ECT Our triune God


Well-known member
Maybe you can tell us the Holy Spirit's name?

Heavenly King...
Spirit of Truth...
Giver of Life...

He does not have a worldly name...
He never incarnated, you see...

Nor does the Father have a worldly name...
But only the Son...

The incarnate Son is the only Person to have a worldly Name...
Prior to that He was the Logos...
And during...
And after...
You see...

And even His worldly Name is a Title...

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Well-known member

I did.

No, you didn't...

Do you DENY that Scripture teaches us to purchase righteousness with our unrighteous manna?
That we are to double whatever talents we have been given.?
That the 5 foolish virgins were told to go PURCHASE oil?



Literal lunatic
No, you didn't...

Do you DENY that Scripture teaches us to purchase righteousness with our unrighteous manna?

Yep, I deny it.

Jesus was the true bread(manna) from heaven.

No where does he say to buy what is freely given to us.

That we are to double whatever talents we have been given.?

Those talents are God's gift of faith, not money. 30, 60, an hundred.

When we share with one another what he has given us, God gives the increase.

That the 5 foolish virgins were told to go PURCHASE oil?

They were out of time.

The only way to be assured you are pleasing God, is the sacrifice of a meek and humble spirit.

Those virgins learned it to late.

Romans 12:1 KJV

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

You might wanna take note that those shops they went to get that oil from wudn't at the party either.

Now I am going to assume you meant mammon instead of manna in yer first question.

When Jesus said be righteous with it or who will trust you with the true riches of heaven, the who was not Himself or God.

Luke 16:11 KJV

11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

carry out or perpetrate (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).
"he committed an uncharacteristic error"
synonyms: carry out, do, perpetrate, engage in, enact, execute, effect, accomplish; More
pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy.
"they were reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion"
synonyms: pledge, devote, apply, give, dedicate
"they committed themselves to the project"

He was talking of putting yer money where yer mouth is to show the right way of God.


Luke 6:35 KJV

35 But love ye your enemies, and do good , and lend , hoping for nothing again ; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

Ephesians 4:28 KJV

28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour , working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth .

James 2:16 KJV

16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled ; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
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Literal lunatic
Christ instructed that the Apostles baptize all the Nations...
In the Name of the Father,
And of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit.

Have YOU been so baptized in these Holy Names?


I baptized myself many years ago.

And actually it was about the same time the lord layed it upon Pnuemas heart to fast and pray for bringing him out of the clutches of false doctrine.


Well-known member
I baptized myself...

Well then, welcome to America, where self-reliance is rewarded!

But if you baptized yourself, then you BELIEVE IN your SELF...

You obviously do NOT believe in Christ, because Christ did not tell you to baptize yourself -
He told His Apostles to baptize ALL the Nations, remember?
He no where told the Nations to baptize themselves...
And he told YOU to DENY the SELF who baptized YOU...
Remember that too? I can give you the Scripture if you like...

So the answer is NO, yes?

You have not received the Apostolic Baptism Christ instructed...

Have you?



Well-known member
Yep, I deny it.

Jesus was the true bread(manna) from heaven.

No where does he say to buy what is freely given to us.

What a hoot - You actually DO agree with me!

So no, you cannot purchase what only Christ can give...

Do you not remember the rich young man, and how Jesus told him to go and sell all that he had and give to the poor? What did Jesus say he would receive IF he did this? Do you remember?

Those talents are God's gift of faith, not money. 30, 60, an hundred.

And HOW, exactly, are they INCREASED an hundred-fold???

When we share with one another what he has given us, God gives the increase.

Indeed so - When we share our unrighteous mammon... By that, we purchase the increase...

They were out of time.

Yes, the Bridegroom cometh at midnight...
And blessed are those whom He finds watching...

The only way to be assured you are pleasing God, is the sacrifice of a meek and humble spirit.

They had no oil for their lamps, in the parable...

Are you swaying the oil is a sacrifice of a meek and humble spirit?

Those virgins learned it to late.

They had to buy oil in order to enter into the Bridal Chamber...

