self-conscious in any way as a being that is Self-existence.

We re saying that ALL of these terms pertain to creation, and not to the Creator, although they CAN be used to help us who are fallen in a fallen creation to know Who God IS...

We say: "God exists." And we do well... But this existence, whatever it may be, is not anything we even begin to understand... We can say that God's existence is "Unconditional Transcendent, Self-Conscious Self-Existence" and give it a drum roll and trumpets and a choral halelulia, and we still don't know Schnartz about God...

When it comes to God Himself, not one human being except Christ Himself, has ever met Mr. Schnartz...

"My THOUGHTS are NOT your thoughts..."

Yet Christ took on our thoughts in His Person, and was victorious...

You say God doesn't have phenomenological or noumenological existence, yet He created existence as phenomena. That's Neo-Platonism, and God then isn't really a "who".

Noumena is a created phenomenon of the human heart... The Nous is the Eye of the Heart... It is the director of the intelligence... It is Janus-faced, in that it can be scattered among the phenomena of existence, or it can be concentrated into the Love of God in ongoing purification of the Heart...

God is not a product of our noumenal existence... And indeed, demons have noetic access to our bodies and souls... The Nous of man can perceive both God and Creation insofar as God is willing to be seen... And insofar as we have enough purity of heart to see Him...

I mean, answering you, God CREATED noumenal existence in man... And of course He can access it... But this does not mean that God has His "existence" in some category of creation known as "Noumenological Phenomenology" or whatever...

God Himself said "I Am". Jesus said "I Am".

You say God is not "I Am", but without recognizing it.

Oh He is the Great I AM, no question, but for us, to whom this conceptual and verbal condescension was given, to sieze upon it and think we KNOW God because we can UNDERSTAND the meaning of the words, just won't cut it...

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God's Truth

New member
Christ suffered...

And He said:

After me is willing to be following...
FIRST let him utterly disregard himself...
THEN let him take upon himself his own cross...
AND THEN be following Me.

Are you following Him?

Christ suffered on the Cross...
YOU are to take up your own cross of suffering...
ONLY then can you be following Him...

You writing of the above sentence is not from Holy Scripture...

It is scripture. I only say what the scriptures say.

I will gladly show it to you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

John 8:31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."

Psalm 119:100 I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.

Psalm 37:5Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:

See Arsenios, we do not get understanding until we first trust and obey.


So I have a little poser for you...
Because Scripture was not written until decades after Christ...
You are making that up. We do not know exactly when the gospels according to Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John were written. There is no reason to believe it was decades after Christ.

Then there is Acts, written by Luke, then the rest of the Bible are letters that were written to the churches, and to Timothy, and Titus...the letters written were scriptures then, and now. The letters were read by the first Christians.
Which is PRIMARY?

The Scripture that is written?


The the Person who is writing Scripture?

It is the same, for the writers of the scriptures did not contradict the verbal teachings.

However, the denomination you belong to does contradict the writings.

Which came FIRST?

You see, the Faith of Christ is discipled in His Apostolic Body...

Because Christ commanded His Apostles...

GO therefore and...
DISCIPLE all the Nations...
TEACHING them to be meticulously observing...
ALL things whatsoever that I have commanded you to be doing...
In the Name of the Father,
And of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit.

He did not tell the nations to read the Bible which had not been written and teach themselves what they thought best after having read the unwritten...

They had the Old Testament. Think of the Bereans, they checked on what the Apostles said.

The Old Testament scriptures were revealed now by the Apostles. Those are the PROPHETIC WRITINGS being made known...the Old Testament scriptures.

Romans 16:25-27 Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him–to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen

We have God's Word written down for us to believe on, and not what your teachers claim.

It was those who had been discipled by the Apostles, or the Apostles themselves, who wrote the New Testament Bible, you see...


There is no way what is written contradicts what was verbally taught.

Luke 1:1-4 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

The New Testament teachings were by letter and books right from the beginning. In 1 Timothy 5:18 Paul joins a New Testament scripture (Luke 10:7) to an Old Testament scripture (Deuteronomy 25:4) and calls them both scripture. In addition, we can see in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter recognizes what Paul writes as scripture.

The Bible was written for us to believe and have life in Jesus' name.

John 20:30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.


TOL Subscriber
Only if it was one-sided. Is it? It is as deep as you go with me, right?

It's kinda hard to say. I've never been so misrepresented as you have done with my posts on Theology Proper. You still refuse to listen, and has caricatured everything I've said to some weird concept I can't even identify or dissect to correct.

And that's before continuously dressing me down about my comments to illustrate the unintentional blasphemy of conflating perichoresis with hypostatic union. The alleged three hypostases are not in hypostatic union, but perichoresis; the former being the hypostasization of the Son's Incarnation, which is the means of our hypostatic union depicted in BOTH physical human marriage AND heavenly marriage as the Bride to the Son.

So the sexual reference was a contrast to human marriage, conveying how blasphemous it would be for the alleged three hypostases to be in hypostatic union rather than perichoresis. DUH!!

Hardly components of friendship, I'd say. Especially with all the condescension of presumed superiority.

I apologize I missed your apology. I didn't see that (still don't, post #?). I saw "go ahead and report."


As far as the other comments/corrections: Either you didn't hear me, either, or you chose to ridicule what is necessarily true. If you want to ask why it MUST be necessarily true, we might be able to talk about that one day.

Nope. You utterly misunderstood and caricatured.

As far as Nang (you brought up her comment several times), you were correct she was seeing something other than correction

No. She understood everything I was saying about both Theology Proper and the sexual comments to illustrate the blasphemy of interposing perichoresis and hypostatic union.

At times, she understands disagreement as inappropriate, which is sad, because she corrects me and others often enough. Correction is nothing of the sort, and can be done in a kind-hearted fashion. Perhaps softening words are needed on my part, but I wasn't being mean.

It's not your place to correct me, but to discuss. Especially when you so grossly misperceived every last syllable I said.

I was simply calling out what I saw as incorrect and in the former, inappropriate.

And you were egregiously mistaken on all counts but still persisted.

I wonder if she exacerbated what might have been a minor exchange.

No, but you did with your horrific misunderstandings.

For whatever part is my fault, I apologize and will endeavor to do better, because I do appreciate being your friend AND your erudite contributions to this and other threads. -Lon with my apologies.

Okay. I'm more concerned about what I've said and its accurate representation than an apology.