"OSAS" people are not answering this question.


Well-known member
Faith without obedience is dead.

You don't like the faith of Jesus Christ?

Not good enough for you?

What's the matter didn't he die for you the way you wanted him to?

Or maybe his obedience to God was not up to your standards?

Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ fell short in some way?

Chapter and verse please?


New member
I guarantee you that sister heir has zero "MAD" books.

:chuckle: Sure she has none; she once ragged against Stam's "Things That Differ."

Hah, unless you're saying she would do such a thing against a Mid-Acts author she'd never read...

For shame, Barney; be nicer to your own :chuckle:


New member
Remember when poster JohnW claimed he could murder someone today as a Christian and still be forever justified? I started a thread on it and you defended him and agreed with his idea in spite of 1 John 3:15. Would you trust poster JohnW with your children?

I wouldn't trust a stranger with my children. But that's not really the issue here. Nice straw man though, does it include colored hats and extra straw?

The issue is what the faith of Christ accomplished, Gal. 2:20; not what we think we can maintain, Gal. 3: 3.

God's Truth

New member
There are MAD books, but there are different "understandings."
The other MADist said there were no books.
Maybe you need to school him?
Just as there are people you might find hold a similar understanding with yours on some things and not on other things; that kind of thing.

The books written about MAD will differ depending on what "understanding" their particular author holds to.

There are different MAD understandings represented on TOL.

Just as Tetelestai and, say, Interplanner, or I Am A Berean, will differ in their understanding of some things, though they generally basically hold to a very similar understanding, overall.

This really all boils down to two theologies (study of the things of God)....

1) The Reformed or Covenant, and all the different groups that has resulted in over the years.

2) Dispensational, and all the different groups that has resulted in over the years.

Both schools of thought are Protestant. They essentially hold to the same fundamentals of the faith. Unlike, say Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of Christ, 7th Day Adventists - which are not Protestant.

Both the Reformed and the Dispensational school, are an attempt to organize their study of the things of God, into a way of studying out the who, what, when, where, why, and how, of things described within Scripture.

That is really all both schools of thought are - an attempt to organize their study of the things of God.

And within all the groups those two have resulted in, you will find people who take issue with anyone who does not hold their exact view, and are rather nasty about how they let one know.
Yeah, like you.

Then you have others within all those groups who are not like that.

Lastly, within all those groups, most will not really know much about what they actually hold to. Because, as with much in life, most follow whatever they were brought up in, or that appears to make sense to them given what they have failed to consider about one thing or another.

And then you have the know it alls - like the guy who wrote this :chuckle:
God's Truth can be known. You will not find God's Truth by going to seminary; or to a denomination's study class, etc.

If a person wants God's Truth and not some religion's truth, then you have to get a Bible and what Jesus says.


New member
The wages of sin is death, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD is eternal life. It's a gift you refuse to accept, but claim must be EARNED. :noid:

The way the Apostles wrote the New Testament shows that they believed that Salvation is a gift of God that is only given as a reward to those who earn it by pleasing God through their faith.

This was opposed to the teaching of the Pharisees that claimed that anyone could earn a place in the World to come (Olam haBa) through the practice of legalistic rituals.

If you think that God will just give you Salvation for no reason at all (either through Universal Reconciliation or through Unconditional Election) then you are completely mistaken.

If you think that Salvation is just lying there waiting for you to pick it up and claim it (Buffet Christianity) then you are completely mistaken.

The writers of the New Testament understood that Jesus paid a very high price for the ability to redeem us. They also understood that anyone redeemed by Jesus are His slaves and as slaves they must obey the commands of Jesus.

Jesus gives us the choice of letting Him redeem us through confessing Him as our Lord. However, that does not mean that our confessing of Jesus as our Lord is all that is needed for us to gain Salvation. We still must be good slaves instead of wicked ones, because Jesus will deny salvation to the wicked slaves that called Him Lord but refused to obey His commandments.

So, don't be stupid and think that you will gain Salvation through nothing more than claiming Jesus as your Lord, since wicked slaves will surely receive the reward of the wicked.

Matthew 25:30
30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.​


God's Truth

New member
I don't speak about not obeying Christ. You, of course, made that up.
No surprise there.

Oh yes you do speak against obeying Jesus! You go against Jesus and say we do not have to obey to be saved. You go against Jesus and say we do not have to continue to obey to stay saved. You go against me for saying we have to obey Jesus.
Don't you remember why you are going against me?


New member
Don't you remember why you are going against me?
He is going against you because he is a troll and you are very easy to provoke, of course.
He also knows that being a troll to people that do not believe the false doctrine of OSAS will not get him into any trouble, so it makes them easy targets to his petty bullying.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't. I confronted what you said head on.
It doesn't. Why do you ask?

DJ (male)

You feel real confident today because the sinful Catholic "pope" is in America, and all people, even non Catholics are blaspheming by calling that sinful man "Holy Father".

It should make you cringe to hear someone call that man Holy Father.

God's Truth

New member
He is going against you because he is a troll and you are very easy to provoke, of course.
He also knows that being a troll to people that do not believe the false doctrine of OSAS will not get him into any trouble, so it makes them easy targets to his petty bullying.

Why are you holding resentment towards me by adding, "You are very easy to provoke"?

Do you hate me because I have proven one of your false beliefs wrong too?