And they were too late...

What WAS that oil, and HOW was it purchased?

Romans 12:1 KJV

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

No help - Christ was anointed with oil - Christ means oil... Chrism is oil... The foolish virgins had no oil, and had to purchase more... How is it purchased?

You might wanna take note that those shops they went to get that oil from wudn't at the party either.

Yaarp... AND, it is a PARABLE...

So what do YOU think the oil IS??

Now I am going to assume you meant mammon instead of manna in yer first question.

I did, thank-you...

When Jesus said be righteous with it or who will trust you with the true riches of heaven, the who was not Himself or God.

Luke 16:11 KJV

11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

carry out or perpetrate (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).
"he committed an uncharacteristic error"
synonyms: carry out, do, perpetrate, engage in, enact, execute, effect, accomplish; More
pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy.
"they were reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion"
synonyms: pledge, devote, apply, give, dedicate
"they committed themselves to the project"

So you prove yourself materially in order to gain spiritually?
NOW y'er talkin!

He was talking of putting yer money where yer mouth is to show the right way of God.


Luke 6:35 KJV

35 But love ye your enemies, and do good , and lend , hoping for nothing again ; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

Yupper! No material gain = Great reward in heaven!

Ephesians 4:28 KJV

28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour , working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth .

Perfect! - Give away hard earned mammon to attain heavenly rewards...

James 2:16 KJV

16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled ; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

More of the same - Give away mammon for the heavenly manna...

Remember the parable of the shrewd and unrighteous servant? He saw the axe about to fall and he hastened to give away monies owed for the sake of attaining friends in the next life... And in this one, if you delete it as a parable...

We DO agree...



Literal lunatic
What a hoot - You actually DO agree with me!

So no, you cannot purchase what only Christ can give...

Do you not remember the rich young man, and how Jesus told him to go and sell all that he had and give to the poor? What did Jesus say he would receive IF he did this? Do you remember?

And HOW, exactly, are they INCREASED an hundred-fold???

Indeed so - When we share our unrighteous mammon... By that, we purchase the increase...

Yes, the Bridegroom cometh at midnight...
And blessed are those whom He finds watching...

They had no oil for their lamps, in the parable...

Are you swaying the oil is a sacrifice of a meek and humble spirit?

They had to buy oil in order to enter into the Bridal Chamber...

And they were too late...

What WAS that oil, and HOW was it purchased?

No help - Christ was anointed with oil - Christ means oil... Chrism is oil... The foolish virgins had no oil, and had to purchase more... How is it purchased?

Yaarp... AND, it is a PARABLE...

So what do YOU think the oil IS??

I did, thank-you...

So you prove yourself materially in order to gain spiritually?
NOW y'er talkin!

Yupper! No material gain = Great reward in heaven!

Perfect! - Give away hard earned mammon to attain heavenly rewards...

More of the same - Give away mammon for the heavenly manna...

Remember the parable of the shrewd and unrighteous servant? He saw the axe about to fall and he hastened to give away monies owed for the sake of attaining friends in the next life... And in this one, if you delete it as a parable...

We DO agree...


Man, this is such a mess it dosen't even deserve a reply.


Literal lunatic
Well then, welcome to America, where self-reliance is rewarded!

But if you baptized yourself, then you BELIEVE IN your SELF...

You obviously do NOT believe in Christ, because Christ did not tell you to baptize yourself -
He told His Apostles to baptize ALL the Nations, remember?
He no where told the Nations to baptize themselves...
And he told YOU to DENY the SELF who baptized YOU...
Remember that too? I can give you the Scripture if you like...

So the answer is NO, yes?

You have not received the Apostolic Baptism Christ instructed...

Have you?


You mean the one you cant find the name for?


Well-known member
Man, this is such a mess it dosen't even deserve a reply.

Some call it renunciation of the world for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven... That is what your citations were showing... Where, at the end, Christ could say for Himself, that "The world has nothing in me."

The rich young man was instructed by Christ to go, and sell all he possessed, and give to the poor, "And (IF you do so) you shall have riches in Heaven..." Christ's very words... Heavenly riches are purchased with worldly poverty... Economic, social, political, psychological, and on and on... For "It is harder for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven that for a camel [a ship's mooring line] to pass through the eye of a needle...

So that the purchase of the oil for the lamps of the 10 Virgins was made in the giving of alms and self deprivation for the sake of others, in worldly poverty of self-denial... The REAL kenosis...

Sometimes I can write in a messed up style - Forgive me...



Well-known member
You mean the one you cant find the name for?

Nowhere in all of Scripture does the Holy Spirit perform a Baptism...

It is ALWAYS a flesh and blood person doing it TO someone...

And after Christ, they do it IN the Holy Spirit...

The Holy Spirit does NOT do the Baptism...

Ananias, for instance, baptized Paul, remember?



Literal lunatic
Some call it renunciation of the world for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven... That is what your citations were showing... Where, at the end, Christ could say for Himself, that "The world has nothing in me."

The rich young man was instructed by Christ to go, and sell all he possessed, and give to the poor, "And (IF you do so) you shall have riches in Heaven..." Christ's very words... Heavenly riches are purchased with worldly poverty... Economic, social, political, psychological, and on and on... For "It is harder for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven that for a camel [a ship's mooring line] to pass through the eye of a needle...

So that the purchase of the oil for the lamps of the 10 Virgins was made in the giving of alms and self deprivation for the sake of others, in worldly poverty of self-denial... The REAL kenosis...

Sometimes I can write in a messed up style - Forgive me...


The eye of the needle was the small door used to enter a city after the main gates were shut.

Nothing to do with a ships mooring line.

Messed up style......?

Umm yeah......

Completely inverted upside down baloney.

Lazy afternoon

yes they can, and they can see who they are to, and why. i don't make rude comments to folks that speak the truth. anyone can see you copy/paste ritually and attack the trinity, discount rightly dividing God's Word, and members of the Body Of Christ. i was actually feeling pity for you earlier, empathy, a sadness because i think you are misunderstood here at times, yet you redeem yourself with a post like this. how rude of you - :patrol:

I copy and paste scripture.

Why does that bother you, are you are an unbeliever.

Whatever view you have of Jesus Christ, it is a fail.

Amazingly both you and Gros do the same.

I have no respect for you whatever after all of your rude comments.



TOL Subscriber
Was there confusion?

Unparalled confusion. It is truly the most egregious misrepresentation and misunderstanding I've expericenced in my 52 years of life on this oblate spheroid.

I feel, though PPS certainly could have been exceedingly gracious, he was not.

It is you who intervened in a conversation and was continually ungracious. At the least, this is a double standard from you.

He didn't bother to PM me, or anything of the sort.

And vice versa for you not PMing me. You never attempted to get clarification from me, instead ranting and accusing me while misapprehending and mischaracterizing what I said to the extent I couldn't even begin to correct it.

Nang clearly understood what I was saying, and wasn't offended at my deptiction of what the unintentional blasphemy was in sexual terms.

And you STILL don't want to comprehend what I actually said about that, while still extensively misunderstanding everything I've said including God's simplicity, etc.

He said to go ahead and report it.

Yes, because I'm familiar with your excessive and disturbing tattling mentality, so I knew it was coming instead of you bothering to clarify.

Here is where it started:

This is an odd question for one who understands Christ as God. I was questioned first on it by a 1Mind, who is a Unitarian so it was an odd thing to be questioned by a person who claims to be triune. PPS's next comment supported a Unitarian, against a triune doctrine.

Nope. Not even close.

The Eastern Orthodox do confuse the Spirit as only proceeding from the Father, but it is not 'sexual' in error.

That had nothing to do with my analogy, which was about Arsenios mistaking Hypostatic Union with perichoresis. Procession is quite another issue altogether from hypostatic union or perichoresis. You weren't bothering to pay attention, preferring to become incensed over your own ignorant false perception and assessment.

That is a gross overstatement. Do they essentially disagree with the Triune position? No. They may misunderstand it, but embrace God as One with three distinctions.

Total sidebar from my points.

PPS is less gracious to erring Trinitarians than I or others.

Finally an accurate statement from you. Trinitarians have no business correcting others when they don't even represent their own doctrine.

There is a precedence for calling those who have an appearance of godliness yet denying the power thereof, but it must be done accurately. Sexuality has no place in a triune discussion about our God.

The problem with this comment is two-fold. First, I had already desisted and posted an apology to anyone offended. Second, it was to illustrate the simple blasphemous fallacy of equating hypostatic union (which includes physical sexual union for a human husband and wife) to the perichoresis of the alleged multiple hypostases.

You simply didn't and don't understand, instead choosing to play preschool tattletale in your tantrum of utter confusion. Odd how Nang clearly understood my criticism by using sexual terms related to a human husband and wife in hypostatic union (which was HIS example to begin with, and to which I responded).

This thread isn't for that purpose. Furthermore, when corrected on this, his understanding of 'simplicity' and the nature of the physical universe as coming from God who is Spirit,

Which is what you grossly misunderstood.

he showed himself to be arrogant, not beneath sophomoric ridicule, nor above exacerbating that ridicule by 'reporting' his indiscretion in order to malign and marginalize, he showed himself to be a candidate for infraction, even gaining maliciousness against challenge.

My responses were to your unimaginable, and still remaining, misrepresentation and peculiar inversion of literally every word I said. And there was no reasonig with you. Ask Nang. She understood what I was saying.

I simply reported his gross indiscretion for calling a fellow Trinitarian, however heterodox, a homosexual, wrong and inappropriate for TOL.

I didn't call anyone a homosexual. I was depicting his misunderstanding of perichoresis as hypostatic union by demonstrating that a Father and Son in hypostatic union would be illustrative of marriage. That's blasphemous, though I insisted it was unintentional as ignorance.

It doesn't belong in this thread. I said nothing of these indiscretions, harmful words, or self-elevating other-effacing expressions.

You're hyper-sensitive and anxious to misrepresent. I'll say it again... You have completely misunderstood, misrepresented, misapprehended, and mispreceived virtually every word I've said, and to a degree I've never experienced since I first drew breath as a human.

You missed it that bad. Spirit from flesh? No. Nor all the other stuff you claimed as my position.

His infraction was 'not' for a spiritual argument, but an incorrect crude comment about another's theology that had nothing to do with sexuality, nor especially perverted sexuality with the living God.

If only you had any idea what I said and why, you would have agreed instead of playing kindergarten with the report button.

You have misunderstood everything I've said about Theology Proper. And you've misunderstood my comments about the blasphemous conflation of perichoresis and hypostatic union for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

And this doesn't even address your temper and immature recourse over your own false perceptions that you didn't bother to clarify and ignored my own attempts at clarification.

If you ever figure out what I said, let me know. Your false accusations are unfounded, as was my infraction at your hands.


TOL Subscriber

Within our hallowed walls, the Trinitarian doctrine is debated and I honor all who call the Son God as the Father and Spirit are God. So, with Tri- and -une intact, we have a good company.

No, you do not. You misrepresent them and report them, evidently.


TOL Subscriber
That's good. I only reported him for a blatant affront toward EO.

Nope. You were ridiculously trigger-happy about something you refused to understand.

Do you know the difference between perichoresis, hypostatic union, and singular-/dual-procession? Evidently you don't.

No, don't get me wrong. He even flamed out at me. I did two things: 1) I called him on his ungodly sexual accusation


of which he responded "report me." So I did.

Yep. Tattling is your style, so I knew it was coming even though you misunderstood.

2) Unrelated, I corrected two of his statements, of which he ridiculed.

Because you immeasurably misperceived and misrepresented what I said. I needed no such correction. It was beyond a strawman.

I don't really care about that. He can do as he likes regarding a correction.

It wasn't valid. And I tired to tell you that repeatedly.

I find it childish and inappropriate, but I'm not the thought police.

But of course you are.

Such marginalizes what I thought to be a friendship, but again, that is all very one-sided.

Your "friendship" was pretty shallow.

I would report any friend for the former and have come to expect fair-weather friends on TOL. Sad, but a fact of reality. I am not, nor ever will be a fair-weather friend.

Much worse. An irrational one with double standards and lack of consideration that you misunderstood on an epic level.

A few TOL friends no longer think of me in those terms. It doesn't matter to me, I don't spin on a dime. They will remain my friends whether they want me or not or de-friend me. That isn't my responsibility. My responsibility is to show myself a friend.


You haven't and didn't. :(


TOL Subscriber
Well, I just hope he is not banned for too long... He was wrong to jump on that sexual business, and a rebuke is certainly in order, but he has repented of it, and stopped... Even though he keeps mentioning how he still thinks it was not all that inappropriate...

Too bad you misunderstood, too. :(

He just gets on that brainiac bicycle of his and the chips fall where they may - I get a kick out of his rants, but they can go astray, and he needs to learn to reign in some words... Mental brilliance is no guarantee of doctrinal rectitude...

Nor is a lack of mental brilliance.

Good news for him is that his books arrived, and now he has some time to actually sit down and READ...

And the Orthodox are now in Holy Week, and as usual remain outside worldly time-frames... In the services of Holy Week, time is inverted, and morning and evening services are reversed, for ALL is being restored...



TOL Subscriber
The sentence sung in Services is this:

"And IN Thy Light shall we SEE Light..."

The implication is clear:

"Outside that Light, one cannot see the Light..."

Behavior in Church Services indicates little, unless one knows what one is seeing... This is why PPS's criticism - eg "They are not theological enough for me..." - falls on deaf ears...

Wow. Not what I said.

For the reason that God is not encountered in DOCTRINES, but IS encountered in PERSON...

Exactly. I'm not the one touting the doctrine. YOU insist on the Trinity by explicit formulaic.

Brainiacs, in the Orthodox Church, as a general rule, make lousy so-called theologians... The true theologians in this Faith of Christ do NOT normally speak or write of it... They simply LIVE their lives in this world, and when a brainiac blusters in with a Santa Clause Bag of 5-10 syllable words that nobody has ever heard of and wants to string them together in ways nobody understands, they normally just smile, shuffle off, and discuss the Yankees with their brother-in-law sleeping on their couch...

Wow. I'm sure they do. Discuss baseball instead of truth, that is.

Jes' sayin'!!

I know a lot of non-Orthodox folks who have had encounters with God in Person - They are spiritual anchors in their Protestant worship communities... They anchor the tents of the Churches in my town where I live... They are all friends of mine... We know each other... We knew each other on sight...

And there are others whom I do NOT yet know...

I serve as a Reader in my little Church here, have not been ordained, and function as best I can... We are just now, tonight, with the Sunday night service, which is actually, after sunset, the Monday Service, entering Holy Week, one week after the western calendar... Pascha for us is next Sunday - The Saturday midnight Service... And we will then break the Fast of Lent and its two weeks of fasting surrounding it... eg the 54 day Great Fast... Light vegan diet of two small meals per day...

I've always thought it odd that nesteuo means abstain from food, but Lent fasters always eat while calling it a "fast".

All I do is pray for people, and help out where I can, and work at my job - I am a self-employed person... I am not a priest - Serving at the Holy Altar is not my calling... I work with souls when I work at all... So far at least...

You are right that when a person uses an adjectival term for God rather than the term Person,

I don't use an adjectival term. I use the Greek term hypostasis. The English term "person" didn't exist when scripture was inspired.

one confesses that he or she has not met God in Person...

Nope. How dare you make or change the confession of another?!

Like your heterodox orthodoxy, you don't understand phenomona.

Because THAT is the take-away from every Personal encounter with Him...

Wow. An adjective.

God is not a sub-standing, but is the Substanding Person

Impossible. There was no such English word at Nicea or Constantinople or for the Cappadocians.

And in English, ALL persons are beings by definition and etymology.

Who is One of the Holy Trinity... And the Trinity is One... And it doesn't explain away... Were it to do so, God would not be apprehended by Faith, but instead by INFERENCE...

Then stop inferring

Trinitarian Theology is empirical... It is not a logically consistent construct of unfamiliar words having peculiar definitions...



Right. Like "person/s".

Please explain why an English term must be the determinant when NO English words even existed when scripture was inspired or when the Trinity doctrine was formulated.

Please explain that.

Please. Explain that.

(And you even make it the criteria for whether or not someone has encountered God. An English word. Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft. Sheer and utter insanity.)


Well-known member
The eye of the needle was the small door used to enter a city after the main gates were shut.

Nothing to do with a ships mooring line.

Messed up style......?

Umm yeah......

Completely inverted upside down baloney.

Nice dodge...

Others call it the name of a pass in the mountains where it is so narrow that the camels have to take off their loads to fit through...

I like that one best, don't you?

We unload ourselves for the Kingdom of Heaven...

With help from our friends, mind you...

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Well-known member

You're BACK!!

Glory to God!

I don't have much time - Morning Liturgy this morning as Holy week proceeds...

Glad you're back!

Wow. Not what I said.

It was the gist...

One of the big complaints of Protestants of the Latin faithful is that they do not know their Bibles - Your complaint was a step up from this, because your complaint is that the Orthodox Faithful are not theologians as you regard yourself... Why shucks, even the Priest confessed he did not do all that much in his theology class in Seminary... Seminarians tend to study Liturgy far, far more than theology...

Exactly. I'm not the one touting the doctrine. YOU insist on the Trinity by explicit formulaic.

We insist on three Divine Persons comprising the Godhead...

Wow. I'm sure they do. Discuss baseball instead of truth, that is.

you just proved my "gist"... :)

I've always thought it odd that nesteuo means abstain from food, but Lent fasters always eat while calling it a "fast".

That is how New Age demoniacs understand fasting and believe in Health Food Stores... We understand Adam to be a faster, and he could freely eat of ALL the fruit of the Garden EXCEPT one, and as long as he kept that Fast, he lived... And when he broke it, he died...

I don't use an adjectival term. I use the Greek term hypostasis. The English term "person" didn't exist when scripture was inspired.

Find a smelly old Greek who is bi-lingual in English and sometimes even dreams in English... Ask him what Hypostasis means... He will tell you Person...

Nope. How dare you make or change the confession of another?!

When the word Person is missing, it is a HUGE red flag...

Like your heterodox orthodoxy, you don't understand phenomona.

Phenomena is created...

Wow. An adjective.

Yes, modifying a noun...

Impossible. There was no such English word at Nicea or Constantinople or for the Cappadocians.

Do we have to go back to the origins of the term, meaning "the ACTOR which stands under the MASK of personality on stage"...? That actor is the hidden PERSON DOING the acting...

And in English, ALL persons are beings by definition and etymology.

Where is the Greek term for being? ousia perhaps??

Please explain why an English term must be the determinant when NO English words even existed when scripture was inspired or when the Trinity doctrine was formulated.

Please explain that.

Please. Explain that.

Because we are English speaking...

And person has the same referents as hypostasis in Greek...


patrick jane

I copy and paste scripture.

Why does that bother you, are you are an unbeliever.

Whatever view you have of Jesus Christ, it is a fail.

Amazingly both you and Gros do the same.

I have no respect for you whatever after all of your rude comments.


i stand by this post you responded to - you seem to confuse me with folks that tell you that you are "unsaved". you are imo, but i don't tell folks that. you mistake rudeness for rebuke and you go against the very scriptures you copy/paste. i still have respect for YOU, a bit less now - :patrol:

Originally Posted by patrick jane View Post
yes they can, and they can see who they are to, and why. i don't make rude comments to folks that speak the truth. anyone can see you copy/paste ritually and attack the trinity, discount rightly dividing God's Word, and members of the Body Of Christ. i was actually feeling pity for you earlier, empathy, a sadness because i think you are misunderstood here at times, yet you redeem yourself with a post like this. how rude of you -

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